Web Research Links for the Week of 4/29/24

Fair Use Notice: This site may contain some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of vital issues which already exist in the public domain. – Note: These links are posted at the top of the page as the week progresses. Links from previous weeks can be found under the “Current Quicklinx” button.How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans? – by Patrick Wood (& Chat GPT) – https://www.activistpost.com/2024/04/how-did-states-cities-embrace-uns-2030-agenda-climate-action-plans.htmlHERE featuring Patrick Wood and the late Rose Koire. You were warned! – Patrick Wood Interviews ChatGPT on Climate Action Plan – Patrick Wood: My city does not have a formal “climate action plan”, ala the United Nations 2030 Agenda? Should we create one?.. ChatGPT: That’s a great idea! Creating a climate action plan for your city can have a positive impact on the environment and the community. It can help set goals, strategies, and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainability, and address climate change. If you’re interested in pursuing this, I can help provide resources and guidance on how to get started. Let’s work together to make a difference!.. Patrick Wood: Please define “sustainably” in the above context… ChatCPT: Sustainability” in the context of a climate action plan refers to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves implementing practices and policies that promote environmental protection, social equity, and economic prosperity in a way that ensures long-term viability and resilience. By incorporating sustainable practices into a climate action plan, cities can work towards a more environmentally friendly and equitable future for all… Patrick Wood: What does “equitable” mean for my city?.. ChatGPT: “Equitable” in the context of your city means ensuring fairness and justice for all residents, regardless of their background, income level, or social status. It involves creating policies and initiatives that address disparities and provide equal access to resources, opportunities, and services. In the context of a climate action plan, promoting equity means considering the needs and concerns of all community members, especially those who may be disproportionately impacted by environmental challenges. By prioritizing equity, your city can work towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for everyone… Patrick Wood: Will having a Climate Action Plan increase energy prices for residents?.. ChatGPT: Implementing a Climate Action Plan does not necessarily mean that energy prices will increase for residents. In fact, a well-designed plan can actually help reduce energy costs in the long run by promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and sustainable practices. By investing in clean energy technologies, improving building efficiency, and promoting conservation measures, cities can help residents save money on their energy bills while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions… Additionally, many climate action initiatives offer programs and incentives to help residents transition to cleaner and more affordable energy options. It’s important to carefully consider the potential impacts on energy prices when developing a Climate Action Plan and to explore strategies that balance environmental goals with economic considerations to ensure a sustainable and equitable transition for all residents… Patrick Wood: What about the studies that prove that alternative energy is more expensive that traditional energy?.. ChatGPT: While it is true that some studies may suggest that alternative energy sources can be more expensive than traditional fossil fuels in certain contexts, it’s important to consider the broader picture. The costs of renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, have been steadily decreasing in recent years due to advancements in technology, economies of scale, and government incentives… When evaluating the cost of energy sources, it’s also essential to consider the long-term benefits and externalities associated with each option. Renewable energy sources offer numerous advantages, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and decreased reliance on finite resources. These benefits can lead to long-term cost savings, improved public health, and environmental protection, which may outweigh the initial investment in alternative energy infrastructure… Furthermore, investing in renewable energy can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and enhance energy security, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient energy system in the long run. By carefully analyzing the costs and benefits of different energy sources, cities can make informed decisions that support their climate action goals while ensuring affordability and accessibility for residents… (Conclusion): Gee. This reads like an propaganda brochure from the United Nations… Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

On September 20, 2023, the Biden administration met at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York with the goal of recommitting to the [United Nations] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals—SDGs. A White House fact sheet stated, “The United States is committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad… At their core, the SDGs seek to: Expand economic opportunity – This means public-private partnerships, which is crony capitalism. In this scheme there are winners and losers, where profits are privatized and losses are socialized on the backs of middle-class Americans. Advance social justice – This means placating and advancing people based on their skin color. At its core it is discriminatory. Promote good governance – This skirts our elected form of government and injects unelected special interest initiatives into our lives, where no one gets to vote. ●  Ensure no one is left behind – This means catering to protected classes and minorities in order to create “capacity building” for initiatives and redistributive wealth schemes. Under Diversity and Inclusion (DEI), these classes are awarded “equity” and “inclusion” based on their skin color…  In a Ping-Pong game of executive orders, President Obama put the federal agencies into the SDGs; President Trump got SDGs out; President Biden put them back in during the first week of his administration. Congress has done nothing to reel them in… It is antithetical to the United States Constitution; therefore, it is unconstitutional. Even though it’s voluntary, that does not stop its implementation by the government…  Biden sent an envoy to California to study what the state has done with its radical climate bills in order to put the ideas to work in the $1.2 trillion dollar Infrastructure Bill and the $720 billion dollar Inflation Reduction Act. In order to “incentivize” states, the federal government offers grants for voluntary, nonbinding, United Nations SDGs. In other words, states don’t have to do this; however, they sell out for the money…  In order to take advantage of bribe money called grants, States have inserted themselves into California-style climate action plans to reduce arbitrary greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). People can no longer say, ‘It’s just happening in California.” You are California…  According to the EPA, “States submitted climate action plans under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. In 2023, under the first phase of the $5 billion program, EPA made a total of $250 million in grants available to states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, 80 MSAs, four territories, and over 200 Tribes and Tribal consortia to develop ambitious climate action plans that address greenhouse gas emissions. 45 states are now covered by a climate action plan.  5 states: Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, South Dakota and Wyoming decided not to participate.’..  Sustainability is collectivism: It’s a worldview where free individuals must give up their rights and private property for the collective good; where everyone is equal—equally poor. It is antithetical to the United States Constitution; therefore, it is unconstitutional. Even though it’s voluntary, that does not stop its implementation by the government… It is using less of everything: Less food, less energy, less choice, less water, less mobility and less freedom…  Sustainability can be defined as artificial scarcity under the guise of conservation. Its goal is transformation through control of society by behavior modification and social engineering. It is using less of everything: Less food, less energy, less choice, less water, less mobility and less freedom.  At its core, its rationing, all contrived by unelected agencies, boards, bodies, commissions, nonprofit corporations, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Indian tribes. This ‘governance’ is designed to replace our representative form of ‘government’ by turning elected public officials into to rubber stamps, installing prepackaged solutions, for problems that don’t exist…  Once climate actions plans become law or have ordinances attached to them, property owners will have a difficult time unwinding them. Ordinances are now being drafted in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California… Rancho Cucamonga, California: A Climate Action Plan (CAP) Case Study – CAPs are being accomplished at the state and local level. For example, the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California has added a CAP to its comprehensive General Plan Update as a “companion”. Now, the city is drafting administrative ordinances to it.  See the article titled, Climate Change: Rancho Cucamonga Proposing Questionable “Mandatory” Tax & Fees on Residential and Commercial Property, which was predicated on a letter sent to the city (see link below) council contesting ordinances for the CAP… How to push back: Steps to review and critique a CAP – 1) Download the city CAP. 2) Download the letter to the city council denoting page references to the CAP for comparison. 3) Find your “EPA” State CAP and/or city/county CAP, download it and start your critique using the example above. Your city/county CAP will be at their website. Google your city/county name and the words, “Climate Action Plan”… Next: Send or deliver your CAP critique to your local state representative and demand to know how it got into the state and tell them to get rid of it because it surrenders everyone’s property rights, protected by the Constitution, to the United Nations. If you email, be sure to confirm that the recipient received the message. Type at the top of the page “please confirm receipt of this email and distribution.”.. As you do your review, consider these questions: Are Climate Action Plans (CAPs) mandatory? Are Green House Reductions (GHG) mandatory? Are ordinances in CAPs mandatory? – Answers: NO, NO and NO… Read full story here… Sourced from Technocracy News & TrendsTHERE IS HOPE – EDTA CHELATION WORKS and What Really IS COVID??? – by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD – https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/there-is-hope-edta-chelation-works – “100x: Ribbon structures and Rouleaux formation everywhere… I had a young unvaccinated patient in his 30’s come see me in November. He had just had “Covid” less than three weeks ago and was feeling fatigued, had brain fog, couldn’t sleep. He had taken full course of Ivermectin and the usual supplements, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D and C. I looked at his blood with my Darkfield Microscope. These images is what I found. I hope those people who dismiss Drs Kaufman, Baileys, Cowan, Corbett, and Christine Massey take a look at this. I predict that Live Blood Analysis could settle the “There is no Virus” debate. What if “Covid 19 “it is Hydrogel/Graphene/ Synthetic Biology/ Artificial Intelligence Poisoning? – imagine I saw all of this in only one drop of blood. How much is in 6 liters? – He was started on a nutritional program and he did IV EDTA Chelation twice a week. We checked his blood in a month. There were no structures seen and Rouleaux was resolved. He is feeling excellent. See below:This is one case. I have many similar to this with peoples blood being cleared of these structures in as little as one or two EDTA Chelation IV’s. I am just reminding people, that the answers are in the blood and solutions exist. It is a huge hopeful experience for people to be shocked at how bad their blood looks, and then to see it restored after getting the right treatment.”Iran’s Death Row Recording Star – by Kamin Mohammadi – https://www.truthdig.com/articles/irans-death-row-recording-star/ – “Toomaj Salehi raps about subjects not often publicly discussed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. His hard-hitting songs touch on child poverty, discrimination against minorities and regime corruption, often accompanied by videos that depict him confronting regime clerics. Social justice themes are common in the “rap-e Farsi” genre that arose in Iran in the 1990s, but few have been as bold as Salehi. A Persian-rapping Tupac Shakur, Salehi is so direct in his criticisms of the regime, some have assumed he must live abroad; when his first big hit, “Rat Hole,” landed in 2021, he had to do an Instagram Live to prove he actually lived in Iran… On April 24, Salehi received a death sentence from the Revolutionary Court of Isfahan for the crimes of rapping in support of the Woman Life Freedom movement and posting videos of himself at protests.

When the women-led protests broke out in September 2022 — sparked by the killing of Mahsa Jina Amini by the Morality Police for “bad hijab” — the Woman Life Freedom movement swept across Iran. Huge crowds took to the streets and women publicly burned their headscarves. Salehi was instantly vocal in his support for the protests, which he attended and filmed. Nine months after being brutally arrested in October 2022, he was sentenced to six years and three months in prison; only a Supreme Court ruling spared him a death sentence. Upon his release on bail in November 2023, Salehi  made a video describing the physical and mental torture he suffered during his imprisonment — mostly in solitary confinement — resulting in broken fingers, arms, legs and teeth. Though visibly emaciated, he remained defiant and called out the Iranian regime for fabricating a video showing him apologizing for his actions. He reassured his fans that he was unrepentant and described plans for an operation to fix a broken leg that had healed badly. He talked of the future and of continuing to resist the regime… Within two weeks of releasing the video, Salehi was again brutally arrested, with reports of police carting him away covered in blood. When the Revolutionary Court handed down the death sentence against him last week, protests erupted across Iran calling for his release. The rapper has become a symbol of the people’s struggle, his songs anthems of protest. His words and image cover walls in Iran’s cities and “trees of hope” have been planted in honor of a self-description in one of his best-loved raps. Some of the signs beg for international support to save him from execution. Imprisoned human rights activist and Nobel Laureate Narges Mohammadi has called for an international campaign to save Salehi. “Toomaj Salehi epitomizes the resounding voice of the Woman Life Freedom movement and its anthem,” she said from her own prison cell. “His execution would signify the death of our vibrant movement.” – The regime is fighting back. On April 25, Milad Alavi, a journalist for Shargh newspaper, was summoned to the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office for publishing a video of people’s reactions to Salehi’s sentence. Many others have been silenced with threats of harm to themselves and their families. A new crackdown on women’s dress, meanwhile, has been in effect since April 13 under a national action plan called “Noor,” resulting in yet more videos of women again being forcefully arrested and abused for violations. Female university students have been targeted, as pressure intensifies on civil rights activists, dissenters, cultural figures and female political prisoners. Mohammadi has spearheaded a call to document and amplify these abuses on social media using the hashtag “#WarAgainstWomen.” – Within two weeks of releasing the video, Salehi was again brutally arrested, with reports of police carting him away covered in blood. – The women of Iran remain defiant. They go out without the mandatory headscarf and resist arrest by shouting, screaming and kicking. Crowds flock to film and post online abuses meted out on the streets. As operation Noor gains traction, a university student from Isfahan who goes by the name “Effy” shared footage of heavily veiled women from the Morality Police patrolling Naqshe Jahan square, circulating among families, couples and groups of friends enjoying the weekend’s balmy spring weather. “The Morality Police are back in force and, of course, we are aware of them, but remember we are also used to this,” she told me. “All my life I have seen these people proliferate when it’s coming into summer.” When I ask her if she is scared, she laughs. “The people of Iran are tough. To be honest, we are more worried about the economy, how to afford bread and if there is going to be a war with Israel.” – To join the campaign to amplify Toomaj Salehi’s name, music and story, use #freetoomajA similar sentiment was recently echoed in Iran’s Etemad newspaper in an article titled, “Rising Costs, Inflation, and Unemployment Strain Public Nerves, Don’t Squeeze the People Further.” The article boldly criticizes the authorities for failing to address the economic hardship and rising social pressure on citizens, exemplified by skyrocketing inflation that has seen the price of lentils increase 71% and white beans an extraordinary 130% since January. Mismanagement of the economy, corruption and blatant inequality is enough to fire people up against the regime. Police abuse and the discriminatory hijab laws only add to the discontent… As Salehi rapped in his controversial song ‘Normal’, “A laborer’s annual wage is worth a dinner abroad / Here, people are just alive, they don’t have a life.”

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