Fair Use Notice: This site may contain some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of vital issues which already exist in the public domain. Links to Interesting and Significant Articles on the Web, by week – Note: These links are posted from the bottom up during each week.
For the Week of 12/24/18:
Turkey Orders FSA To Withdraw From Frontlines With Manbij – https://southfront.org/turkey-orders-fsa-to-withdraw-from-frontlines-with-manbij/ – “According to the pro-opposition news agency, Ankara backed-off from its plans to attack the strategic city, which is held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), as a result of the high-level Russia-Turkish meeting that was held in Moscow two days ago… Earlier this week, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced its withdrawal from Manbij and called on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to protect the city from Turkey’s threats. The army responded within few hours and deployed a large force in the outskirt of the strategic city.” – Comment: This is a VERY hopeful sign in the current Syrian situation.
Judge grants latest appeal for Mumia Abu-Jamal, in part – https://kywnewsradio.radio.com/media/audio-channel/judge-grants-latest-appeal-mumia-abu-jamal-part – Comment: An innocent man has been in prison for 35 years.
Pending Home Sales Crash 7.7%, Biggest Drop In Four Years – by Tyler Durden – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-28/pending-home-sales-crash-77-biggest-drop-four-years – “There was some hope for a rebound in US housing indicators, after the recent existing home sales print rebounded, but that was promptly dashed after pending home sales dropped again in November, sliding -0.7% vs the expected 1.0% increase, declining in six of the last eight months, with a cumulative loss since March of -5.9% (-8.9% annualized)… …and crashed a whopping 7.7% compared to last year, the biggest annual drop since April 2014… Always eager to put lipstick on a pig, commenting on the collapse NAR chief economist Larry Yun said ‘the latest decline in contract signings implies more short-term pullback in the housing sector and does not yet capture the impact of recent favorable conditions of mortgage rates.’ ” – Comment: “favorable conditions of mortgage rates” (?!) WTF is Yun talking about? The FED just raised interest rates for the 4th time this year, for a total of 1% interested added on top of a 30 mortgage. Buyers are staying away in droves.
Syria Celebrates, West Ignores – by Finian Cunningham – https://sputniknews.com/columnists/201812261071009577-syria-daesh-peace/ – “Take the people of Syria. After nearly eight years of horrific war, the nation is this year rejoicing the arrival of Christmas and the opportunity to show goodwill to their compatriots. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7, but the festivities are underway. It’s wonderful to see how Syrians of all religions, or none, share in this holiday season. Their smiles are their gifts… As in this classic John Lennon Christmas song from 1971, the people of Syria can surely show heartfelt thanks that “war is over” — or at least largely over, enough to allow them to congregate on the streets of their major cities and towns to celebrate in peace. How fantastic is that!.. Yet none of these current joyous occasions in Syria are reported by Western news media. US media seem obsessed to report on President Donald Trump’s awkward phone call with a seven-year-old American girl in which he wondered if she still believes in Santa. Meanwhile, Britain’s BBC aired supposedly feel-good reports about two brown bears relocated from Japan to a zoo in England, and the birth of a giraffe… An important part of the West’s vile charade was exposed on December 20 when a United Nations conference heard from a range of speakers on the crimes committed by the so-called White Helmets against civilians. Expert testimony was given by investigative British journalist Vanessa Beeley as well as Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzia, among others… As Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett points out, not one Western media news outlet reported on the irrefutable, comprehensive evidence presented at the conference, showing how the White Helmets were complicit in committing violations against civilians with the support of Western governments in premeditated propaganda stunts.”
Trump Scores, Breaks Generals’ 50-Year War Record – His national security team had been trying to box him in like every other president. But he called their bluff – by Gareth Porter – https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/trump-scores-breaks-generals-50-year-war-record-syria-mattis-dunford/ – “Mattis and Dunford were consciously exploiting Trump’s defensiveness about a timeline to press ahead with their own strategy unless and until Trump publicly called them on it. That is what finally happened some weeks after Trump’s six month deadline had passed. The claim by Trump advisors that they were taken by surprise was indeed disingenuous. What happened last week was that Trump followed up on the clear policy he had laid down in April…. Trump is now well aware that it is virtually impossible to carry out the foreign policy that he wants without advisors who are committed to the same objective. That means that he must find people who have remained outside the system during the permanent war years while being highly critical of its whole ideology and culture. If he can fill key positions with truly dissident figures, the last two years of this term in office could decisively clip the wings of the bureaucrats and generals who have created the permanent war state we find ourselves in today.”
Noose Tightens Around Kratom – FDA Attacks Mount and DEA Moves Closer to Schedule 1 Designation – by John Gever & Carol Duff – https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/12/26/noose-tightens-around-kratom/ – “In April, we reported on an FDA order to remove some kratom products from the market because of Salmonella contamination. That turned out to be the opening shot in a war that the federal government has declared on the herbal product — or, at least, that’s how kratom’s advocates see it. In this story, we review what has happened since with the opioid mimic and the government’s efforts to discourage its use… Kratom comes from an Asian plant, Mitragyna speciosa, that has long been a mild recreational drug and part of folk remedies. In recent years, it has gained a following in North America with claims that it can relieve pain that conventional drugs can’t touch, and that it can also relieve symptoms of opioid withdrawal. It’s sold in smoke shops, “alternative medicine” storefronts, and, of course, online from countless vendors.” – Comment: my wife Cynthia uses Kratom every day to manage severe pain from fibromyalgia. For us, then, this is a a potential incursion by the Administrative System that would have life-changing implications.
Marxism Is Flooding American Society (5 min) – A short video starting with an 11 year old drag queen, and then moving onto a quick rundown on the Frankfurt School, which psychologically targeted the U.S. in particular for Social Engineering.
It’s Up, It’s Down, It’s Done — a Day in a Year of the Dow – by David Haggith – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/its-up-its-down-its-done-a-day-in-a-year-of-the-dow.html – “It looked like the violence of the day may have come from the Plunge Protection Team attempting to push the market up in the middle of the afternoon, except that the middle of the afternoon doesn’t fit the PPT’s MO because the birthing-sized push didn’t come in the PPT’s usual obvious final-hour press. So, what was the push in the penultimate hours all about?.. Was it everything the PPT could do to press the market up, and the press finally collapsed? Did the PPT try and fail? After a staggering rise (literally, as in up and down and up), the market plummeted in the final hour from a roughly 225-point positive position on the Dow down to close at about -75, leaving us with indisputably the worst December in market history by several measures or, as I called it, the December to Remember.” – Comment: This is one of the best articles I’ve ever seen for interpreting the meaning of the action of the markets over the course of a day. Haggith throws in much illuminating analysis about the current state of the economy.
Venezuelans Shudder at News of Biometric ID Deal with Chinese Tech Giant – by Laura Vidal, Translated by Alexis Faber – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/venezuelans-shudder-at-news-of-biometric-id-deal-with-chinese-tech-giant.html – “…for those who have closely followed the Venezuelan government as it has tightened its grip on people’s data and communications, the report represented another chapter in what has become a very long story… The report confirmed suspicions and denunciations made months ago, increasing fears that the alliance with ZTE will bring Venezuela closer to the implementing a form of social credit score system similar to what is used in China. This system would determine which citizens have access to basic services based on their political allegiances. It also prompted the US government to initiate investigations into the role of ZTE in Venezuela… What is the Fatherland Card Used For?: The Reuters story pointed to the participation of ZTE in the development of a monitoring system whose primary tool is the “Carnet de la Patria”, or Fatherland Card. This identification card captures multiple pieces of personal data coupled with a unique and personalized QR code. It also serves as a digital wallet within an electronic payment system… The Fatherland Card has been strongly promoted by the government and is intended to facilitate multiple public services. The card can be requested voluntarily and free of charge. During this process, whoever wants to get a Fatherland Card must answer questions about their social and economic status… Those who have the card gain access to food and medicine, which have become dangerously scarce amid Venezuela’s political and economic crisis.” (emphasis added)
Angela Merkel: Nation States Must “Give Up Sovereignty” To New World Order – Merkel is attempting to push the globalist agenda to its disturbing conclusion before she stands down – by Tyler Durden – http://theduran.com/angela-merkel-nation-states-must-give-up-sovereignty-to-new-world-order/ – ” ‘Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty’, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty…’In an orderly fashion of course,”’Merkel joked, attempting to lighten the mood. But Merkel has always had a tin ear for comedy and she soon launched into a dark speech condemning those in her own party who think Germany should have listened to the will of its citizens and refused to sign the controversial UN migration pact: ‘There were [politicians] who believed that they could decide when these agreements are no longer valid because they are representing The People’… ‘[But] the people are individuals who are living in a country, they are not a group who define themselves as the [German] people,’ she stressed… Merkel has previously accused critics of the UN Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration of not being patriotic, saying ‘That is not patriotism, because patriotism is when you include others in German interests and accept win-win situations’.”
Peter Ford: ‘Idlib to be dealt with after US troops pullout of Syria’ – https://21stcenturywire.com/2018/12/30/peter-ford-idlib-to-be-dealt-with-after-us-troop-pullout/ – ” ‘It [the situation] is well on the way to resolution, where… we will see effectively a return to the status quo, the situation as it obtained in that part of Syria before 2011 when things were quiet, Turkey was happy, relations between Turkey and Syria were excellent… For several years the Syrian government has kept tight control over the Kurds. Turkey was very happy. We are heading for a return I think to that situation and it looks as though [Tayyip] Erdogan is adjusting to that probability’, Ford said… Ford also noted that the Kurdish militia should have realized much earlier the gravity of the situation, which they had been ignoring because of the US military presence in the region, and now their best option was to try and negotiate with Damascus.”
Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project – by Peter Kirby – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/chemtrails-exposed-dresser-industries-and-the-new-manhattan-project.html – “The history of manipulating atmospheric particles with electricity goes back to Queen Elizabeth’s court physician and early geophysicist William Gilbert (1544-1603). In 1600 he noted that atmospheric particles were commonly attracted to ‘electricks.’ This was the documented discovery of what is now known as ‘electrical precipitation’ and the history of this field is the history of Dresser Industries and their Environmental Systems division… In the early 1800s M. Hohlfield of Leipzig University demonstrated the effect by clearing smoke from the inside of a glass jar with an electrified wire… Lodge-Cottrell’s signature products were the massive electrostatic precipitators used to scrub coal fly ash from the exhausts of coal-fired power plants. These electrostatic precipitators are in use today and they are based on the principles of electrical precipitation. This is especially significant because coal fly ash (the smoke from burning coal) has been scientifically determined to be exactly what the airplanes of the New Manhattan Project are spraying. Isn’t that convenient? The electrostatic manipulation of airborne coal fly ash has a long, well-documented history… In 1972 Dresser Industries acquired Lodge-Cottrell and it became a division of Dresser known as Environmental Systems… …Dresser Industries has many connections to the New Manhattan Project. First of all, Dresser’s Pacific Pump Works produced equipment which enabled the scientists of the original Manhattan Project to refine the uranium used in the world’s first atomic bombs.” – Comment: Peter Kirby is the preeminent researcher on the deep state structures behind Geoengineering and Atmospheric Particulate spraying (aka Chemtrails). His first book, Chemtrails Exposed: The New Manhattan Project is available on Amazon. His new book Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project will be out soon.
‘We won’t fight Ukraine, I promise’: Was this the fieriest interview of Sergey Lavrov’s career? – https://www.rt.com/news/447318-lavrov-interview-grilling-ukraine/ – Comment: The Russian government perspective on this rather strange event. Atlanticist reaction to this interview immediately below.
Interview With Sergei Lavrov, A Peek Into The Bizarre Language of Russian Propaganda – by Joel Harding, “former” U.S. Intelligence Officer – https://toinformistoinfluence.com/2018/12/17/interview-with-sergei-lavrov-a-peek-into-the-bizarre-language-of-russian-propaganda/ – Comment: A full translation of this very interesting interview is included, below the “persuasion” on viewpoints by Harding at the top.
Organ theft, staged attacks: UN panel details White Helmets’ criminal activities, media yawns – by Eva Bartlett – https://www.rt.com/op-ed/447385-white-helmets-un-panel/ – “Utter silence. That is the sound of Western corporate media days after a more than one-hour-long panel on the White Helmets at the United Nations on December 20… Journalists were present, so the silence isn’t due to lack of access. And in any case it was live streamed on the UNTV channel, and remains available on Youtube for keen observers to watch… More likely, the silence is due to the irrefutable documentation presented on the faux-rescue group’s involvement in criminal activities, which include organ theft, working with terrorists — including as snipers — staging fake rescues, thieving from civilians, and other non-rescuer behaviour.”
From the It-Just-Gets-Stranger Desk: Russia To Build Airport, Vaccine Production Plant In Syria’s Tartus – https://southfront.org/russia-to-build-airport-vaccine-production-plant-in-syrias-tartus/ – “Russian companies plan to invest in the Syrian coastal city of Tartus among other projects as part of the Syrian reconstruction, Imad Sabuni, the head of the Syrian Planning and International Cooperation Commission said on December 26th… Russian companies are reportedly planning to construct an airport in the city of Tartus, as well as joint Syrian-Russian plant to produce vaccines within a framework of agreements signed during the 11th session of the Syrian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission held on December 14th in Damascus.” (emphasis added)
ISIS-trained Terrorists Support Ukrainian Operation In Donbass – https://southfront.org/isis-trained-terrorists-support-ukrainian-operation-in-donbass/ – “The most interesting thing that the Times’ article attempts to provide a “neutral” or even “positive” look at the terrorist group’s operations by criticizing alleged human rights violations in Russia’s Chechnya and prising militancy in the Russian region… This is not the first time when it publicly appears that most of pro-Kiev forces in Donbass are terrorists, Nazis, war criminals or else. However, this does not stop the so-called “civilized world” from supporting actions of the Kiev regime.”
From The-Other-Side-Of-The-Story Desk: LA Doubled Homeless Budget, Doubled Homeless Crime – by Daniel Greenfield – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-23/la-doubled-homeless-budget-doubled-homeless-crime – “Los Angeles had doubled its homeless budget to $450 million. Despite that its homeless population had only dropped to 39,826, a reduction of only 256 people. The only surprise in those statistics is that the population dropped at all. Homeless spending has the notorious effect of increasing homeless populations rather than diminishing them as vagrants swarm in and agencies inflate their numbers… But while doubling its homeless budget didn’t significantly diminish the homeless population in Los Angeles, it did have another spectacular statistical effect on the wellbeing of city residents… LAPD statistics showed that homeless crime actually increased by nearly 50%, jumping from 5,976 crime reports of homeless perpetrators in most of 2017 to 8,906 crime reports in most of 2018… Los Angeles had doubled its homeless budget and doubled the amount of homeless crime… Homeless advocates like to claim that the police wrongly arrest the homeless for quality of life offenses that other people get a pass on… Several epidemics and fires later, not to mention an outbreak of shoplifting and tents being set up in residential areas and outside small businesses, the full scale of homeless legalization looks even worse.”
China Leapfrogs the U.S. in 5G Internet – by David P. Goldman – https://pjmedia.com/spengler/china-leapfrogs-the-us-in-5g-internet/– “At the beginning of 2018, a National Security Council memo warned: “We are losing. Whoever leads in technology and market share for 5G deployment will have a tremendous advantage towards [ . . .] commanding the heights of the information domain,” the Financial Times reported. That is correct, but it’s six years behind the curve. The U.S. revved up a campaign to dissuade its allies from using Huawei equipment well after the Chinese firm positioned itself as the dominant equipment supplier. The U.S. nearly shut down the Chinese handset maker ZTE by banning export of the Qualcomm chips that power its smartphones, in retaliation for ZTE’s violation of sanctions against Iran (eventually ZTE paid a multi-billion dollar fine and accepted tight controls). We can’t do that to Huawei. After the ZTE business, Huawei started a crash program to make itself self-sufficient in high-performance chipsets. Its Kirin chipset designed by its design subsidiary Isilicon and manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor can do whatever Qualcomm can do.” – Comment: It becomes more and more obvious that 5G is all about surveilling you and capturing your data.
REVEALED: Israel’s IDF Used Passenger Airliners as Cover During Christmas Day Attack on Damascus – by Patrick Hennigsen – https://21stcenturywire.com/2018/12/26/revealed-israels-idf-used-passenger-airliners-as-cover-during-christmas-day-attack-on-damascus/ – “Had the Syrian military not hesitated, and engaged the initial Israeli bogey – and accidentally hit one of the passenger airliners the IDF was using as cover – the international outrage would have been substantial, with the western media most certainly blaming ‘the Assad Regime’ and ‘Putin’s Russia’ for the ‘humanitarian tragedy.’ It’s possible that an incident would have been enough to prompt renewed calls for the US forces to remain in Syria – effectively reversing the announcement made by President Trump last week to withdrawal US troops from their illegal occupation on northeastern Syria. Whether this was the Israeli motive for carrying out such a risky move is uncertain, but yesterday’s reckless incident by Israel follows a familiar and disturbing pattern of using other country’s aircraft as cover in order bait Syria’s air defenses to hit the wrong targets while conveniently concealing their own visibility on their enemy’s radar systems.”
Mainstream Media Now Openly Reporting on the Elite Lining Up to Ingest the Blood of Children – by Matt Agorist – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/mainstream-media-now-openly-reporting-on-the-elite-lining-up-to-ingest-the-blood-of-children.html – “It was suggested in the report that aging elites are using the blood of young people as a type of youth serum. Now, we know that they actually are using it… ‘We found that it was safe and feasible to administer infusions of young plasma weekly,’ Dr. Sharon Shaw, an Alzheimer’s researcher at Stanford, said… A similar claim was made by journalist Jeff Bercovici last year, after he conducted several interviews with Silicon Valley aristocrats including Peter Thiel, and learned about this transfusion procedure called “parabiosis,” where the blood of young people is used to prevent aging… ‘There are widespread rumors in Silicon Valley, where life-extension science is a popular obsession, that various wealthy individuals from the tech world have already begun practicing parabiosis, spending tens of thousands of dollars for the procedures and young-person-blood, and repeating the exercise several times a year,’ Bercovici reported… In his article, Bercovici also expressed concerns about a developing black market for young people’s blood.”
2018: The Year Public Watchlists Became Commonplace – by MassPrivateI – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/2018-the-year-public-watchlists-became-commonplace.html – “A few months ago I called 2018 the “Rise of Spying Transit Police,” but after looking through my archives, I noticed a more disturbing pattern emerge. Time and again, month after month, most of the stories I wrote revolved around one thing: watchlists… In January, I wrote two stories about facial recognition and police camshares that centered around corporate and law enforcement watchlists. From then on things got progressively worse; watchlists, blacklists and whitelists are expanding at a frightening pace… Below is a list of twenty-seven stories that show how public watchlists have become commonplace…”
To “Celebrate” Christmas, Police Forcibly Remove City’s Entire Homeless Population – by Matt Agorist – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/to-celebrate-christmas-police-forcibly-remove-citys-entire-homeless-population.html – “To “celebrate” Christmas Eve, the Waikiki Police Department is planning to remove all of the city’s homeless population in a massive sweep. The action has prompted backlash from the community as well as the ACLU… During the early morning hours, from 3:00 to 5:30 a.m. offices will sweep the town and forcibly remove all tents, gear, and people from the streets.”
US Established Two New Military Bases in Anbar Province – Reports – https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201812261071001370-usa-established-two-new-military-bases-anbar/ – “The first base was established in the northern Rumana sub-district of al-Qaim district, in the vicinity of the Syrian border, some 360 kilometres west of the provincial capital Ramadi. The second base was set up east of the city of al-Rutbah, about 310 kilometres west of Ramadi and less than 100 kilometres from the Syrian border, al-Duleimi said in an interview, according to PressTV… The official suggested that the American bases were purportedly intended to assist Iraqi forces in order to ‘secure the country’s borders and prevent infiltrations by the Daesh terrorist group.’.. ‘Scores of US soldiers are currently stationed at the two bases, along with drones and other equipment,’ added al-Duleimi, yet without providing any additional evidence.” – Comment: These “new” bases are each on one of the two major highways out of Syria going to Baghdad. The one in al-Qaim essentially replaces the function of the al-Tanf base in Syria that is being closed down now. This is business as usual represented as policy change.
Theresa May Thanks British Military For Protecting Country From “Russian Intrusion” In 2018 – https://southfront.org/theresa-may-thanks-british-military-for-protecting-country-from-russian-intrusion-in-2018/ – “In her address, she thanked the British military for protecting the UK from “Russian intrusion,” praised the co-operation with the US and France in the fight against ISIS and punishing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the alleged use of chemical weapons in April on children… Thus, essentially, she praised the military for the fight against ISIS and for several imaginary and unproven situations connected to Russia and the Syrian government… Separately, the Edinburgh radio station Sputnik was accused of being a “Russian stooge” by an unnamed Scottish member of parliament cited by The Times. Sputnik was established by a news agency that is owned by the Russian government and it opened its UK branch in 2016… The Times also provided a list of pictures and names of its executives, who are all accused of being “Russian puppets.”.. According to the unnamed leading MSP, Russians who live in Scotland and engage in “information warfare” to destabilize Britain should have their assets seized.” – Comment: The Cabinet Office and its President, Ms. May, are now revealed as being little more than Key Assets in disinfo and black propaganda. This quasi-fascist conglomerate is highly likely to take financial sanctions or even use imprisonment against people on allegations of disloyalty or “thought crimes.”
Photos, Videos: Turkish Military Build Up On Border With SDF-Held Part Of Syria – https://southfront.org/photos-videos-turkish-military-build-up-on-border-with-sdf-held-part-of-syria/ – Comment: LOTS of stuff on the move. Camps being set up on Syrian Border.
Estonia Criminalizes ‘Negative Attitude’ Towards State – https://southfront.org/estonia-criminalizes-negative-attitude-towards-state/ – “On December 25, Estonia’s Parliament accepted a law criminalizing creation and support of a negative attitude towards the state, Interfax reported. The law will be employed towards both private individuals and legal bodies.” – Comment: The legislature’s Christmas Present for Estonians everywhere! Perhaps all is not well in the halcyon land of eEstonia. Frankly, I don’t think you can make this stuff up…
Trump is leaving behind a trap for Russia, Turkey and Iran in Syria – by Elijah J. Magnier – https://ejmagnier.com/2018/12/24/trump-is-leaving-behind-a-trap-for-russia-turkey-and-iran-in-syria/ – “The quick US withdrawal is expected and even designed to create, no doubt, an initial confusion in the triangle Turkey-Syria-Iraq in the first months. ISIS, Turkey, and al-Qaeda may take advantage of this, hoping to turn the situation to their advantage. Nevertheless, this withdrawal will no doubt be a long-term blessing to the Syrian government, whose officials had not dared to hope for such an outcome. The US establishment has been a source of continuous havoc in the Levant and especially to the “Axis of the Resistance”; it has been the protector of al-Qaeda (in Idlib) and ISIS (in the area Trump declares his intention to withdraw from) in Syria and Iraq. Its departure is a sign that the US is coming to grips with the fact that its hegemony is no longer unilateral. Russia is moving forward while the US is backing off in the Middle East.”
UMass student asked to remove ‘F*ck Nazis’ sign because it’s not inclusive – Junior Nicole Parsons says she put up placard after a swastika was scrawled over ‘Happy Hanukkah’ sign on campus – by Sam Sokol – https://www.timesofisrael.com/umass-student-asked-to-remove-f-nazis-sign-because-its-not-inclusive/ – Comment: The surreality is becoming epoch.
The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse – by Brandon Smith – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/the-psychological-warfare-behind-economic-collapse.html – “All the evidence overwhelmingly assures us that the conspiracy is fully conscious, organized and deliberate. It is not an ugly or random byproduct of “profit motive.” This is absurd when you consider the amount of coordination that is required or the number of think tanks and secretive conferences that occur yearly, from the Council on Foreign Relations, to Tavistock, to the Trilateral Commission, to the Brookings Institution, to Davos, to Bilderberg and to even weirder circles like Bohemian Grove. These are very real centers of power that can have far reaching influence in our daily lives… To ignore this and reduce it all down to a “natural” extension of greed is to stupidly rest one’s soft spongy head in the jaws of organized evil while pretending you can’t smell the stench of its gingivitis.” More: “It is also no coincidence that the globalists have announced in 2018 that their intention is to adapt to a digital monetary system using blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. That is to say, the one world currency system predicted in The Economist is already here. They are only waiting for a crisis large enough to pressure society to accept total global centralization as a solution… Forcing the public to embrace worldwide centralization would require several measures. First, the current system, which as stated is designed to fail, would have to be allowed to crash. Second, the crash would have to be blamed on someone other than the globalists and their ideology of globalism. Third, philosophical opponents of globalism (i.e., conservatives, nationalists and decentralization activists) would have to be demonized or eliminated so that the globalists can build their new world order without opposition. Fourth, the population would need to be sufficiently traumatized to the point of psychological submission and desperation, so that when the new system is introduced, they will be grateful for it, thus preventing future rebellion by making the public a willing cooperator in their own enslavement.” (emphasis added:)
For the Week of 12/17/18:
Selco on Gun Confiscation: “Here’s How It Might Actually Go Down” – https://www.theorganicprepper.com/gun-confiscation/ – “Here is how it might actually go down. This is one possible scenario: First, you’ll be labeled as a terrorist, some weird guy who wants to overthrow the government. Maybe your photo will be posted somewhere stating that you are very sick, and that you pose a danger to society… If you are a member of some group, let’s say a prepper group, you all will be labeled as terrorists first, and through the media, you can be portrayed as a domestic terror cell, to the point that your next door neighbor will help police to get you… Do not underestimate the power of the government machine. You may truly be a fighter for constitutional rights and a real patriot, but in 3 days you can become a crazy terrorist that citizens will actually hunt down and shoot like a mad dog… There used to be a law about weapons here, where I live, before the war. And yes, you could own a weapon but it was such a hard law that actually not too many people owned legal weapons… And right when the SHTF, first thing that happened was the confiscation of legal weapons, based on lists of who own legal weapons… Now what people could do then was to say, ‘This is my legal weapon. I have a right to own it, by the law.’ And those who did that usually got shot… There were 20 heavily armed guys at your door asking nicely for your weapon, to be turned over to them in the name of “law” as an effort of a government that wanted to calm down a chaotic situation.”
Signs Of War: UN General Assembly Rejects Russia-Initiated Draft Resolution In Support Of INF Treaty – https://southfront.org/un-general-assembly-rejects-russia-initiated-draft-resolution-in-support-of-inf-treaty/ – “43 states voted for the document, 46 – against, 78 – abstained. The US, European Union states, Ukraine, Japan and Turkey voted against. China, Iran, Syria, member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and some Latin American countries were among the supporters of the document… The draft called on UN GA members to support the treaty as one of the cornerstones of European and international security. The document also called on the signatories to the treaty – Russia and the US – to continue consultations to keep it in place… ‘A threat to the treaty’s existence emerged this October when the United States announced its plans to unilaterally withdraw from it,’ Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said commenting on the draft resolution. He recalled and warned that the breakdown of the treaty is fraught with another round of a full-scale arms race.”
Days Before War? U.S. Concentrates Troops & Withdraws Diplomats – https://southfront.org/days-before-war-u-s-concentrates-troops-withdraws-diplomats/ – “This follows a significant increase of US intelligence gathering missions along the Russian borders during the past 10 days. On December 18, British reconnaissance ship HMS Echo entered the Black Sea in order to collect fresh data about water depths and streams for surface and underwater submarine fleets of NATO member states… On December 18, the US and its allies forced through a UN General Assembly resolution condemning the alleged militarization of Crimea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea and supporting Ukrainian actions in the region. The passed resolution is a clear signal to the Poroshenko regime that the Euro-Atlantic elite fully supports its actions… The passed resolution also marked the start of a new round of pre-war media hysteria in Ukraine. A week ago, President Petro Poroshenko delcared that the Ukrainian military has started redeploying assault units of the Air Assault Forces (AAF) to the areas of a possible “Russian invasion”.”
Donald Trump is Finished!!! – Comment: This Is A Bombshell! (3min 22sec):
Child Handcuffed, Arrested and Thrown in Jail for Missing Too Many Days of School – by Jack Burns – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/child-handcuffed-arrested-and-thrown-in-jail-for-missing-too-many-days-of-school.html
Britain’s Real Enemy, Not Russia – by Finian Cunningham – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50805.htm – “Nothing it seems would please Britain’s callow defense minister than to start a war with Russia. For him that would be a pinnacle career move even though the country he is supposed to be defending might possibly end up as a heap of radioactive ashes. Imagine him atop the pinnacle with a potty on his head and radioactive ruins below… This scaremongering, warmongering Russophobia is all about keeping idiots like Williamson in a high-paying job. And no doubt a plush job to follow at some warmongering pro-NATO think-tank… However, this week’s installment involving sending British forces to the Arctic “to defend Britain from Russia” is obviously aimed at the additional purpose of distracting Britons from the Brexit mess that Williamson’s government has created.”
Trump Steals Prize For Defeating ISIS – U.S. To Pull Troops From Syria Immediately – by Moon Of Alabama – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50802.htm – Comment: Another take on the rapidly unfolding situation in Syria following Trump’s announcement yesterday. Straight talk from Moon of Alabama, also includes an update article from Zero Hedge.
David Wilcock has just released information “based on his insiders” that the town of Paradise was one of two cities in the U.S. where humanoid alien “Centaurians” lived in significant numbers, “by treaty” with the U.S. – I smell a disinfo campaign at work here, as well (38 min)
Filmmaker Ron Howard to Make Camp Fire Documentary – Howard is conducting interviews for his project, and is expected to return several times – https://www.actionnewsnow.com/content/news/Filmmaker-Ron-Howard-to-make-Camp-Fire-Documentary-503094282.html – Email reaction to this news from Deborah Tavares: “HOLLYwood, the “Wizards Stick” of media propaganda is moving into Paradise to create the false fire narrative… We need to find out who’s financing this documentary and follow the script as fire survivors are interviewed, and who is “selected” to be interviewed. We must also watch to see where the funds from this documentary go… Remember, in Santa Rosa, a documentary was released one year after the TUBBS Fire of November 2017. This documentary was entitled “Urban Inferno – the Night Santa Rosa Burned”. The profits went to the Sonoma County Community Resilience Fund, a Rockefeller and Rothschild resilience scheme to help finance the destruction, damage, and death they created. .. You will not hear the truth about the FIRES in Butte County, California… The script will most likely omit – ● that PG&E is Rothschild (conrolled); ● Directed Energy Weapons were deployed; ● there were Heavy Heavy Chemtrailed Skies days before the fires; ● Smart Meters Blew-up (WERE Blown-up); ● the fires were a house to house ignition; ● the trees resisted the fires; ● the weather on demand facilitated the ideal fire conditions… Paradise is GOLD Country… Climate Action Plans were approved by the Butte County city and county boards – plans stating the county would face floods, fires, heat events, water shortages and more if CO2 emissions were not reduced. The Climate Action and Resilient, which Butte County adopted, are plans of land restrictions, energy and resource “required” reductions. In short, these United Nation Plans are CRIMINAL Plans of DEATH . . . and more… The climate action and resilient plans have been approved in communities nationwide and worldwide… Understand the Camp Fires, in Butte County are an active criminal crime scene and the perpetrators are conducting the investigations that the media will advance as the cause… Will your town of deliberate destruction be the next Hollywood Documentary?.. WE MUST ALL WORK TOGETHER TO ‘EXPOSE’ THE TRUTH” – Comment: While Tavares and I don’t agree on what the evidence from “The Camp Fire” indicates, she is, I think, correct about the significance of the sudden emergence of a major documentary with Hollywood blockbuster director Ron Howard at the helm. The fantasy just keeps unwinding.
Prelude to Caribbean Crisis 2.0? Russia reportedly eyes air base off Venezuela’s coast – https://www.rt.com/news/446899-russia-military-base-venezuela/ – “Shoigu has so far only confirmed that the Russian military aircraft will continue to fly to Venezuela while the Russian Navy vessels might also use its ports… However, located far away from the Russian territory, Moscow would likely need a full-scale military facility, Sivkov said, adding that a small installation would not be enough to support Russia’s operations in the area. ‘It might be initially reduced to a limited presence at a level of a flying squadron or an air regiment,’ he said, adding that the Russia would then likely increase its presence by building fuel and munitions depots as well as deploying air defense systems to the area and making the Venezuelan installation potentially similar to Russia’s Syrian Khmeimim base… The arrival of just two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers for drills in Venezuela has already jangled nerves in Washington and provoked a wave of hysteria in the Western media. Some even closely examined the potential base location using satellite photos and called it “an unprecedented standing strategic threat to the mainland United States within the Western Hemisphere.”
Letter from Crimea – A Veteran Foreign Correspondent Surveys Russia’s New, Changing, Historic Lands – by Pepe Escobar – https://russia-insider.com/en/letter-crimea-veteran-foreign-correspondent-surveys-russias-new-changing-historic-lands/ri25702 – Comment: A nice little geographic and historical review by the inimitable Escobar
SHOCKING AGENDA 21 ORDINANCE PASSES IN 80 SECONDS. PEOPLE FORCED TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN PROSECUTION(14 min) – Riverside County “flash approves” Code Enforcement “ordinance” hiring 10 new “code enforcers” and creating a fee structure to be applied to people targeted by the enforcers. Homes will be taken, most likely.
UK court jails neo-Nazi couple who named child after Hitler – Adam Thomas and Claudia Patatas sentenced to 6.5 and 5 years in prison, respectively, for membership in group banned under anti-terror laws – https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-court-jails-neo-nazi-couple-who-named-child-after-hitler/ – “National Action wanted ‘the overthrow of democracy in this country by serious violence and murder, and the imposition of a Nazi-style state which would eradicate whole sections of society by such violence and mass-murder,’ Inman said.” Comment: So National Action might impose a Nazi-Style state that would send people to prison for association with a group it banned? That would be bad.
WaPo’s take: Trump administration plans to pull U.S. troops from Syria immediately, officials say – by Missy Ryan – https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-plans-to-pull-us-troops-from-syria-immediately-defense-official-says/2018/12/19/4fcf188e-0397-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html – “Col. Rob Manning, a Pentagon spokesman, said U.S. forces continue to work with their partners in Syria “at this time.” It wasn’t immediately clear whether the United States would continue to conduct airstrikes on militant targets in Syria once forces depart… The withdrawal plans leave major questions for an alliance of U.S.-backed Kurdish and Arab militias, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which has provided key aid for U.S. forces in the fight against the Islamic State… Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who shares the president’s distaste for foreign wars, said on Twitter that he was ‘happy to see a President who can declare victory and bring our troops out of a war. It’s been a long time since that has happened.’ ”
From the Stop-The-Presses Desk: U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Syria – by Dion Nissenbaum and Nancy A. Youssef – https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-military-preparing-for-a-full-withdrawal-of-its-forces-from-northeastern-syria-11545225641 – “U.S. officials began informing partners in northeastern Syria of their plans to begin an immediate pullout of American forces from the region where they have been trying to wrap up the campaign against Islamic State, the people said… ‘The Pentagon has an order to move troops out of Syria as quickly as possible’” a U.S. official said… U.S. military officials have refused to say what a withdrawal timeline could look like… The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the move. But President Trump wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning that ‘We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.’ (Question: When WOULD The Donald be in Syria OTHER than “during the Trump Presidency?” Just askin’.)… The U.S. sent in diplomatic teams to help rebuild northeastern Syria as the military set up new outposts on the country’s border with Turkey, which views them as an effort to shield America’s Kurdish partners from an attack by Turkish forces… Earlier this month, Mr. Erdogan moved Turkish military forces to the border and threatened to attack the Kurdish forces within days… Mr. Trump and Mr. Erdogan spoke last Friday, and the discussions about withdrawing U.S. forces moved rapidly.” (emphasis added) – Comment: Is it only me, or does it seem as if “the U.S.” is clearing the way for a major invasion and occupation of Northeastern Syria by the Turks?
From the Round-Up-The-Usual-Suspects Desk: Haley Urges Palestinians to Accept a Peace Deal with Israel – by Margaret Besheer – https://www.voanews.com/a/haley-urges-palestinians-to-accept-a-peace-deal-with-israel/4705880.html – ” ‘It is time we faced a hard truth: both sides would benefit greatly from a peace agreement, but the Palestinians would benefit more, and the Israelis would risk more,’ Haley said Tuesday at her final appearance at the monthly Security Council meeting on the Middle East issue… ‘Israel is a thriving, strong, prosperous country,’ Haley told fellow ambassadors. ‘It has always wanted peace with its neighbors. It has clearly demonstrated its willingness to make big sacrifices for peace, including giving up large areas of land, but Israel will not make a peace agreement at any price, and it shouldn’t,’ she said.” (emphasis added) – Quote: “Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” -George Orwell
From The-Gift-That-Keeps-On-Giving Desk: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate – by Craig Timberg, Tony Romm and Elizabeth Dwoskin – https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/russian-disinformation-teams-targeted-robert-s-mueller-iii-says-report-prepared-for-senate/2018/12/17/0e0047f6-0230-11e9-8186-4ec26a485713_story.html – “The Russian operatives unloaded on Mueller through fake accounts on Facebook, Twitter and beyond, falsely claiming that the former FBI director was corrupt and that the allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election were crackpot conspiracies. One post on Instagram — which emerged as an especially potent weapon in the Russian social media arsenal — claimed that Mueller had worked in the past with “radical Islamic groups.”.. Such tactics exemplified how Russian teams ranged nimbly across social media platforms in a shrewd online influence operation aimed squarely at American voters.” (emphasis added) – Rank Hypocrisy: When a party, in its operations, does precisely what it is accusing another party of doing.
Nvidia’s Scary AI Generates Humans That Look 100% Real – by Jesus Diaz – https://www.tomsguide.com/us/nvidia-ai-faces-generative-adversarial-network,news-28869.html – “The technology works so well that we can expect synthetic image search engines soon — just like Google’s, but generating new fake images on the fly that look real. Yes, you know where that is going — and sure, it can be a lot of fun, but also scary. Check out the video. It truly defies belief…”
Are We Microchipping Our Way Into Madness, Menstrual Problems, Miscarriages, And Other Maladies? – by Patricia Burke – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/are-we-microchipping-our-way-into-madness-menstrual-problems-miscarriages-and-other-maladies.html – “Acupuncture is a practice that spans back several thousand years, and acupuncture tells us that cutting the hand along the 4th point Large Intestine meridian to insert an RFIC chip is probably a very bad idea… Traditional Chinese medicine has outlined the therapeutic applications of stimulating LI4 via acupuncture or acupressure, for example by using pressure, needling, or heat (moxa) either via self-care or under the care of a skilled practitioner… We do not have any evidence that randomly stimulating the meridian point will not cause harm. And in fact It is likely that cutting the point and then inserting an RFID chip will be a form of what TCM would deem an “insult” to that energy system… We don’t’ have any evidence that the practice of microchipping the hand is safe because we are deploying technologies right and left that have not been pre-market safety tested.”
With guns out, Israeli and Lebanese soldiers squabble at border – by Judah Ari Gross – https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-guns-out-israeli-lebanese-soldiers-squabble-at-border/ – “Israeli officials have indicated that the IDF may operate within Lebanese territory, if necessary, to destroy the tunnels. Lebanese President Michel Aoun, a Hezbollah ally, said Tuesday that the United States assured him that Israel has “no aggressive intentions” with its Operation Northern Shield.” (emphasis added) – Comment: All articles on this IDF operation always use the term “attack tunnels,” usually multiple times, to make sure that we all understand that “attack tunnels” are real!
From the Pay-No-Attention-To-The-Man-Behind-The-Curtain Desk: The Daily 202: Russian efforts to manipulate African Americans show sophistication of disinformation campaign – by James Hohmann – https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2018/12/17/daily-202-russian-efforts-to-manipulate-african-americans-show-sophistication-of-disinformation-campaign/5c1739291b326b2d6629d4c6/ – “Researchers at Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project and Graphika, a network analysis firm, spent seven months analyzing millions of social media posts that major technology firms turned over to congressional investigators. Their goal was to understand the inner workings of the Internet Research Agency, which the U.S. government has charged with criminal offenses for interfering in the 2016 election… It turns out that African Americans were targeted with more Facebook ads than any other group, including conservatives.” (emphasis added) – Comment: The 2 groups bolded above are essentially clients of UK intelligence agencies. This is the nexus out of which the entire Trump/Russian Conspiracy meme emerged, to be foisted on the American people by elements in the DNC, U.S. intelligence/FBI, mainstream media, and the non-profit sector.
For the Week of 12/10/18:
Global warming should be called global heating, says key scientist – by Jonathan Watts – https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/13/global-heating-more-accurate-to-describe-risks-to-planet-says-key-scientist – “Prof Richard Betts, who leads the climate research arm of Britain’s meteorological monitoring organisation, made the comments amid growing evidence that rising temperatures have passed the comfort zone and are now bringing increased threats to humanity… ‘Global heating is technically more correct because we are talking about changes in the energy balance of the planet,’ the scientist said at the UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland. ‘We should be talking about risk rather than uncertainty.’.. Earlier this month, the Met Office produced a new report that showed the searing heatwave that hit the UK this summer – along with other parts of the northern hemisphere – was made 30 times more likely by human-caused climate change.” Comment: Wonder Bread Builds Strong Bodies 12 Ways! Also, if you want to plumbs the depths of robotic mentation, take a good look at the comment section of this article. Then send some $$$ to the Guardian Christmas Appeal ’cause they care enough to bring you this fear porn.
Russia Greenlights Retaliatory Syrian Attacks on Israeli Targets — Report – by Elijah J Magnier – https://russia-insider.com/en/russia-greenlights-retaliatory-syrian-attacks-israeli-targets-report/ri25684 – ” For many months, the Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to receive Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Only through real harassment by the latter did Putin finally accept to briefly meet with Netanyahu over lunch or around the dinner table during a large Summit or meeting of Heads of State, without however accepting any compromise or reconciliation. Russia has now taken a clear position and has no intention of extending its embrace or pardon to Israel. Russia felt that its generosity (by closing its eyes to Israel’s activities in Syria) was neither recognised nor sufficiently appreciated by Tel Aviv... Moreover, Russia has given Syria the green light – said the source- to strike Israel at any time if and when Tel Aviv’s planes launch raids against Syrian military targets or launch long-range missiles without flying over Syria (for fear of the S-300 and to avoid seeing its jets downed over Syria or Lebanon)… The new Syrian rule of engagement – according to the source – is now as follows: an airport will be hit if Israel hits an airport, and any attack on a barracks or command and control centre will result in an attack on similar target in Israel. It appears that the decision has been taken at the highest level and a clear “bank of objectives” has now been set in place.”
How School Districts Weaponize Child Protection Services Against Uncooperative Parents – by Kerry McDonald – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/how-school-districts-weaponize-child-protection-services-against-uncooperative-parents.html – ” ‘Fed up with what they see as obstinate parents who don’t agree to special education services for their child, or disruptive kids who make learning difficult, schools sometimes use the threat of a child-protection investigation to strong-arm parents into complying with the school’s wishes or transferring their children to a new school. That approach is not only improper, but it can be devastating for families, even if the allegations are ultimately determined to be unfounded’… More troubling, these threats disproportionately target low-income and minority parents. According to the report: ‘Such families also have fewer resources to fight back. When a family in a wealthy Brooklyn neighborhood learned roughly two years ago that their child’s school had initiated an ACS [New York’s Administration for Children’s Services] investigation against them, they sued the city education department. Parents from lower-income, majority-black and Latino neighborhoods, few of whom can afford that option, say such investigations can be a regular, even expected, part of parenting.’ ”
Pentagon Considers Illegally Occupied Syrian Areas US Territory – by Stephen Lendman – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50757.htm – “Vladimir Putin, Lavrov, and other Russian officials know the US supports ISIS and other terrorists in Syria, as well as in other countries. There’s no ambiguity about it.. Months earlier, Russia’s Defense Ministry released satellite video images showing US-supported troops together with terrorists comprising the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), moving freely in ISIS-controlled parts of Deir Ezzor province… ‘Without resistance from ISIS militants, (these forces) are moving along the left bank of the Euphrates river towards the town of Deir Ezzor,’ Russia’s Defense Ministry said, adding: ‘Despite strongholds of the US armed forces…located where ISIS troops are currently deployed, there are not even signs of organization of a battle outpost.’.. ‘Russian drones and intelligence have not recorded any confrontation between’ US forces and ISIS terrorists Washington pretends to be combatting.”
CDC Caught Spreading Misinformation About The Flu Shot: Here Are The Details – by Jeremy R. Hammond – https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/12/no_author/cdc-caught-spreading-misinformation-about-the-flu-shot-here-are-the-details/ – “Conclusion: In summary, there is no good scientific evidence to support the CDC’s claim that the influenza vaccine reduces hospitalizations or deaths among the elderly. The types of studies the CDC has relied on to support this claim have been thoroughly discredited due to their systemic “healthy user” selection bias, and the mortality rate has observably increased along with the increase in vaccine uptake—which the CDC has encouraged with its unevidenced claims about the vaccine’s benefits, downplaying of its risks, and a marketing strategy of trying to frighten people into getting the flu shot for themselves and their family.”
‘Yellow Vest’ pro-Brexit protesters block Westminster Bridge – https://www.rt.com/uk/446452-yellow-vest-pro-brexit/ – “After being moved on, protesters walked down Whitehall, gathering outside Downing Street where one activist berated the police officers with a megaphone demanding a meeting with UK Prime Minister Theresa May… The group ‘Fighting for Justice’ appear to be involved in the protest, their Facebook account posted a live stream of the protest.”
FBI plans ‘Rapid DNA’ network for quick database checks on arrestees – by Tom Jackman – https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/FBI-plans-Rapid-DNA-network-for-quick-database-13462947.php – “But a portable machine about the size of a large desktop printer is changing that. A “Rapid DNA” machine can take a swab of DNA, analyze it and produce a profile of 20 specific loci on the DNA strand in less than two hours. Some local police departments and prosecutors have been using Rapid DNA machines for about five years to solve crimes… In Orange County, California, recently, police investigating a stabbing found a trail of blood from the suspect. The Rapid DNA machine was able to produce a profile that matched someone already in the Orange County database, but who was “not on the radar” of investigators, Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Contini said. He was arrested. ‘The speed with which you can give law enforcement these clues is critical,” Contini said. “When you are out on these suspects fast, they confess. We’ve had tremendous success.’ ”
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Searching Travelers’ Devices At An Alarming Rate According To Gov’t Watchdog – by Aaron Kesel – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/u-s-customs-border-protection-searching-travelers-devices-at-an-alarming-rate-according-to-government-watchdog.html – “The government watchdog — the Office of the Inspector General for Homeland Security — found there were 29,000 devices searched at a port of entry out of 397 million travelers to the U.S. in the year 2017, up from 18,400 the year before from 390 million travelers… The agency further found that several searches conducted by Customs and Border Protection officers were not properly documented, and the data was not properly secured as per protocol. Some of the devices that were searched included officers looking into cloud-related content, in violation of procedures. Apparently, while officers can search a device, they are not permitted to search what’s on a traveler’s cloud network. Homeland Security is the department that oversees the U.S.’s borders.”
DPR Intelligence: Ukrainian Commanders Execute Own Troops Refusing To Fight In Donbass Region – https://southfront.org/dpr-intelligence-ukrainian-commanders-execute-own-troops-refusing-to-fight-in-donbass-region/ – “Quoting the DPR intelligence, Bezsonov also said that a similar situation took place in Berdyansk, Zaporojie region, where another soldier was shot and killed by his commander during a propaganda campaign in support of military actions in the region of Donbass. The death of this soldier was described as a suicide… Bezsonov emphasized that the introduction of martial law in 10 Ukrainian regions gave free rein to commanders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”
How Americans’ Most Respected Institution Secretly Stole at Least $90,000 From Each American Between 1998 and 2015 – by Eric Zuesse – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/12/11/how-americans-most-respected-institution-secretly-stole-least-90000-from-each-american-between-1998-and-2015.html – “The US military is the most respected institution by the American people. According to investigations by the Inspector General of the US Department of Defense — investigations which were based on inspections of only portions of the Department’s financial records, not of all of them, and so the amount is incomplete — that Department had disappeared at least $21 trillion of funds from US taxpayers during the 18-year period 1998-2015. The US population, during that period, was around 300 million people; so, at a bare minimum, approximately $70,000 was being stolen (or otherwise disappeared at the US Defense Department) from each American during that time. However, $10 in 1998 was worth $14.54 in 2015; so, considering inflation, each American was robbed, during that period, of at least around $90,000, by the most respected institution. The average US household or “family” has 2.54 people. So, the average US household lost AT LEAST around $223,000, from thefts (or ‘lost money’) by the US military, during 1998-2015. (This fact has never been published before, because this calculation has never before been done; the loss to individual persons and families hasn’t previously been calculated.)”
From the It-Just-Gets-Better Desk: China Is Data Mining Directly From The Brains Of Workers – by Meadow Clark – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/china-is-data-mining-directly-from-the-brains-of-workers.html – “[…]’the workers wear caps to monitor their brainwaves, data that management then uses to adjust the pace of production and redesign workflows, according to the company… The company said it could increase the overall efficiency of the workers by manipulating the frequency and length of break times to reduce mental stress… Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric is just one example of the large-scale application of brain surveillance devices to monitor people’s emotions and other mental activities in the workplace, according to scientists and companies involved in the government-backed projects.’.. The wireless sensors are concealed under a normal uniform hat and constantly monitor brain waves while sending the data back into main computers that use AI algorithms to detect any unpleasant emotional spikes such as “depression, anxiety or rage.”.. In addition, a special camera watches their facial expressions and their body temperatures are monitored. Pressure sensors detect all shifts in body language.”
The Deathly Insect Dilemma – by Robert Hunziker – https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/12/07/the-deathly-insect-dilemma/ – “Moreover, there is no quick and easy explanation for this sudden emergence of massive loss around the globe. Yet, something is dreadfully horribly wrong. Beyond doubt, it is not normal for 50%-to-90% of a species to drop dead, but that is happening right now from Germany to Australia to Puerto Rico’s tropical rainforest… Scientists are rattled. The world is largely unaware of the implications because it is all so new. It goes without saying that the risk of loss of insects spells loss of ecosystems necessary for very important stuff, like food production… Farmland birds that depend upon a diet of insects in Europe have disappeared by >50% in just three decades. French farmland partridge flocks have crashed by 80%. Nightingale abundance is down by almost 80%. Turtledoves are down nearly 80%.”
Ukraine’s SBU, British Media, US Think Tank: Russia Is Behind “Yellow Vest” Protests In France – https://southfront.org/ukraines-sbu-british-media-us-think-tank-russia-is-behind-yellow-vest-protests-in-france/ – “IIn addition, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, about 600 Twitter accounts allegedly linked to the Kremlin have begun focusing on France, boosting their use of the hashtag #giletsjaunes… The Alliance for Securing Democracy is a ‘bipartisan transatlantic national security advocacy group’ formed in July 2017 with the stated aim of countering efforts by Russia to undermine democratic institutions in the United States and Europe. Their motto is “Putin Knocked. We Answered.” The ASD publishes a web dashboard called “Hamilton 68” showing the activity of Twitter accounts that the organization claims are linked to Russian propaganda. It is essentially a smaller Atlantic Council.”
EU Army? France Riot Control Vehicles Bearing EU Flag Stoke Fear, Confusion – by Tyler Durden – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-09/eu-army-france-riot-control-vehicles-bearing-eu-flag-stoke-speculation-over – “In November, Merkel said ‘The days where we can unconditionally rely on others are gone,’ adding ‘We should work on a vision to create a real European army one day.’.. Stressing that such an army would not be “against NATO” but complement it, the chancellor also proposed a European Security Council with rotating seats for member states that would make speedy foreign policy decisions without the need for unanimity. -New York Times … In early November, Macron told France’s Europe 1 Radio that Europeans cannot be protected without a ‘true, European army.’ ”
Ukrainian Air Force Deployed Combat Drones To Carry Out Chemical Provocation In Donbass: DPR Military – https://southfront.org/ukrainian-air-force-deployed-combat-drones-to-carry-out-chemical-provocation-in-donbass-dpr-military/ – “On December 1st, EurAsia Daily cited the deputy chief of the People’s Militia of the DPR Eduard Basurin who said that Kiev is preparing for a large-scale invasion against Donetsk… ‘Training of the shock group is underway. This is evidenced by the concentration on the Mariupol tactical direction of three brigades – 79 separate assault and assault brigades, 36 separate brigades of marines and 128 separate mountain assault brigades, who received the task of conducting offensive operations in the Novoazovsk region in early December with access to the border with Russia,’ he said… According to him, breaking through the first line of defense was entrusted to elite formations of paratroopers and marines. Basurin considers this a tactical mistake of Kiev and the “incompetence of the Commander of the Combined Forces Sergey Naev, who for the sake of devotion to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is ready to sacrifice personnel for the sake of achieving dubious goals.”
Colombia Cracks Down On Child Sex Trafficking Network Run By Israelis – https://southfront.org/colombia-cracks-down-on-child-sex-trafficking-network-run-by-israelis/ – “The attorney general’s office said 150 billion pesos ($47.3 million) of property has been seized during the investigation, including hotels, hostels and other tourism related businesses… The investigation into the trafficking ring has been happening since June 2016, when an Israeli citizen – Shai Azran was murdered in Medellin. The prime suspect of the murder was Assi Ben-Mosh, a 44-yaer-old Israeli who has operated in Colombia since 2009. He was arrested in the Netherlands in 2003 on suspicions of leading an international drug trafficking network… Authorities tracked Ben-Mosh’s activities in Colombia and found that he was the owner of a hotel in Santa Marta, Hotel Benjamin, that offered the “tourism packages.” He together with Zohar also allegedly organized parties at which drugs and sex services were sold.”
Kiev Regime – A Western Frankenstein Creation – Editorial – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/12/07/kiev-regime-western-frankenstein-creation.html – “Poroshenko and his Russophobic cabal are calling on NATO for support in the event of a confrontation with Russia. This is a reckless premeditated pursuit of war, which has been a tendency by the Kiev regime ever since it illegally seized power in the CIA-backed coup d’état in 2014. The US and European governments bear responsibility for creating the highly dangerous situation by their fawning over Kiev with military and financial support… The resonance with the origins of World War II is too alarming to ignore. It was through the Ukraine that the German Third Reich launched its catastrophic offensive on Soviet Russia in June 1941. Today, the Kiev regime is all too reminiscent of Neo-Nazi affiliation and a rabid anti-Russian mentality. Its unhinged conduct is being indulged by American and European governments, military and media – either out of ignorance or, more sinisterly, out of calculated intent to prompt confrontation with Russia… It is only 73 years since the end of World War II. Incredibly, despite living memory of that horror, the world is being endangered again by criminal disregard for international law. And in the same geographical location… Western governments are fully responsible for the present instability and potentially incendiary situation. They must act immediately to restrain the Kiev regime – if, that is, they genuinely want to uphold peace with Russia.”
From the Skeptical-Inquiry Desk: Some Guests Are Coming to Earth for Dinner – by Dave Hodges – https://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/some-guests-are-coming-to-earth-for-dinner/ – “Larry said that evil entities are being channeled through Mt Graham and other facilities like it. He said these evil entities are going to masquerade as true ET’s and perpetrate a fraud against the world. Jesus will be falsely discredited and a fake alien invasion will take place. However, there will be casualties and humanity will be overwhelmed. He also told me that the Mt Graham facility is related to CERN that will doing the same only on a much larger scale… I am certain that Larry will again disappear but he remains adamant that I expose his thoughts to the public. I know one thing, the now late Bill Pawelec and Vance Davis, with whom I still speak with and occasionally interview, believed every world said by Larry 20 years ago. By the way, the entry point for the “evil spirits” is indeed called a stargate. I found that to be very interesting.” – Comment: I look at what Dave is putting up maybe a couple of times a week as a way of keeping track of an alternate view of reality that can reveal some important nuggets. With this post Dave says he’s finally revealing very important information that he’s been gradually learning about at a deeper level for many years. The main take-away is that he says that what he calls “evil entities” are “returning” to Earth now for a war against humanity and against the Divine Hierarchies under Lord Jesus, and that humans will be suffering the results of this (psychic?) invasion directly soon. He says ” …humanity will be overwhelmed.” He also says “Jesus will be falsely discredited.” This is very interesting to me because one of main subjects of my research has been the truth about a historical Jesus and the creation of the Christian religion(s). One of my main working hypotheses at the moment is that the story of Jesus, and its use to dominate human awareness over the last two millenia is the product of what I see as a dark force or forces (note: this is far from the same as “evil entities” or fallen spirits with a direct connection to consciousness). Dave and I don’t see eye-to-eye regarding “demonic” energies, fallen angels, etc. I suspect that the Christian nexus in which Dave moves would generally take the view that Quantum Theory, and the spiritual openings that it reportedly helps create in people studying it, are tools of these “demonic” forces, and that the idea that reality is a single mystery phenomenon, of which we are all so-called aspects, is an opening to demonic possession and damnation. I propose that these ideas are a potentially fruitful line of inquiry regarding what is really unfolding for humankind now.
For the Week of 12/3/18:
The Agricultural Pesticide Damaging Kids’ Brains – by Catherine Frompovich – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/the-agricultural-pesticide-damaging-kids-brains.html – “Chlorpyrifos is used on a wide variety of crops including apples, oranges, strawberries, corn, wheat, citrus and other foods families and their children eat daily… In fact, over half of all apples and broccoli in the U.S. are sprayed with chlorpyrifos. USDA’s Pesticide Data Program found chlorpyrifos residue on citrus and melons even after being washed and peeled. By volume, chlorpyrifos is most used on corn and soybeans, with over a million pounds applied annually to each crop… Beyond Pesticides has an online pdf file “Widely Used Pesticide in Food Production Damages Children’s Brains EPA science on chlorpyrifos ignored as agency reverses decision to stop insecticide’s agricultural use,” which I encourage consumers to study carefully with regard to the following: Chlorpyrifos effects on children’s brain function Studies have documented that exposure to low levels of chlorpyrifos during pregnancy can impair learning, change brain function and alter thyroid levels of offspring into adulthood, especially in females. [CJF emphasis]”
Trump administration resists global climate efforts at home and overseas – by David Nakamura and Darryl Fears – https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-administration-resists-global-climate-efforts-at-home-overseas/2018/12/09/b94a9ef0-fa41-11e8-863c-9e2f864d47e7_story.html – “The United States joined a controversial proposal by Saudi Arabia and Russia this weekend to weaken a reference to a key report on the severity of global warming, sharpening battle lines at the global climate summit in Poland aimed at gaining consensus over how to combat rising temperatures… Arguments erupted Saturday night before a United Nations working group focused on science and technology, where the United States teamed with Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to challenge language that would have welcomed the findings of the landmark report, which said that the world has barely 10 years to cut carbon emissions by nearly half to avoid catastrophic warming.”
Pro-Tech Website Slams 5G Proponents for the “Race for 5G” and Installing Small Cell Towers Everywhere – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/12/pro-tech-website-slams-5g-proponents-for-the-race-for-5g-and-installing-small-cell-towers-everywhere.html – Droid Life is incorrect, though, in declaring that someone needs to do a 5G health study pretty damn soon. Studies (plural) have already been done. 1, 2 … It also has already been reported that people and animals have already been suffering from exposure to 5G. Residents in Gateshead, England even won a court case against their city council for installing it… Some elected officials are trying to protect citizens from 5G. Are yours?“
Victory Against Verizon by Angry Vermonters Who Don’t Want Small Cell Towers Installed Throughout Their Community – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/victory-against-verizon-by-angry-vermonters-who-dont-want-small-cell-towers-installed-throughout-their-community.html – “Since then, the board has received complaints from the public about the project, including questioning the necessity of increased coverage, health and safety issues, and concerns about approving the project would be setting a precedent for other companies to install more antennas in the community… In response to those complaints, the town formed the Small Cells Committee to address the issues and establish a policy concerning the installation of the boosters. The conditions included that no apparatus could be attached to a double-pole, the equipment should be colored like the pole to blend in, and that Verizon would have to go through an annual recertification process.”
‘How the West Eats Its Children’ – by Thierry Meyssan – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50723.htm – “One month after the attacks of 11 September 2001, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld nominated his friend Admiral Arthur Cebrowski as Director of the new Office of Force Transformation. He was tasked with changing the culture of the entire US military in order to enable it to respond to a complete change in its mission… There was no longer question of using US armies to defend principles or interests, but to use them for a reorganisation of the world by dividing it into two parts – one one side the states integrated into the globalised economy, and on the other, the others [5]. The Pentagon would no longer fight wars in order to steal natural resources, but to control access to those resources by the globalised nations. A division directly inspired by the process of globalisation which had already trashed half of the Western populations. This time, it was half of the world’s population which was to be excluded… …Several hundreds of thousands of French people suddenly took to the streets to demonstrate against abusive financial measures. Unfortunately for them, the French upper classes have been contaminated by the very idea that was rejected by the United States, and therefore did their best to adapt their policies to the popular revolt, but not to change its basic causes… If we look at each of these four countries separately, we will find four different explanations for what is happening there. But if we analyse the situation as a single phenomenon affecting different cultures, we will discover the same mechanisms across the board. In these four countries, consecutive with the end of capitalism, the middle classes disappeared more or less rapidly, and with them the political system that they incarnated – Democracy.” – Comment: This is a very, very important set of observations on the current state of the world.
Canada Takes A Hostage: Free Meng Wanzhou – by Christopher Black – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50722.htm – “`The arrest has shocked and angered China while in Canada the large Chinese population must wonder how safe they are. The background to the arrest is fairly simple. Huawei has become a global competitor in the global phone market and their 5G phones are cutting edge technology and so not welcomed by competing phone companies in, US, Japan, south Korea, France, and Sweden, who are so afraid of the competition that they and their governments have spread stories that the phones are loaded with spyware and are “a danger to national security.” The company has even been threatened by the US and allied governments with criminal charges in America’s increasingly hostile economic war against China alongside its increasing military pressure, provocations and insults. It’s one way to control the market. But now, acting as a mafia they have kidnapped, detained, and hold hostage a Chinese woman whose simple crime is going to work every day. The lack of outcry from women’s rights groups in the west is not surprisingly, deafening.” – Comment: Of course, Ms. Meng’s real crime should be aiding and abetting the manufacture and distribution of 5G phones & networks…
Comey transcript released: Ex-FBI boss claims not to know, remember key details in Russia case – by Paulina Dedaj, Judson Berger – https://www.foxnews.com/politics/comey-transcript-released-ex-fbi-boss-claims-not-to-know-remember-key-details-in-russia-case – “But while Comey insisted in the interview that ‘we never investigated the Trump campaign for political purposes,’ the transcript shows he claimed ignorance or memory lapses in response to questions concerning key details and events in the Russia investigation, which some GOP lawmakers continue to claim was improperly conducted… The transcript reveals lawmakers’ frustration with his lack of specifics… Asked if he recalled who drafted the FBI’s “initiation document” for the July 2016 Russia investigation, Comey said, “I do not.” He again claimed not to know when asked about the involvement in that initiation of Peter Strzok, whose anti-Trump texts later got him removed from the special counsel’s probe… When asked if the FBI had any evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server, Comey gave a lengthy answer referring to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as to why he couldn’t answer… ‘Did we have evidence in July of (2016) that anyone in the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server?’ Comey asked rhetorically. ‘I don’t think that the FBI and special counsel want me answering questions that may relate to their investigation of Russian interference during 2016. And I worry that that would cross that line.’ ”
There Will Be No US Navy ‘Freedom of Navigation’ Operations in Russia’s Arctic Ocean – https://russia-insider.com/en/there-will-be-no-us-navy-freedom-navigation-operations-russias-arctic-ocean/ri25580 – “Russia has worked hurriedly to reassert its military presence in the Arctic frontier and secure access to a strategic northern shipping corridor — the Northern Sea Route — between Asia and Europe. The corridor takes about two weeks less to traverse than the Suez Canal… On Friday, Defense Ministry spokesman Mikhail Mizintsev said that Russia’s ministries were working on amending legislation that would require foreign warships to notify Russia before being able to pass through the Arctic.”
From the Don’t-Make-Me-Come-In-There Desk: Netanyahu: Hezbollah aims to send battalions to grab land, kill Israelis, kidnap – PM briefs foreign diplomats about current IDF op, demands world condemn Hezbollah, says terror group only has a few dozen precision missiles in its vast arsenal – by Raphael Ahren – “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Thursday that Hezbollah seeks to send “entire battalions” into Israel, including via the tunnels Israel is now tackling, in order to seize land, and kidnap and kill Israelis… The senior officer who briefed reporters echoed this assessment. The cross-border tunnels ‘are wider and larger, and their goal is to transfer entire battalions, large forces, into Israeli territory, in order to come in and carry out killing sprees and kidnappings and to capture Israeli towns and villages,’ this officer said… ‘If Hezbollah knew that we knew [about the existence of the tunnels] then this would accelerate their kidnapping efforts, and we did not want to get to a situation where the kidnappers infiltrate into Israel and abduct a soldier or a civilian, and no one would know anything about it,’ the senior official added.” – Comment: The Israelis apparently excel at mind-reading…
From the Revelation-Of-The-Method Desk: The Shadow Children, the Complete Series: Among the Hidden; Among the Impostors; Among the Betrayed; Among the Barons; Among the Brave; Among the Enemy; Among the Free – by Margaret Peterson Haddix – https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Children-Complete-Impostors-Betrayed/dp/1442468645/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1544214819&sr=8-1&keywords=among+the+hidden+by+margaret+peterson+haddix – “Imagine a world where families are allowed only two children. Illegal third children—shadow children—must live in hiding. If they are discovered, there is only one punishment: Death… For the first time, all seven books in this beloved and bestselling series are available together in an attractive boxed set. Ideal for newcomers to the series and loyal fans alike, this collection includes Among the Hidden, Among the Impostors, Among the Betrayed, Among the Barons, Among the Brave, Among the Enemy, and Among the Free.” – Comment: These are children’s books!
China blacklists millions of people from booking flights as ‘social credit’ system introduced – by Harry Cockburn – https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-social-credit-system-flight-booking-blacklisted-beijing-points-a8646316.html – “The plan stated: ‘We will improve the credit blacklist system, publicly disclose the records of enterprises and individuals’ untrustworthiness on a regular basis, and form a pattern of distrust and punishment.’.. For those deemed untrustworthy, ‘everywhere is limited, and it is difficult to move, so that those who violate the law and lose the trust will pay a heavy price’… The credit system is already being rolled out in some areas and in recent months the Chinese state has blocked millions of people from booking flights and high-speed trains.”
Air Force Wants AI Tools to Solve Surveillance Glut – https://www.meritalk.com/articles/air-force-wants-ai-tools-to-solve-surveillance-glut/ – “Specifically, the service is looking to fuse Multi-intelligence, or Multi-INT, which can consist of data in multiple formats from manned and unmanned aircraft, satellites, and ground stations, as well as other sources. The volume and variety of that data can leave analysts unable to parse it all and knowledgeably help inform the decision-making process. So the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has issued a Request for Information looking for input from industry, academia, and other government labs on applicable tools that are available or in development… The Air Force’s Next Generation ISR Dominance Flight Plan, signed in July this year, states that the service “must have the architecture and infrastructure to enable machine intelligence, including automation, human-machine teaming, and ultimately, artificial intelligence,” which will define the service’s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) efforts going forward… ‘Technology components designed to support SIAS will need to ingest, reason over, and inform both analysts and other emerging technologies designed to automate both ISR database queries and physical collection,’ the RFI states.” (emphasis added)
Feds, City finalize deal to transfer land for $1.7 billion NGA project – by Jacob Barker – https://www.stltoday.com/business/local/feds-city-finalize-deal-to-transfer-land-for-billion-nga/article_8e18927a-58fd-5391-a88a-3747893273aa.html – “ST. LOUIS • City officials announced Friday that they had finalized the transfer of 97 acres north of downtown to the federal government for the construction of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s $1.7 billion western headquarters, capping nearly four years of work assembling the site for one of the city’s largest economic development projects in decades… Ultimately, NGA leaders indicated a desire to stay in the urban core as a way to recruit tech talent and attract private companies that support the agency’s mission. That, coupled with what some saw as the Obama administration’s commitment to urban renewal, allowed the city to retain the facility despite the daunting task of buying out dozens of property owners and clearing land that had held generations of residents… In a statement, NGA Director Robert Cardillo called it a “historic day.”.. ‘Building upon our history in St. Louis, the new campus in North City will enable NGA to deliver our mission through the end of the century and beyond,’ he said.” (emphasis added) – “The NGA answers to the Office of Director of National Intelligence and is charged with tracking everything that moves on planet earth. It is the ultimate in total surveillance in order to ‘master the human domain’ ” -Patrick Wood of Technocracy.news
Mueller CAUGHT Hiding Evidence BOMBSHELL News Would Clear Trump! Send Mueller To JAIL NOW! – From Gary Franchi (10 min)
Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories? – https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/who-believes-in-conspiracy-theories/ (w/video 17 min) – “What the data say to me is that currently, people who are technically more “conservative” in the sense of being more conformist and unquestioning of authority are those who agree with the politics of the “Left”, while those who are more independent-minded and anti-Esablishment poll to the “Right”, which some may find surprising.”
Pompeo Warns Russia Has ’60 Days’ to Comply With Nuclear Missile Treaty – https://www.voanews.com/a/us-to-withdraw-from-nuclear-arms-treaty-unless-russia-returns-to-compliance/4686478.html – “The United States has warned Russia that it has 60 days to show that it is complying with the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or the U.S. will quit the agreement… Speaking at a NATO Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington’s patience had run out… ‘It makes no sense for the United States to remain in a treaty that constrains our ability to respond to Russia’s violations. Russia has reversed the trajectory of diminishing nuclear risk in Europe,’ Pompeo told reporters… He accused Russia of deploying ‘multiple battalions of the SSC-8 missiles’ — land-based, intermediate-range Cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Moscow has denied deploying such weapon systems.” – Comment: Pompeo is lying, pure and simple. The U.S., as Putin has repeatedly pointed out since 2015, has deployed launchers on the Russian border that are capable of being fitted with existing nuclear missiles in less than 24 hours. Russia has not deployed the SSC-8 launchers that Pompeo accuses them of. But don’t worry though, Pompeo is not really Bat-Shit Crazy. It’s all just political theater.
From Above Top Secret: Breaking now: Whistle Blower Say’s her Ex-Husband was Pornographer for Clinton Foundation. They called him the Baby King. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1YpJkVavvvMGj?t=1m11s
Uber-loser Poroshenko goes “full Saakashvili” – by The Saker – http://thesaker.is/uber-loser-poroshenko-goes-full-saakashvili/ – End of the (very fine) article: “At this point in time, there is no way to predict whether the Ukronazi junta will attack for real or not. So, as I have done several times in the past, I will conclude with this passage from the Quran: “and they (disbelievers) plotted [to kill ‘Iesa (Jesus)], and Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners” (verse 54 of Chapter 3 “Surah Al-‘Imran”); other translations say “And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers” and “And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah“. At a time when the Neocons are trying to convince the planet that Islam, not them, is the biggest danger to our planet, it is good to show them that not everybody is drinking their cool-aid; besides, in this case the Quran is simply right: God is the best of planners and the Ukronazi disbelievers (and their Neocon bosses) will eventually find this out, probably the hard way.”
A “Little Ice Age” Is Where We Are Heading, According To Multiple Scientists – by Arjun Walia – https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/12/03/a-little-ice-age-is-where-we-are-heading-according-to-multiple-top-scientists/ – “A few years ago, the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales was held, where Valentina Zharkova, a mathematics professor from Northumbria University (UK), presented a model that can predict what solar cycles will look like far more accurately than was previously possible. She states that the model can predict their influence with an accuracy of 97 percent, and says it is showing that Earth is heading for a “mini ice age” in approximately fifteen years… Zharkova and her team came up with the model using a method called “principal component analysis” of the magnetic field observations, from the Wilcox Solar Observatory in California. Looking forward to the next few solar cycles, her model predicts that from 2030 to 2040 there will be cause for a significant reduction in solar activity, which again, will lead to a mini ice age. According to Zharkova. You can read more about that here… Again, these are just a few examples of multiple scientists pointing to these facts.”
For the Week of 11/26/18:
U.S. Attorney Takes First Step toward Prosecuting Explosive Destruction of World Trade Center on 9/11 – by AE911Truth Staff – https://www.ae911truth.org/news/503-u-s-attorney-takes-first-step-toward-prosecuting-explosive-destruction-of-world-trade-center-on-9-11 – Comment: This article is from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) is a continuation of, IMO, their very strange campaign for what I would call a separate Truth, where they can present a world in which. while the facts that they would prefer to emphasize remain front and center in our attention, other, more cognitively challenging observations of the evidence of that fateful day remain entirely out of sight, and beyond consideration. I speak in particular of the work of Dr. Judy Wood as presented in her, again IMO, very fine book Where Did the Towers Go? in which she presents what I consider incontriverable evidence that some kind of force, presumably from an unknown weapon, was used in the destruction of all three of the main towers at the World Trade Center complex, buildings 1, 2 & 7. Anyone who’s seen the videos of the section of core columns from the attack of the North Tower on 9/11 will be aware that something unique in physics happened that day. For more extensive evidence you can see steel beams dissolving to dust in 2 to 3 seconds while falling in mid aiir at 46 min. in the video of her talk at the Breakaway Energy Conference (https://youtu.be/ermHx3akejc). The reason this is vitally important is that it widens the context of the events from architecturally correct thermite and squibs in New York to a mammoth meticulously planned operation, with mystery technology, the explosions and destruction of the Pentagon, no plane at Skanksville, Urban Moving Systems in New Jersey, the BBC in London interviewing Jane Standley, W Bush at Booker Elementary School, the tapes of U.S. Air Traffic Control destroyed and thrown in the trash, the 5 dancing Israelis, etc. ad nauseum. Richard Gage of AE911Truth doesn’t want that, and is among the very many people who want to keep 9/11 in a tiny frame and attack Judy Wood mercilessly at every opportunity. Whatever you do don’t look over there. From the article on the U.S. Attorney’s case: “The Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10th 52-page original Petition was accompanied by 57 exhibits and presented extensive evidence that explosives were used to destroy three WTC buildings. That evidence included independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or incendiaries; numerous first-hand reports by First Responders of explosions at the WTC on 9/11; expert analysis of seismic evidence that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the airplane impacts and prior to the building collapses; and expert analysis by architects, engineers, and scientists concluding that the rapid onset symmetrical near-free-fall acceleration collapse of three WTC high rise buildings on 9/11 exhibited the key characteristics of controlled demolition. The Lawyers’ Committee’s July 30th Amended Petition addresses several additional federal crimes beyond the federal bombing crime addressed in the original Petition. The Lawyers’ Committee concluded in the petitions that explosive and incendiary devices preplaced at the WTC were detonated causing the complete collapse of the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 and increasing the tragic loss of life… Attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director, stated: ‘The failure of our government to diligently investigate this disturbing evidence has contributed to the erosion of trust in our institutions. The Lawyers’ Committee felt it was our duty as public citizens to submit this evidence to the U.S. Attorney for submission to the Special Grand Jury.’ ” – Comment: Quite prim and proper, don’t you think?
Breaking: U.S. Forces In Al-Tanaf Strike Syrian Army Positions – https://southfront.org/breaking-u-s-forces-in-al-tanaf-strike-syrian-army-positions/ – “Syrian pro-government activists confirmed that positions of the SAA’s 21st Brigade were hit with 14 rockets. The rockets were reportedly launched from the U.S. M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) deployed at al-Tanaf base.” – Comment: This attack is a very big development. It’s the first time that the U.S. has actually attacked the Syrian Arab Army on the ground, without any prospect of their standard “It was a mistake” denials of their airstrikes. This is a bald-faced international crime. Expect further developments.
Ukraine Provokes Russia to What End? – by Tony Cartalucci – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/ukraine-provokes-russia-to-what-end.html – “Attempts to claim Russia’s reaction to the 2014 coup is in breech of Ukraine’s sovereignty or that the repatriation of Crimea to Russia is a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity when regime change in Kiev in 2014 itself already eliminated both – has exhausted the credibility the West needs to complete this latest leg of its agenda in Ukraine… Washington’s international order – predicated on “might makes right” now backfires as Washington finds it is no longer the “mightiest.” However, a reckless, waning hegemon is the most dangerous variety. Ukraine and its Western sponsors lack the diplomatic, economic, and military means to pressure Russia in any sort of measured, incremental manner – leaving only reckless thrusts and thus the possible provocation of a truly catastrophic conflict as an alternative… For Russia, time is on its side. More than securing its interests and protecting the people of the Russian Federation and those using the Sea of Azov, including those residing in Russian Crimea – Moscow faces the full-time occupation of parrying Washington’s wild thrusts and preventing aggressive and increasingly deadly geopolitical competition from transforming into catastrophic war.”
Secession from the European Union – by Thierry Meyssan – http://www.voltairenet.org/article203998.html – “The member states of the European Union seem unaware of the clouds that are gathering above their heads. They have identified the most serious problems of the EU, but are treating them with nonchalance, and fail to understand what the British secession (Brexit) implies. They are slowly sinking into a crisis which may only be resolved by violence.” – Comment: By far the best concise analysis I’ve read yet of the intra-European political maneuvering around Brexit and the instabilities with Eurozone countries like Poland, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Greece.”
The Final Push for Idlib Will Come Soon – by Federico Pieraccini – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/11/23/final-push-for-idlib-will-come-soon.html – “Russian and Syrian efforts have been moving in two very specific directions over the last few weeks. While Moscow supplies Damascus with new equipment in preparation for the future advance on Idlib, Putin and his entourage continue diplomatic efforts to draw more of Syria’s enemies closer to the Russia-Iran-Syria axis. The meeting that brought about the demilitarized zone included Macron and Merkel, the Europeans having evidently come to terms with the impossibility of overthrowing the legitimate government of Syria. Macron and Merkel were offered a way out of the Syrian conflict, decoupling themselves from the belligerent stance of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The intention is to usher Paris and Berlin towards the same direction Qatar, Turkey and Jordan have been progressively gravitating. Certainly, these are not countries to be considered friends of Damascus. Rather, they are parties with whom a constructive dialogue needs to be entered into in order to advance common diplomatic interests.”
The Pinnacle of the Pyramid of Wealth and Power: the Buck Stops Here – by Daniel Edgar – https://southfront.org/the-pinnacle-of-the-pyramid-of-wealth-and-power-the-buck-stops-here/ – “Nonetheless, despite their size and power it turns out that these three financial monstrosities (JP Morgan, Citibank and HSBC) are themselves simply an intermediate and secondary level of control that are in turn owned by a very select and limited number of shareholders, principal among which are Vanguard Group, Inc., BlackRock, Inc,, State Street Corporation, Fidelity Management & Research (FMR LLC) and Capital Research & Management Co… A recent report by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies (“War Profiteers: The U.S. War Machine and the Arming of Repressive Regimes”) discusses five of the largest weapons producers that have profited most from the ‘War on Terror’ (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and General Dynamics), an open-ended and unwinnable war in military terms that appears set to provide them with many more billions of dollars (often from cost-plus, no-bid contracts), presumably until they finish off what is left of the planet. The same financial entities that own substantial stakes in JP Morgan, HSBC and Citigroup (as well as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley) are also prominent amongst the largest shareholders of all of the arms companies: Vanguard and BlackRock in particular are at the top of the list of the largest shareholders of all five pillars of the perpetual warfare complex (as well as many of the smaller arms companies), followed by State Street Corporation (4), Capital Research & Management Co. (2), Newport Trust Co. (2), FMR LLC (2), Bank of America (2) and T. Price Rowe Associates (2).” Comment: A comprehensive look at the ownership and management of the “Military Industrial Complex.”
Russian Warplanes Eliminate Militants Responsible For Chemical Attack On Aleppo – https://southfront.org/russian-warplanes-eliminate-militants-responsible-for-chemical-attack-on-aleppo/ – “Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Russian warplanes conducted several airstrikes on the districts of Rashideen and Khan Tuman northwest of Aleppo. Both districts are controlled by the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL)… More than one hundred civilians, including children, were reportedly intoxicated as a result of the chemical attack on Aleppo. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that the attack was carried out with rockets containing chlorine gas… The Russian airstrikes, which are the first since September, will likely deter the militants and force them to respect the deconfliction agreement.”
America Sweepwalking Toward Fascism? – by J.Hawk – https://southfront.org/america-sweepwalking-toward-fascism/ – “Therefore, if one is to use US history as a guide, it is evident that whenever the social tensions threatened to boil over, the US political system responded with expanding the police state, experimenting with social democracy, or expanding into a frontier or some collapsing empire, starting with that of Spain in the late 19th century. But the authors of the study seem unaware of the role of government policies with perceptible, tangible impact on ordinary citizens when it comes to building a sense of shared identity under which violent internal conflict is unlikely. Instead of looking back upon history to see how earlier US leaders dealt with the fraying of the US polity, they limit themselves to calling for political leaders to use uniting rather than divisive rhetoric, activists to appeal to underlying shared values, philanthropists investing in “thousand points of light”, and other palliative pseudo-solutions. Which means they have not grasped the core of the problem.” (emphasis added)
Russia-Ukraine Maritime Incident In Black Sea. Chain Of Events And International Reaction – https://southfront.org/russia-ukraine-maritime-incident-in-black-sea-chain-of-events-and-international-reaction/
British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear Campaigns – by Moon of Alabama – https://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/11/british-government-behind-secret-anti-russian-disinformation-campaign.html – “The Initiatives Orwellian slogan is ‘Defending Democracy Against Disinformation’. It covers European countries, the UK, the U.S. and Canada and seems to want to expand to the Middle East… On its About page it claims: ‘We are not a government body but we do work with government departments and agencies who share our aims.’.. The now published budget plans show that more than 95% of the Initiative’s funding is coming directly from the British government, NATO and the U.S. State Department. All the ‘contact persons’ for creating ‘clusters’ in foreign countries are British embassy officers. It amounts to a foreign influence campaign by the British government that hides behind a ‘civil society’ pseudo-NGO… The organization is led by one Chris N. Donnelly who receives (pdf) £8,100 per month for creating the smear campaign network.”
From Fulford’s blast today: Report on evidence of felonies violating Civil Rights, and bribery by foreign agents, implicating United States Special Counsel Robert S Mueller III as a criminally-tainted agent of foreign & racketeering interests – https://www.docdroid.net/eVAAjIq/doj-ig-memo-mueller-bribery-extortion.pdf
A short documentary on child sacrifice and the “elite.” (14 min from time stamp):
For the Week of 11/19/18:
IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is The New World Order Endgame – by Brandon Smith – http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3581-imf-reveals-that-cryptocurrency-is-the-new-world-order-end-game – “Lagarde’s latest piece is written like a sales pitch, selling the idea of central bank crypto not to central bankers, but to the financial media. The media will undoubtedly run with the talking points Lagarde suggests and regurgitate them in a blaze of articles as to why global crypto controlled by the IMF is the solution to all our fiscal problems… The very core of the movement toward global crypto, I believe, is the destruction of anonymity in trade through a “cashless society”. When all trade is watched, all trade can be controlled. Beyond this, by monitoring trade transactions on a macro-scale, globalists can also, in a way, monitor mass psychology and predict public behavior to a point.”
Local law enforcement using mysterious new tool to unlock cellphones – by Jim Otte – https://www.whio.com/news/local/local-law-enforcement-using-mysterious-new-tool-unlock-cell-phones/W9zAfzQXrFsJmOJjO04TJK/ – ” ‘For the foreseeable future I think it’s going to be a bit of an arms race,’ Salisbury said… Will the use of cellphone hacking machines end up being dealt with by Congress?.. Salisbury said it may begin there, but perhaps any new law will not be the end of it… ‘I would be inclined to think there will be legislation and that legislation will be tested by somebody. That means we wind up in the Supreme Court,’ Salisbury said… The hacking devices come at a steep price. One of them, from Grayshift, costs $15,000 for limited usage. Another model runs $30,000 and can be used to unlock an unlimited number of phones. Apple’s latest block of the device only applies to the newest phones. The Cellebrite and Gray Key devices can still bypass the passcode on older phones.”
Me and My Shadow – from JoyCamp (7 min):
U.S. Silently Passes And Signs Bill To Create New Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency – by Aaron Kesel – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/u-s-passes-signs-bill-new-cybersecurity-infrastructure-security-agency.html – “A bill silently passed through Congress and to U.S. President Donald Trump’s desk that was signed right before Thanksgiving last week, which would re-designate the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) into a new agency called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA.).. The bill known as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act swiftly passed in Congress in October; and last week, H.R. 335 advanced through the House Of Representatives without any resistance and barely any media attention. Trump signed the bill into law almost immediately after the legislation passed the House… As part of the DHS, the NPPD was the government entity in charge of physical and cybersecurity of federal networks and critical infrastructure. The previous agency also oversaw the Federal Protective Service (FPS), the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), the Office of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis (OCIA), the Office of Cybersecurity & Communications (OC&C), and the Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP).”
The Canadian MEDIA $600M BAILOUT Exposed! — What You NEED To Know! – from Dan Dicks (w/video 8 min) – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/the-canadian-media-600m-bailout-exposed-what-you-need-to-know.html – ” ‘The Trudeau government has just announced a $600M media Bailout with a series of “tax credits and incentives” for the dying dinosaur press! The dying legacy media who are losing viewership to the independents like yours truly are about to be bailed out with your tax dollars.’.. Similar to the surveillance-industrial complex that uses tax dollars to enslave its own population, the power of the State will now be used to make people pay for their own brainwashing.”
CIA Has “Smoking Gun Phone Call” Of MbS Giving Order To “Silence” Khashoggi: Report – The crown prince gave an instruction to silence Khashoggi as soon as possible and this instruction was captured during CIA wiretapping. – by Tyler Durden – http://theduran.com/cia-has-smoking-gun-phone-call-of-mbs-giving-order-to-silence-khashoggi-report/ – “Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News said on Thursday the CIA has a recording of a phone call in which the crown prince gave instructions to “silence Jamal Khashoggi as soon as possible.” The possible existence of such a tape could put Trump in an awkward position if its contents are leaked given his consistent defense of MbS amidst the scandal and growing calls for accountability.”
It’s Official: We’re Living in the Prequel to ‘Blade Runner’ – from TruthStream Media (17 min) – “Fake Realities will create Fake Humans, or, Fake Humans will generate Fake Realities and then sell them to Other Humans, turning them, eventually, into Forgeries of Themselves.” -Philip K. Dick
(Russian Foreign Minister Sergey) Lavrov Sounds the Alarm… Again! Washington Foreign Policy Simply WAR by Other Means! (6 min) – Lavrov speaking in Portugal yesterday:
ICAN vs. HHS: Key Legal Win Recasts Vaccine Debate – https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ican-vs-hhs-key-legal-win-recasts-vaccine-debate-300712629.html – “The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has admitted that, in direct violation of Federal law, it failed to provide a single vaccine safety report to Congress for thirty years, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)… This acknowledgement comes after eight months of stonewalling from HHS following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the nonprofit ICAN, and its founder Del Bigtree. ICAN sought copies of the reports HHS was required to submit to Congress every two years, starting in 1988, detailing improvements it made to vaccine safety. ICAN was represented by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr… ICAN sued HHS in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, demanding that the reports be shared with the public. HHS eventually conceded that those reports do not exist and the Court entered an order confirming this concession… ‘The 1986 National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act granted economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies for vaccine injuries and hence eviscerated their economic incentive for them to take responsibility for vaccine safety,’ says Bigtree. ‘Market forces driving vaccine safety were simply eliminated.’ ”
UN environment chief resigns after frequent flying revelations – by Damian Carrington – https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/nov/20/un-environment-chief-erik-solheim-resigns-flying-revelations – “The Guardian understands Solheim was asked to resign by the UN secretary general, António Guterres. Sources at the UN Environment Programme (Unep) said that countries unhappy with Solheim’s conduct were holding back tens of millions of dollars, threatening a financial crisis at the body… A draft internal UN audit leaked to the Guardian in September found Solheim had spent almost $500,000 (£390,000) on air travel and hotels in just 22 months, and was away 80% of the time. The audit said this was a “reputation risk” for an organisation dedicated to fighting climate change… A UN staff union leader called some of the revelations “mind-blowing” and a prominent climate scientist accused Solheim of “obscene CO2 hypocrisy”.”
From the What-Would-A-Rabbi-Do? Desk: Ending the current measles epidemic: Haredi rabbis get it right – by Sharon Galper Grossman – https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/ending-the-current-measles-epidemic-haredi-rabbis-get-it-right/ – “Contemporary rabbinic authorities have taken a strong stand on the obligation to vaccinate, including Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv who considers parental refusal to vaccinate against measles as negligence, Rabbi Asher Weiss who defines the obligation to vaccinate as a form of communal responsibility, and Rabbi Mordechai Halperin, who classifies a person who refuses vaccination as an indirect murderer and a mazzik — one who damages, a subcategory of gezel (theft). Rabbi Herschel Schechter has stated that the obligation to vaccinate stems from the principle dina d’malchuta dina, the obligation to follow the law of the land. However, the most recent statements issued by Haredi rabbis, particularly in Israel, take an even stronger position on vaccination, calling for vaccination in the strongest terms and severely vilifying those who refuse. Their position is unequivocal. Everyone must vaccinate and they must vaccinate immediately.”
The BBC: vaccine critics are a “virus” – by John Stone – https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/health-healing/the-bbc-vaccine-critics-are-a-virus/ – ” ‘The clear and unambiguous message that Newsnight appears to wish to put across in this piece is that all vaccines are 100% safe and only ill-informed individuals think otherwise. The view that not all vaccines are 100% safe is portrayed as only being held by individuals who are not sufficiently educated to know otherwise. They are somehow slaves to internet scare stories. The message is given that doctors are aware of ‘facts’ which demonstrate that all vaccines are 100% safe. No ‘facts’ of any sort are given or discussed. The three chosen experts have no background in either science or vaccine safety. The two in the studio are charged in their everyday lives (jobs) with the responsibility of assuring individuals that vaccines are 100% safe. The third guest appears to have no relevant expertise in vaccine safety beyond the opinion that vaccines are safe and only individuals that believe in conspiracy theories think otherwise. The only other individual interviewed (by Grossman) is the discredited ‘journalist’ Brian Dear… This piece of reporting is clearly stating the message that all vaccines are 100% safe and that anyone who might question this is at best ‘uninformed’ and at worst a dangerous anti-vaxxer.’ -Professor Christopher Exley PhD FRSB” – Comment: Exley presents substantial material from the NewsNight broadcast. Below his letter of complaint, The “non-denial denial” response from the NewsNight “Complaints Director” uses multiple arguments taken directly from the Vaccine Industry to belittle the information from Exley before concluding that “I do not believe there are grounds for me to uphold your complaint.” In defending an article on how the “scientific vaccine community” are losing the information war on the questionable practice, perhaps the NewsNight defense is an ineffective move.
US-backed Kurdish Armed Groups Open Fire At Arab Protesters In Syria’s Al-Haskah Province – https://southfront.org/us-backed-kurdish-armed-groups-open-fire-at-arab-protesters-in-syrias-al-haskah-province/ – “Members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have opened fire at Arab protesters in the area of Ash-Shaddadi in the Syrian province of al-Hasakah, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency reported on November 20 citing local sources… According to the report, the protests started three days ago but the situation escalated on November 19 when several mortar shells launched by the YPG-led force hit civilian houses. The shells were fired during drills at the nearby shooting range… According to reports from other sources, 3 civilians were injured as a resulf of this incident. This situation caused a new round of protests against the local Kurdish-controlled administration.”
Trump Releases Official Statement On Khashoggi Murder. Iran Is Guilty – https://southfront.org/trump-releases-statement-on-khashoggi-murder-iran-is-guilty/ – “The main points of the statement: 1) “The world is a very dangerous place!” 2) Iran is guilty of destabilizing the situation in the Middle East 3) Hezbollah is also guilty 4) The Houthis are very guilty that they are resisting to the Saudi invasion in Yemen 5) Bashar al-Assad – as always… bloody “dictator”, “who has killed millions of his own citizens” 6) Israel – a great country 7) The crime against Jamal Khashoggi – “terrible” 8) Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder? – “maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” 9) Multi-billion deals with Saudi Arabia – remain in force 10) Sanctions against Saudi Arabia – what sanctions? 11) Washington already sanctioned “17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder”. I.e. made no practical steps to punish the Saudi regime.”
Western Weapons, Equipment And Instructors Flood Ukraine In Sign Of Further Tensions With Russia – https://southfront.org/western-weapons-equipment-and-instructors-flood-ukraine-in-sign-of-further-tensions-with-russia/ – “On November 20, the Daily Telegraph reported that the UK is going to increase its military support to the Kiev government. This effort will include the deployment of British troops in Ukraine and sending a British Navy ship to the country…’As long as Ukraine faces Russian hostilities, it will find a steadfast partner in the United Kingdom,’ British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson will say announcing the move according to the Tory-supporting Telegraph, who have apparently been provided with access to Williamson’s speech… These developments come ahead of an expected further escalation in relations between Ukraine and Russia. The Sea of Azov is the main point of tensions between the two sides besides the region of Donbass. Over the past year, Ukraine has undertaken a series of hostile steps toward civil ships under Russian flag in the Sea of Azov.” (emphasis added)
Once Again: US-led Coalition Strikes Targets In Euphrates Valley With White Phosphorus – https://southfront.org/once-again-us-led-coalition-strikes-targets-in-euphrates-valley-with-white-phosphorus/ – ” ‘Warplanes of the international coalition led by the U.S. carried out airstrikes with white phosphorus bombs on residential areas in Hajin, in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, killing and injuring many civilians,’ local sources told the SANA… The exact number of casualties was not revealed. However, the SANA said that over 100 civilians were killed in the US-led coalition bombing on the Euphrates Valley during the last seven days only… This was not the first time the US-led coalition is accused of using international prohibited weapons during its operation in the Euphrates Valley. Last month, several people were reportedly killed and injured when coalition warplanes dropped white phosphorus bombs on residential areas in the valley. Back then, Syrian and Russian officials called for an international investigation of this incident.”
Mattis: U.S. Will Establish Observation Posts On Syrian-Turkish Border – https://southfront.org/mattis-u-s-will-establish-observation-posts-on-syrian-turkish-border/ – ” ‘We are putting in OPs [observation posts] up in northern Syria, this is a change now. We are putting in observation posts in several locations up along the Syria border … We want to be the people to call the Turks and warn them if we see something coming out of an area that we’re operating in,’ Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency… Mattis also said that U.S. forces in Syria are coordinating with the Turkish military and will continue to do so through the observations posts.”
CALIFORNIA DEW ATTACKS: NWO Globalists Can’t Believe They Got Away With So Much Mass Murder and Destruction – http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=108712 – “Now the power elite know they will be able to get away with virtually any scheme that they attempt from this point forward. They are confident that the populace has been successfully socially engineered so that they will not put up a fight. Rather, the U.S. citizenry has demonstrated that it will permit the most egregious crimes against their person and property.”
Number of abortions in U.S. hit historic low in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available – by Ariana Eunjung Cha – https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2018/11/21/number-abortions-us-hits-historic-low/
Ministers say Israel close to retaking Gaza, Hamas leaders’ days are numbered – Security cabinet members Gilad Erdan, Yoav Gallant, and Israel Katz call for targeted killings of terrorist group’s leaders – by Raphael Ahren – https://www.timesofisrael.com/ministers-say-israel-close-to-retaking-gaza-hamas-leaders-days-are-numbered/ – “Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that Israel is “closer than ever” to re-occupying the coastal enclave and ‘must move from defense to offense,’ which he clarified means ‘targeted killings of the terrorist leaders of Hamas’ military wing.’.. ‘And it means being willing to capture and hold the Gaza Strip, until we dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,’ said Erdan, a member of the security cabinet, speaking at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in the capital.”
Erdogan, MBS, Islamic leadership and the price of silence – by Pepe Escobar – http://www.atimes.com/article/erdogan-mbs-islamic-leadership-and-the-price-of-silence/ – “The House of Saud’s ties to the Khashoggi slaying are being milked by the Turkish President for maximum benefit amid debate on leadership of the Islamic world and how the crisis may affect US and Saudi strategy in the Middle East Ibrahim Karagul – never afraid to apply a Rabelais touch – is always useful as a mirror reflecting the state of play of AKP circles around Erdogan… For this political elite, a breakthrough in the Erdogan-conducted “Death By a Thousand Leaks” is imminent, allegedly proving that Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) directly gave the order for the killing and slaying of Jamal Khashoggi… The consensus among the AKP leadership – confirmed by independent Left academics – is that the US-Israel-House of Saud-UAE axis is deep in negotiations to extricate MBS from any culpability… (end of article): No one can possibly advance the endgame. But that carries the strong possibility of a dominant, Erdogan-led Turkey all across the lands of Islam, allied with Qatar and also with Iran. Plus all of the above enjoying very close geopolitical and economic relations with Russia. Expect major fireworks ahead.” (emphasis added)
History of Shaken Baby Theories Exposed: How an Elite Group of Pediatric Radiologists Started Medical Kidnapping in the 1940s – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/history-of-shaken-baby-theories-exposed-how-an-elite-group-of-pediatric-radiologists-started-medical-kidnapping-in-the-1940s/ – ” ‘The bones tell the story,’ or so the saying goes. But do they tell the full story?.. The discovery of the x-ray in 1895 gave rise to a group of doctors who claimed to be able to read the x-rays and find the subtle signs of child abuse that everybody else missed… It took decades for their rhetoric to be accepted by the public, but when it was finally embraced, it was not long after that The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 (CAPTA) was passed by a bipartisan Congress, establishing what we now know as Child Protective Services… Most historians trace the modern era of Child Welfare to the landmark paper, “The Battered-Child Syndrome” by Dr. C. Henry Kempe and his colleagues, published in 1962.” (emphasis added)
Sent to me by Elana Freeland: CA FIRE VICTIM SPEAKS OUT (1 hr)
Brussels rejects Italy budget, paves way for sanctions – https://www.rt.com/business/444530-brussels-rejects-italy-budget/ – “The Commission confirms the existence of a particularly serious case of non-compliance,” the EU said in its annual review of euro-area nations’ spending plans referring to Italy’s 2019 budget. ‘With what the Italian government has put on the table, we see a risk of the country sleepwalking into instability.’.. Brussels has repeatedly voiced concerns over Rome’s borrow-and-spend plans, warning the Italian government that it could trigger another debt crisis that would hurt them all… Rome has argued that boosting growth is the best way to bring down Italy’s debt-to-GDP ratio of over 130 percent… Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini said that he won’t compromise on the budget plan’s core items like pension reform, citizens’ income, and lower taxes. He told reporters in Rome that he is, however, willing to make small changes in areas like investments, on which he is “open to dialogue with everyone.”.. Italy could now face penalties from the European Union if it does not adjust its budget.”
Planet of War – Still Trapped in a Greater Middle Eastern Quagmire, the U.S. Military Prepares for Global Combat – by Danny Sjursen – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50635.htm – “The U.S. was still bombing, raiding, and “advising” away in several of those old haunts as I entered the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Nonetheless, when I first became involved in the primary staff officer training course for mid-level careerists there in 2016, it soon became apparent to me that something was indeed changing.With Pentagon budgets reaching record levels — some $717 billion for 2019 — Washington has stayed the course, while beginning to plan for more expansive future conflicts across the globe. Today, not a single square inch of this ever-warming (credulity alert) planet of ours escapes the reach of U.S. militarization… Think of these developments as establishing a potential formula for perpetual conflict that just might lead the United States into a truly cataclysmic war it neither needs nor can meaningfully win. With that in mind, here’s a little tour of Planet Earth as the U.S. military now imagines it… ● Our Old Stomping Grounds: Forever War in the Middle East and Africa; ● Poking the Bear: Encircling Russia and Kicking Off a New Cold War; ● Challenging the Dragon: The Futile Quest for Hegemony in Asia; ● No Land Too Distant” (some emphases added)
https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/a-thanksgiving-fable-for-our-time.html – “Captured Consumers: As Americans everywhere sit down to celebrate Thanksgiving in their homes, many will be using wireless devices to disconnect from those near and connect with those from afar, or perhaps not even loved ones from afar, but to individual entertainment and distraction – each to his own device… Some portion of Americans are addicted to their wireless devices, including children. The addiction is by design. Screen time is altering children’s well-being… An un-quantified portion of individuals are already experiencing biological changes in their physiology associated with their use of wireless devices. Some recognize the association. Others hold a presumption of innocence towards their beloved wireless, even if they have symptoms, not unlike an individual on the slippery slope of becoming an alcoholic… Many Americans will continue to hold their cellphones against their heads, and tablets on their laps. Many will be searching the Internet on a wireless device for additional wireless devices for holiday gift giving, including faster and more powerful modems and phones and connected smart home devices.”
Climate Alarmists’ Temperature Data Erroneous and Incomplete, Says Researcher – by Michael Tennant – https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/30277-climate-alarmists-temperature-data-erroneous-and-incomplete-says-researcher – “Climate-data researcher Dr. John McLean performed what is believed to be the first-ever audit of the primary global temperature dataset used by the IPCC, known as HadCRUT4. Yes, you read that correctly: In all the years climate alarmists have been relying on HadCRUT4, no one ever bothered to examine the data to determine whether it was accurate and reliable. According to McLean, ‘It is neither of those things.’ ”
Thanksgiving Could Be Among the Coldest on Record in Parts of the Northeast – by Chris Dolce – https://weather.com/forecast/regional/news/2018-11-18-thanksgiving-day-record-cold-northeast/
From the Signs-Of-The-Times Desk: Swalwell Warns Gun Owners: Government Could Nuke Them If They Don’t Comply With Potential Gun Ban – by Amber Athey – https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/16/swalwell-gun-owners-nukes/ – “Swalwell replied to Biggs that any such war between the government and gun owners would be “short” because the government has “nukes,” implying that the government would use nuclear weapons against its own citizens. (RELATED: Beyond Guns: Democrats Introduce Bullet Control Bill)… He further threatened that the nukes are ‘legit.’ ”
Dozens of migrants disappear in Mexico as caravan pushes northward – by Luis Gómez Romero – https://mexiconewsdaily.com/opinion/dozens-of-migrants-disappear-in-mexico/ – “Earlier this month, two trucks from the caravan disappeared in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. One person who escaped told officials that about “65 children and seven women were sold” by the driver to a group of armed men… Mexican authorities are searching for the migrants, but history shows that people missing for more than 24 hours are rarely found in Mexico – alive or at all.”
American Cancer Society Seeks $11 Billion to Pursue an 80% Gardasil Vaccination Rate Among U.S. Children – by Kate Raines and Barbara Loe Fisher – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/american-cancer-society-seeks-11-billion-to-pursue-an-80-gardasil-vaccination-rate-among-u-s-children/ – “The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent uptake rate among American children with two doses human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026… To gain that coverage, 14 million more preteen children would need to complete the two-dose series, for a total of 57.62 million doses above and beyond the number of vaccinations given to date… HPV vaccine is one of the most expensive vaccines on the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule, costing a pricey $168 to $204 per dose, with Merck being the sole producer of HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in the U.S.” – Comment: Where are the sealed indictments when you need them?
From the Pot-Calling-The-Kettle Desk: Russian Veterans Appeal To ICC Over Moscow’s Alleged Use Of Mercenaries – https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-veterans-appeal-to-icc-over-moscow-s-alleged-use-of-mercenaries/29609013.html – “According to the veterans’ groups’ letter to the ICC, ’employees of private military firms are intentionally deprived of their legal status, as a result of which they do not receive the health and economic benefits afforded to veterans by the government and are prosecuted under the law on mercenary activity.’.. The group contends that the use of mercenaries in this way violates Article 7 of the ICC’s Rome Statute, which bans the ‘enforced disappearance of persons…with the intention of removing them from the protection of the law.’ They also cite the same article’s prohibition on transferring people by force ‘from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law.’ ” – Comment: Apparently there are a range of new strategies being brought to bear by the Atlanto-Zionist interests to finally solve the “Syria problem.”
From the Danger-Danger-Will-Robinson Desk: US promises to ‘disrupt’ oil shipments to Syria, sanctions Russian & Iranian companies – https://www.rt.com/usa/444472-us-sanctions-russian-iranian-firms-syria/ – “The Treasury Department claims that the individuals and companies sanctioned are involved in a “complex and malign scheme” to bolster the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. It claims that oil is imported into Syria from Iran in defiance of American sanctions. The Syrian government then allegedly transfers cash to Islamic militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, at Iran’s direction.”
For the Week of 11/12/18:
California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons (from Oct. 17): https://www.aircrap.org/2017/10/13/california-fires-dew-directed-energy-weapons/ – Directed Energy Weapons Involved in Northern California Fires? (Oct. 17): http://christianobserver.net/were-directed-energy-weapons-involved-in-no-cal-fires/ – California – Greece Targeted With DEW – Directed Energy Weapons – Fires – Engineered Floods (July 2018): https://www.aircrap.org/2018/07/28/california-greece-targeted-with-dew-directed-energy-weapons-fires-engineered-floods/ – California Wildfires: Directed Energy Weapons Conspiracy (Nov. 2018: http://proxyponder.com/2018/11/california-wildfires-directed-energy-weapons-conspiracy/ – California Fires Created by Directed Energy Weapons (Nov. 2017 – One video taken down by yootoob, probably for “violating community standards”): http://www.renegadetribune.com/california-fires-created-directed-energy-weapons/ – Directed energy weapons and California fires (Nov. 2018): http://realityinsider.com/watch/directed-energy-weapons-and-california-fires_LrDaXojYNjt6mkY.html – Aftermath DEW Fires California (Oct. 2017 – 7 min): https://youtu.be/Qr7Di4y4ILw – California Gets Cooked | Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon (8 min): https://youtu.be/MhHOMU-IhHA – SANTA ROSA CALIFORNIA FIRES | DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON | SMOKING GUN!!! | THE EVIDENCE | TruthSec (Oct. 2017 -11 min): https://youtu.be/YbzCdiF664w – Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) (2018 – Includes picture of extremely anomalous freeway fire where SOME cars in a traffic jam were catching fire while the adjoining ones did not): http://www.chemtrailplanet.com/DEW.html – California wildfires caused by orbital directed energy weapon: not as ridiculous as it sounds? (Jan. 2018): https://theanalysis.net/2018/01/12/california-wildfires-caused-by-orbital-directed-energy-weapon-not-as-ridiculous-as-it-sounds/ – California & Greece Fires Created by Scalar Directed Energy Weapons (Aug. 2018) – https://www.concen.org/content/california-greece-fires-created-scalar-directed-energy-weapons-2018
The links above are selected from about 2 pages of a search (“california fires dew directed energy weapon”) on DuckDuckGo. Perusal of such a list of links might be considered “obsessive” by some. However, if there are valid uses of a global communications medium like the Internet, I would argue that they would include digging into things one is curious about. I would also posit that it’s more than appropriate to be curious about very anomalous evidence of extreme harms being perpetrated against the denizens of your own geographical region. It seems clear to me that just a couple of hours of such an investigation using web searches will provide anyone with a modicum of critical thinking faculties and who can operate a computer (or smart phone should one be so unfortunate as to have one) with ample evidence that we have now entered an era unprecidented in recorded human experience (outside of the Vedas maybe) in which devastating warfare is being unleashed against populations all over the planet, invisibly, with no warning. Does anyone really think that it would be unusual or pathological to be curious and highly concerned about this? No one on these chats, I think, has any expectation for the active staff of PanTerra to protect us from this new menace in human affairs, or to present garden-variety Panterrans with an out-of-the-box solution. However, to not be actively tracking it and at the same time suggesting that anyone who is doing that is “obsessive” is, to me, disturbing. In my opinion, this is a valid subject for discussion about just what we’re actually facing, who may be responsible, how our fellow humans are coping with it, what options for response may be, and what the implications for us all are. Enough said.
Photos of the ruins of my friend Gary’s Mother’s home and rental house in Paradise, California (also, his nephew lost his home in Paradise and barely evacuated in time):
From the It-Just-Gets-Better Desk: This speed camera will catch drivers on their phones from over half a mile away – by Joe Roberts – https://metro.co.uk/2018/11/15/this-speed-camera-will-catch-drivers-on-their-phones-from-over-half-a-mile-away-8143422/
The US Would Rather Burn the Middle East in a Sunni-Shia War Than See Itself Outplayed by Russia – by Elijah J. Magnier – https://russia-insider.com/en/us-would-rather-burn-middle-east-sunni-shia-war-see-itself-outplayed-russia/ri25387 – “The Saudi monarchy is well aware of the US need to sell them weapons. Indeed, Saudi media threatened the US – in the aftermath of the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi – to cease all hostilities towards Iran if Washington were to insist on accusing a Saudi top official (MBS) of the horrible kidnapping and murder. This shows that Saudi animosity towards Iran is a double edge weapon used by both the US and the monarchy to reach their own sometimes mutually conflicting objectives. Saudi officials are happy to continue feeding Trump the sums of money he wants as long as he allows Saudi Arabia a free hand in the region, mainly against Yemen.”
CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination – by Shane Harris, Greg Miller and Josh Dawsey – https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-concludes-saudi-crown-prince-ordered-jamal-khashoggis-assassination/2018/11/16/98c89fe6-e9b2-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html?utm_term=.74e4cb3ddcf7 – “The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation and complicates the Trump administration’s efforts to preserve its relationship with a close ally. A team of 15 Saudi agents flew to Istanbul on government aircraft in October and killed Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate, where he had come to pick up documents that he needed for his planned marriage to a Turkish woman… In reaching its conclusions, the CIA examined multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince’s brother Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, had with Khashoggi, according to the people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence. Khalid told Khashoggi, a contributing columnist to The Washington Post, that he should go to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to retrieve the documents and gave him assurances that it would be safe to do so.”
Geoengineering, the Space Fence, and the Advent of Transhumanism – by Elana Freeland – https://home.solari.com/geoengineering-the-space-fence-and-the-advent-of-transhumanism/ – “But what of “science” during all of this politicizing of the climate? Control over scientists and the various institutions of the scientific apparat has been tight since the Paperclip Nazi takeover at the beginning of the Cold War. The peer review system has been utterly co-opted by the military-industrial-intelligence complex that controls the purse strings and thus favors some theories and scientists while banishing others to the outer darkness of non-publication and stonewalled careers.”
The Genius Neuroscientist Who Might Hold the Key to True AI – by Saun Raviv – https://www.wired.com/story/karl-friston-free-energy-principle-artificial-intelligence/ – “Even Friston has a hard time deciding where to start when he describes the free energy principle. He often sends people to its Wikipedia page. But for my part, it seems apt to begin with the blanket draped over the futon in Friston’s office. It’s a white fleece throw, custom-printed with a black-and-white portrait of a stern, bearded Russian mathematician named Andrei Andreyevich Markov, who died in 1922. The blanket is a gag gift from Friston’s son, a plush, polyester inside joke about an idea that has become central to the free energy principle. Markov is the eponym of a concept called a Markov blanket, which in machine learning is essentially a shield that separates one set of variables from others in a layered, hierarchical system. The psychologist Christopher Frith—who has an h-index on par with Friston’s—once described a Markov blanket as ‘a cognitive version of a cell membrane, shielding states inside the blanket from states outside.’ ”
Bitchute Has Been BANNED From PayPal (CENSORSHIP) – by Tim Pool (w/video 13 min) – https://www.bitchute.com/video/k-QAksWoVhI/– Comment: I am assuming that under the coming reset global economic regime no one will be prevented from engaging in commerce freely?
Take a Good Look, America. This Is What the Reckoning Looks Like – by Matt Simon – https://www.wired.com/story/climate-change-reckoning/ – ” We can point to the wind or the lack of rainfall to explain the flames laying waste to Californian homes. But the devastation of this month’s fires is ultimately a product of a warming world. The climate change reckoning is here… This is what inaction looks like. You probably did notice, though, that California is burning. The contribution of climate change to this evolving disaster isn’t speculative—it’s pretty obvious in the data. ‘Some folks will say, well, a few degrees of temperature increase, fires are burning at 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, how can that possibly make a difference?” says UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain. The warming manifests in what’s known as the vapor-pressure deficit (comment: science you don’t understand). ‘So essentially how much water the atmosphere wants to suck out of the living vegetation.’.. The reality is that California may now be looking at a nearly year-round fire season, especially in Southern California. ‘There’s a lot of evidence backing that up,’ says Swain. ‘What is definitely true is that the fire season has lengthened, and not just by a little bit, but pretty dramatically by months relative to what it was just a few decades ago.’ ” (emphasis added)
Backed by Ocasio-Cortez, Youth Climate Activists Arrested at Pelosi’s Office Demanding Democrats Embrace ‘Green New Deal’ – by Jessica Corbett – https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/11/13/backed-ocasio-cortez-youth-climate-activists-arrested-pelosis-office-demanding – “Youth climate activists with the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats were arrested on Capitol Hill Tuesday for staging a sit-in at the Washington, D.C. office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—who is expected to serve as the next speaker of the House… Long a demand by the climate justice movement—and popularized in the latest election cycle by incoming progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Antonio Delgado of New York, Deb Haaland of New Mexico, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota—a Green New Deal would pair actions to address the global climate crisis with policies to create jobs and a more just economy… ‘I just want to let you all know how proud I am of each and every single one of you for putting yourselves and your bodies and everything on the line to make sure that we save our planet, our generation, and our future. It’s so incredibly important,’ Ocasio-Cortez told the crowd of activists on Tuesday. ‘We do not have a choice. We have to get to 100 percent renewable energy.’ ” – Comment: This “action” is represented as a major positive by Common Dreams. But to anyone paying attention, attaining “100% renewable energy” using the “alternative” technologies permitted to the bonded sureties of the global imperium (solar panels and wind power) is not feasible financially. Most likely many millions of people would die from starvation and exposure to the (cooling) elements if such a regime is forced on humanity.
Spain Unveils ‘Groundbreaking’ Plan to Slash Emissions and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 – by Jessica Corbett – https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/11/13/spain-unveils-groundbreaking-plan-slash-emissions-and-transition-100-renewable – “Spain’s government on Tuesday unveiled “groundbreaking” plans to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, dramatically slash planet-warming emissions, and outlaw new fossil fuel exploration… Under the new draft law, Spain aims to draw at least 70 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2030 and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent from 1990 levels. By 2050, the nation would rely solely on sustainable sources and cut emissions by as much as 90 percent… ‘By planning on going carbon neutral Spain shows that the battle against climate change is deadly serious, that they are ready to step up, and plan to reap the rewards of decarbonization.’ —Laurence Tubiana, European Climate Foundation” – Comment:Someone is obviously under the impression that Spain can be kept under the control of the dissembling globalist regime until the mid-century, denying the Spanish people the use of high-energy fuels based on the specious contention that “fossil fuels” are causing “carbon emissions” that are driving warming that threatens planetary civilization. People must wake up from the hegemony of liars to reclaim thier quality of life. The question is how this will happen.
ELECTION THEFT 2018: Deep State Democrats Stole Every Election In Sight – http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=108101 – “No Constitutional Republic or Representative Democracy Even Exists without Fair Elections. Period… Do we all understand the preceding statement? Not only must it be properly understood, this fact of political life needs to be acted on before the American Republic is no more. Many say it (already) is no more… Trump’s wrecking ball: If ever there was a job for President Trump’s wrecking ball, it’s the election system and electoral process… Truly, this is perhaps his greatest task… If he doesn’t knock down the present system, it will come back to haunt him in 2020. ‘The globalists know that, if the status quo continues with regard to America’s elections, they will be able to steal the 2020 POTUS election. On the other hand, if the Right demands that Trump reform the entire process, it will be considerably more difficult for the Democrats to rig 2020.’ (Source: Deep State had to change the topic of conversation across the Internet from the “pervasive election thefts by Democrats”)“
Example of real Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) in operation (1 min)
California Fires: Directed Energy Weapons? Smart Meters? – by Truther Girls (10 min)
SMART Meters Being Used To Implode Buildings in California During Firestorms – “The Most Selective Wildfires in Recorded History” – http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=108181 – “One thing is for sure: those homes were not burned to the ground. There is no evidence of fire damage, but a LOT of evidence of either an implosion or an explosion in some other cases. Investigators on the ground have reported all sorts of anomalies which include the vaporization of different parts of the buildings. Some parts of the structure are virtually disappeared whereas other things are left perfectly intact. This destructive phenomenon simply does not occur with a regular fire, particularly a wildfire… The photos at the link below tell a story about these California wildfires that is far different from the official narrative. In point of fact, they prove that directed energy weapons (DEWs) are being routinely utilized to destroy homes, businesses and other property all over the state… The fact that they (unknown culprits) have gotten away with these stealth attacks up until now is quite extraordinary. How have the perps been able to elude detection with so many photos on the Internet showing that fires are not the cause of destruction to so many buildings (7000+ and counting just this November)?”
Saudi Arabia Has Plans To Assasinate Senior Iranian Officials Including General Soleimani: NYT – https://southfront.org/saudi-arabia-has-plans-to-assasinate-senior-iranian-officials-including-general-soleimani-nyt/ – “Saudi intelligence officials, close to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman discussed a plan to assassinate senior Iranian officials, including General Qassem Soleimani, according to a NYT report published on November 11th… The outlet cited three unnamed sources familiar with the discussions. According to them, the discussions happened at a time when MbS was consolidating power and directing his advisers to escalate military and intelligence operations outside the kingdom. If the rumors are true that means that top Saudi officials have been considering assassinations ever since the Crown Prince’s ascended to power.”
From the Gift-That-Keeps-On-Giving Desk: Conservative author and Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi said special prosecutors plan to indict him for allegedly lying – by Rosalind S. Helderman, Manuel Roig-Franzia and Carol D. Leonnig – https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/conservative-author-and-stone-associate-jerome-corsi-said-special-prosecutors-plan-to-indict-him-for-allegedly-lying/2018/11/12/773e6722-e6c7-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html – “Corsi told listeners of his daily live-stream Web program that he had turned over two computers, emails and other communications to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and sat for six interviews since receiving a subpoena two months ago… But he said that his cooperation had “exploded” in recent weeks and that Mueller’s team has now said he will be criminally charged. ‘I’m going to be indicted. That’s what we’ve been told. Everyone should know that,’ he said… Corsi is one of at least nine Stone associates who have been interviewed by Mueller’s team, which has been investigating whether anyone in President Trump’s orbit coordinated with WikiLeaks in its release of Democratic emails allegedly hacked by Russian operatives… Corsi added that he believes Mueller’s team is persecuting him because of his outspoken opposition to the investigation and defense of President Trump… ‘The Department of Justice is run by criminals,’ Corsi said, adding: ‘I think my crime really was that I supported Donald Trump. Now I guess I’ll go to prison for the rest of my life, because I dared to oppose the “deep state.” ‘ ”
Christopher Bollyn on the War on Terror – by Our Interesting Times podcast (brand new – 1hr 36min) – https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2018-11-12T05_54_50-08_00 – Comment: Christopher is one of the most innovative and tenacious researchers on the relation between the events of 9/11 and the Global Deep State
Evidence Abounds That Supervisor of Elections in Broward County Is Committing Vote Fraud To Steal Senate and Governor’s Offices from Republicans! – by JW Williams – https://needtoknow.news/2018/11/evidence-abounds-supervisor-elections-broward-county-committing-vote-fraud-steal-senate-governors-offices-republicans/
Did A 5G Experiment Test In The Hague, Netherlands, Prove Fatal To Birds In Trees? – by Catherine Frompovich – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/did-a-5g-experiment-test-in-the-hague-netherlands-prove-fatal-to-birds-in-trees.html – “Starlings roosting in trees in a park in The Hague, Netherlands, fell dead from their perches. A total of 297 dead birds were collected. Poor birdies! (Source)… However, birds were not the only wildlife seemingly affected: [N]earby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal... It appears a 5G mast was being tested to see what interferences could occur from …’where RF radiation was tested with a peak frequency of 7.40 GHz’, as reported by one source, but still not confirmed.”
Brave New Digital World: The Revelation — Full Version (45 min) – https://youtu.be/toB0psKnG_8 – “A 45-minute feature video from Digital Apostate Jeff Einstein about the rise of a dystopian society ruled by a state-sanctioned meta-addiction to all things media and all things digital, Brave New Digital World: The Revelation explores what happens to our time and money and freedom when addiction emerges as the default social condition, the rule rather than the exception.”
D.C. Bureaucrats Are Trying to Make Parents Get a License to Let Children Play Together – by Kerry McDonald – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/d-c-bureaucrats-are-trying-to-make-parents-get-a-license-to-let-children-play-together.html – “Back in the 1970s, a group of parents got together to create an informal playgroup for toddlers in DC in a spare room of a local church. Over the last 40 years, groups of parents and their two-year-olds have enjoyed these three-hour playgroups, which children can attend up to three days a week. The playgroup is staffed by parents of the kids who attend, and they take turns watching the children. There is no paid staff… According to a recent Washington Post article written by Karin Lips of the Network of Enlightened Women, ‘Some DC government officials now are trying to regulate the program, which they contend is an illegal child-care facility.’ The Office of the State Superintendent of Education investigated the playgroup cooperative in early September and issued a statement saying the group is violating child care facility laws and must get a license to operate… In DC and elsewhere, government officials should stay clear of telling parents what to do or how to organize. We don’t need a license to let our children play.”
European Central Bank In Panic Mode as Economy Stalls – by Andrew Moran – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/european-central-bank-in-panic-mode-as-economy-stalls.html – “A recession is inevitable – both in the United States and in Europe. Unlike the last economic contraction, the ECB will be out of bullets, unless it wants to experience rampant inflation and a currency crisis. European nations are deeply in debt, running budget deficits and witnessing putrid results. There isn’t much left for these bloc members to do, except employ pro-market measures, like rolling back aggressive spending efforts, paying off the debt, and cutting taxes… Draghi and Co. have only exacerbated the eurozone’s problems by adopting easy-money, inflationary policies. Now that it has fired all the big guns to barely achieve 2% quarterly growth, the ECB is out of bullets, unable to do anything more. Governments can only raise the white flag of surrender and propose their own secession from the currency bloc. To save yourself from drowning on this sinking ship, an exit from the eurozone may be the only reasonable solution.”
Israel bombs TV station in Gaza amid massive border flare-up – https://www.rt.com/news/443792-israel-bombs-tv-station-gaza/
For the Week of 11/5/18:
Intense clashes with Gaza break out as Hamas commander said killed in IDF raid – Palestinian media reports at least 7 killed, more injured, during Israeli operation in Khan Younis; IDF confirms ‘exchange of fire broke out’, rockets fired at south – by Judah Ari Gross – https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-to-kill-senior-hamas-commander-in-gaza-drone-strike/ – “Intense clashes with Gaza break out as Hamas commander said killed in IDF raid… Palestinian media reports at least 7 killed, more injured, during Israeli operation in Khan Younis; IDF confirms ‘exchange of fire broke out’, rockets fired at south… Israeli special forces conducted a raid in the Gaza city of Khan Younis on Sunday night, apparently killing several suspected Hamas terrorists, including a senior commander in its military wing, and bringing the region back to the brink of war… The IDF later confirmed that a special forces officer was killed and another injured in the raid. The military censor prevented news of the IDF officer’s death and the second officer’s injuries from being published until their families could be notified.”
The ‘War Party’ Wins the Midterm Elections, Accelerating the Transition to a Multipolar World Order – The outcome of the American midterm elections gives us an even more divided country, confirming that the United States is in the midst of a deep crisis within its establishment – by Federico Pieraccini – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/11/10/war-party-wins-midterm-elections-accelerating-transition-multipolar-world-order.html – “Getting one’s legislative agenda passed with the House in the hands of one’s opponents is difficult at the best of times. For Trump the task becomes almost impossible… For this reason, we are faced with a scenario that delivers the country to the war party, that faction composed of Republicans and Democrats who respond to the interests of specific conglomerates of power and not to the citizens who elected them. The real winners of the midterms appear to be the intelligence agencies, Wall Street and the banks, the ratings agencies, the Fed, the mainstream media, think-tanks, policy-makers, and the military-industrial complex. Donald Trump has come to discover, in his first two years as president, how little autonomy he has in foreign policy, thanks to the warmongering of the US establishment.”
France’s Macron denounces nationalism as a ‘betrayal of patriotism’ in rebuke to Trump at WWI remembrance – by David Nakamura, Seung Min Kim, &, James McAuley – https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/to-mark-end-of-world-war-i-frances-macron-denounces-nationalism-as-a-betrayal-of-patriotism/2018/11/11/aab65aa4-e1ec-11e8-ba30-a7ded04d8fac_story.html – “Speaking in French, Macron emphasized a global order based on liberal values is worth defending against those who have sought to disrupt that system. The millions of soldiers who died in the Great War fought to defend the “universal values” of France, he said, and to reject the ‘selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.’.. Macron has attempted to stand as a vocal counterweight to Trump, who recently called himself a “nationalist” and has moved to set the United States apart from global treaties, including the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris climate accord and a U.N. program for refugees… Amid growing divisions in Europe that have strained the European Union, Macron defended that institution and the United Nations, declaring the “spirit of cooperation” has ‘defended the common good of the world.’ ”
Why the U.S. Military is Woefully Unprepared for a Major Conventional Conflict – by Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss & Edwin Watson – https://southfront.org/why-the-u-s-military-is-woefully-unprepared-for-major-conventional-conflict/ – “After a decade of fighting an insurgency in Afghanistan and almost as long in Iraq, the U.S. leadership decided to destroy the sovereign nation of Libya, and foment a war in Syria immediately afterward. There is no doubt with the knowledge of historic events today, that the CIA and State Department facilitated a foreign invasion of Syria of Islamist radicals. They funded and armed these groups, provided clandestine training, and facilitated the logistical movement of fighters and weapons into a sovereign nation to cause its disintegration. In these two examples they decided not to occupy these countries, but to destroy all semblance of ordered society and replace it with brutally violent chaos. The U.S. political and military leadership seems to have learned that their past adventurism resulted in costly occupations, yet instead of refraining from using the military option as a tool to alter geopolitical realities they did not like, they merely opted to abandon the responsibility of occupation and reconstruction all together.”
ZigBee is a low-energy consumption data transfer protocol. It is being implemented by many manufacturers working on the creation of the “Internet of Things,” (Beast?) widely touted particularly by people like David Petraeus who are connected to the Pentagon side of the Deep State. ZigBee is the core comm protocol used by the very exotic and, incidentally, illegal to install according to the “rules” of the Admin System®, AMI Smart Meters, as they are not, and cannot be, UL Approved. Smart Meters started to “roll-out” in South East Asia (Indonesia among others), two years before they reared their heads here in the U.S., so they are apparently crucial to <someone’s> plans for a global deeply linked device network. – What is ZigBee? (3 min) https://youtu.be/yBgcYT1riz8 – And, yes, as Cal Washington said, the replacement of analog electric meters with AMI Smart Meters is a violation of the existing adhesion contracts for electric service, unless replacement is accepted with silence and abject compliance. – Note: The installation of Smart Meters is war by other means. It is not, IMO, taking a stance in an enemy-construct to notice the enmity with which statist actors and corporate structures that piggyback on statist enforcement monopolies are moving toward the enslavement of humans on Earth Their motivations and planning are amply demonstrated in their own publications, conferences, and documentation. Refusing state surveillance is self-defense, fully lawful and ethical under Natural Law and the higher jurisdictions that Cal Washington mentions.
American Citizen Detained by Trump Admin Without Charge for More than a Year Finally Set Free – by Derrick Broze – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/11/american-citizen-detained-by-trump-admin-without-charge-for-more-than-a-year-finally-set-free.html – “The story of his illegal secret detainment would have been lost to the pages of history if not for the reporting of The Daily Beast which first revealed his existence to the public. The Washington Post later revealed that the man was captured in Syria on September 12, 2017. He reportedly surrendered to a rebel group in Syria before being give to the U.S. military. According to The Washington Post, as told by anonymous “officials familiar with the case,” the Justice Department did not believe they had enough evidence to bring charges against him. The ACLU eventually stepped in to represent the man, despite attempts by the government to prevent the man from gaining access to legal representation.”
Bix Weir posts videos from commercial media of what looks like very bad actors interviewed after the “12 people dead” shooting at the bar in Thousand Oaks. The videos were taken down from youtube for “harassment and bullying.” – http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/ROOTAS-BANNED-CONSPIRACY-VIDEOS-2.cfm?awt_l=Hl52A&awt_m=3jGpnZaaP.AZ85B
Six lawsuits against FCC’s 5G idiocy – that $2bn windfall for telcos – is bundled into one appeals court sueball – by Kieren McCarthy – https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/11/07/fcc_5g_lawsuits_bundled/ – ” At the heart of the mass challenge is the FCC’s recent decision to override state and local governments and insist there be a single flat-fee for installing new 5G cell nodes, as well as standardized national processes and contracts for approving new sites… On top of that, the FCC is also being sued [PDF] by three telecoms operators – the very companies that the measure was supposed to benefit – because they claim it didn’t go far enough… AT&T, Verizon and Sprint say the FCC rules should have included so-called “deemed granted” (note: often the “shot clock”) provisions that would cause a new cell site to be automatically approved once the imposed application timelines had been passed… Otherwise they will be forced to sue if local authorities miss the deadline – and that’s a big waste of their time and money, the telcos cry.”
Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups are America’s Domestic Viet Cong – from Ammo.com – http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/asymmetrical-warfare-and-4gw-how-militia-groups-are-americas-domestic-viet-cong_11072018 – “The Militia Movement and 4GW – No discussion of 4GW in the United States would be complete without touching on the militia movement, something specific to the U.S. While Europe has a history of factions in the military who oppose the government (the French Secret Army Organization is the most famous of these), it does not, to nearly the same extent as the United States, have men actively training in the woods getting ready for civilizational collapse or 4GW… The militia movement began in the early 1980s, when it was known as the Posse Comitatus movement. It exploded (no pun intended) after the attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building and the showdown at Ruby Ridge. By the mid-1990s, the militia movement had a presence in all 50 states and was comprised of approximately 60,000 people… Note that the militia movement is no longer limited to the political right. Left-wing organizations have begun openly training with arms since the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016. In any kind of 4GW scenario in the United States, it’s likely that these two strains of the militia movement would come into conflict with each other, as well as the United States government. And don’t forget about the narcissism of small differences that tends to plague fringe political movements – the most bitter enemies in a 4GW conflict in the United States will likely be competing factions of left- and right-wing political movements.”
Another Journalist Reportedly Tourtured To Death By Saudi Authorities. But Who Cares? – https://southfront.org/another-journalist-tourtured-to-death-by-saudi-authorities/ – “Critics say the crown prince has used the purge against high-level individuals to wrangle control of key Saudi companies, sideline potential rivals and silence critics alarmed by his rapid rise to power as he prepares to inherit the throne from his father, King Salman… Saudi authorities, however, claim that the campaign is aimed at “improving the Kingdom’s business environment.”.. The international community, which showed such apparent condemnation of the murder of Khashoggi has kept quiet regarding the “corruption crackdown,” as well as the recent death of Al-Jasser.”
FOCUS-Ahold ups stakes in US grocery war with mini-“robot supermarkets” – by Emma Thomasson and Melissa Fares – https://www.nasdaq.com/article/focusahold-ups-stakes-in-us-grocery-war-with-minirobot-supermarkets-20181107-00011 – “At an investor event on Nov. 13, the world’s eighth biggest food retailer is set to showcase a partnership that will allow it to automate order collection at mini “robot supermarkets” attached to the stores of its U.S. chains like Stop & Shop… Now Netherlands-based Ahold Delhaize is teaming up with Takeoff, a start-up which builds small warehouses that stack groceries to the ceiling to save space and use robot arms to assemble shoppers’ orders for items such as beer, milk, bread and fruit.”
Edward Snowden: Israeli software tracked Khashoggi – by Yonah Jeremy Bob – https://www.jpost.com/International/Edward-Snowden-worlds-most-wanted-fugitive-appears-in-Israel-571227 – “Technology made by an Israeli company was used to target groups of journalists in Mexico and other problematic areas, including slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Edward Snowden, the infamous “whistle-blower” who leaked classified NSA information, told a conference in Israel on Tuesday. Snowden spoke via video-conference from an undisclosed location in Russia to the closed audience… Snowden accused the Israeli NSO firm of “selling a digital burglary tool” and said that even if some good actors are using their software, ‘it is not just being used for catching criminals and stopping terrorist attacks…not just for saving lives, but for making money…such a level of recklessness…actually starts costing lives.’.. It was NSO’s software, he said, that was used to track Khashoggi, who was killed in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul last month. The infamous leaker said he had succeeded in pushing the discussion of liberal democratic governments ‘collecting and abusing our data’ saying ‘it is being talked about more…when you move from conspiracy theory to fact – the conversation changes.’.. Furthermore, he said that the approach of regular citizens’ telephone calls and emails could lead to intelligence agencies making the wrong decisions when there are complex calls to make… Attacking the surveillance state as not bringing security, he said: ‘Surveillance is not about safety. Surveillance is about control.’ ”
America Goes to War – Fighting Russia, China and al-Qaeda simultaneously requires more money – by Philip Giraldi – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50574.htm – “Two recent stories in particular demonstrate just how far Washington has gone towards accepting that war has more-or-less become a natural condition for the United States of America. The first is an article ‘After years of fighting insurgencies, the Army pivots to training for a major war” that has largely been ignored, regarding how the U.S. military is changing its doctrine and training to enable it to fight a major war against a powerful national opponent.’.. The second article, also little commented on, made plain that the “competitive” army that is now evolving won’t be just some pretty toy sitting on a shelf unused. The former US commander in Europe from 2014-7 retired Lt. General Ben Hodges spoke at the Warsaw Security Forum on October 24th, where he told NATO allies that they would have to increase defense spending because the United States will not be able to protect them against a “resurgent Russia” while it is fighting China. He predicted that the U.S. will probably be at war with China within 15 years to protect its interests in the Pacific region.”
NIH greatly expands investment in BRAIN Initiative – https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-greatly-expands-investment-brain-initiative – “The National Institutes of Health announces funding of more than 200 new awards, totaling over $220 million, through the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative, an exciting trans-agency effort to arm researchers with revolutionary tools to fundamentally understand the neural circuits that underlie the healthy and diseased brain. Supported by the Congress through both the regular appropriations process and the 21st Century Cures Act, this brings the total 2018 support for the program to more than $400 million, which is 50 percent more than the amount spent last year. Many of the new awards explore the human brain directly. Furthermore, the NIH is trying to leverage some BRAIN Initiative advances to help tackle the pain and opioid crisis… Examples of these new awards include the creation of a wireless optical tomography cap for scanning human brain activity; the development of a noninvasive brain-computer interface system for improving the lives of paralysis patients; and the testing of noninvasive brain stimulation devices for treating schizophrenia, attention deficit disorders, and other brain diseases. All these awards can be found on the new NIH BRAIN Initiative website.”
From the Let-The-Games-Begin Desk: Anne Arundel police say officers fatally shot armed man while serving protective order to remove guns – by Colin Campbell – https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/bs-md-aa-shooting-20181105-story.html – “Two Anne Arundel County police officers serving one of Maryland’s new “red flag” protective orders to remove guns from a house killed a Ferndale man after he refused to give up his gun and a struggle ensued early Monday morning, police said… The subject of the protective order, Gary J. Willis, 60, answered his door in the 100 block of Linwood Ave. at 5:17 a.m. with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County police said. He initially put the gun down next to the door, but “became irate” when officers began to serve him with the order, opened the door and picked up the gun again, police said… ‘A fight ensued over the gun,’ said Sgt. Jacklyn Davis, a police spokeswoman… One of the officers struggled to take the gun from Willis, and during the struggle the gun fired but did not strike anyone, police said. At that point, the other officer fatally shot Willis, police said.”
Trump’s Sanctions Against Iran Appear to Have Failed – If there will be increasing resistance in the EU, then it is even possible that Iran’s oil-sales will mushroom.- by Eric Zuesse – http://theduran.com/trumps-sanctions-against-iran-appear-to-have-failed/?mc_cid=5cced0afec&mc_eid=6264e00852 – “Visual shows there main importers of Iran’s oil: China, India (together 50% of total), EU (20%); they’re all now safe to restore to pre-Trump-sanctions levels, so that Iran will possibly exceed its current (which are based on fears they’d not get a waiver) oil-sales. Trump’s sanctions, in any case, look like a failure… If there will be increasing resistance in the EU, among the nations that Trump is discriminating against (by not granting waivers), then it is even possible that Iran’s oil-sales will mushroom. For example, China consumes 587.2 million tonnes of oil this year, and Iran has the world’s third-largest oil-reserves. That consumption is globally second-largest only to America’s 907.6 million tonnes of oil consumption. China now can easily replace some of its other suppliers.”
Minister: Israel might destroy Syrian S-300s, even if manned by Russians – by Stuart Winer and staff – https://www.timesofisrael.com/minister-israel-might-destroy-syrian-s-300s-even-if-manned-by-russians/ – “Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin, who is also co-chair of the Russia-Israel Intergovernmental Commission, told Russian media Monday that it was a “big mistake” for Moscow to supply its ally Syria with the S-300 missile system, because the advanced missiles, which are considered a significant threat to Israeli air power in the area, ‘might lead to destabilization of the situation.’.. Israeli leaders have vowed to continue carrying out strikes in Syria amid tensions with Russia over the downing of the Russian military reconnaissance plane, though no airstrikes have been attributed to Israel since the September 17 incident… Elkin cautioned that “considering the mess” that the Syrian army was in, the Syrians cannot be trusted to operate the equipment correctly and may end up shooting down an ‘Israeli military or commercial plane over Israeli territory.’ ”
The InPower Notice of Liability process docs are no longer available on their site: https://inpowermovement.com/ – There is a 2 min video by Cal Washington talking about what’s coming. They’ll have a brand new site debuting on Dec. 15, with an automated document process that will eventually be in many languages. They have another site with FAQs on it at: https://support.inpowermovement.com/ – In the meantime, if you’d like to familiarize yourself with the NOL process documents (as suggested by Cal in the new interview) as downloaded early this year, I put them into a zip file that you can download from Dropbox at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3l5oj0zic1nssv/InPower-Notice_of_Liability-docs-Feb.2018.zip?dl=1
Dr. Martin Pall, M.D., PhD, Professor Emeritus from the University of Washington, in an interview on KPFA Radio a couple of months ago, which I found shocking, says that he thinks that the damage to peoples’ brains from EMF radiation already suffered is to the extent that society is already experiencing a collective inability to make reasoned decisions about vital issues we face. Download link to the mp3 on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uwg3h9tnlht44xp/Dr_Martin_Pall-YOHAF-2018.08.14.mp3?dl=1
The Film The Israel Lobby Doesn’t Want You To See – by Moon of Alabama – https://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/11/the-film-the-israel-lobby-doesnt-want-you-to-see.html – “Today The Electronic Intifada published the first two parts of “The Lobby – USA”, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaigns in the United States… The planned broadcast of the film was prevented by Qatar, which owns Al Jazeera, on behalf of Israel… Watch it here.” (emphasis added)
5G, the smart grid and how to In Power Yourself! – A really, truly interesting interview with Cal Washington, Co-Founder of the InPower Movement with Josh del Sol (Beaulieu) who made the video Take Back Your Power (1hr 5min) – https://youtu.be/Q8uUF_9Mhjk
Mother fights to have son removed from chemotherapy after clean bill of health – by Kristin Thorne – https://abc7ny.com/health/mom-fights-to-have-son-removed-from-chemo-after-clean-bill-of-health/4604675/ – “Candace Gundersen’s son, Nick Gundersen, 13, is receiving court-ordered chemotherapy at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola. He’s now in the custody of Suffolk County Child Protective Services… Gundersen of Huntington said Nick was diagnosed by doctors at Cohen Children’s Medical Center with acute leukemia in June 2018. Gundersen said she asked doctors if she could get a second opinion before Nick began chemotherapy on June 30th… ‘They told me if I didn’t consent to the treatment they would call CPS and have me removed and my son would have the treatment anyway,’ Gundersen said. ‘So I signed the consent.’.. Gundersen, who’s a holistic wellness coach, said Nick was hospitalized for 30 days and suffered an adverse reaction to the chemotherapy… ‘He lost over 20 percent of his body weight. He developed typhlitis, which is a life-threatening bowel infection, he had fluid in both his lungs, he was bedridden. He stopped breathing on numerous occasions, he was on oxygen,’ she said… He was discharged on July 24 and continued with outpatient appointments until August 29th. On August 29th, doctors tried to admit Nick but his mother refused. A doctor there called CPS. Cohen Children’s Medical Center did not return Eyewitness News’ request for comment… On September 2, Gundersen said police officers and CPS showed up at her house at 3:30 a.m. and seized Nick and forced him to return to Cohen. On September 11th, Gundersen had Nick transferred to NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, where he continued with chemotherapy.”
Creepy Facebook feature could suggest friends by TRACKING whomever you’re standing next to in photos – https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/7664071/facebook-track-feature-creepy-patent/
N.Y. Health Department Orders All Unvaccinated School Children to Miss 21 Days of School Over Measles “Outbreak” – by Brian Shilhavy – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/n-y-health-department-orders-all-unvaccinated-school-children-to-miss-21-days-of-school-over-measles-outbreak/ – “This directive includes those who have legal vaccine exemptions for either medical or religious reasons… Here is a letter sent from one school that was posted on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Facebook Page”
For the Week of 10/29/18:
Colombia Denies Report of Pressuring Brazil’s Bolsonaro to Invade Venezuela – by Ben Kew – https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2018/10/31/colombia-denies-report-of-pressuring-brazils-bolsonaro-to-invade-venezuela/ – “Bolsonaro has promised to help anti-socialist Venezuelans reclaim their country and oppose the socialist dictatorship there. Brazil and Venezuela previously enjoyed close relations during the administrations of the late Hugo Chávez and now imprisoned Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva… During his campaign, Bolsonaro pledged to help international efforts to liberate Venezuelans from the Maduro dictatorship, whose corruption and socialist policies have left the once thriving country in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis… ‘I have had conversations with other authorities from other countries, they have brought up the subject of Venezuela, and they ask that Brazil participate in one way or another to solve the problem. After all, it is our brothers who are suffering from the dictatorship of Maduro,’ Bolsonaro said in an interview with Record TV on Monday.” – Comment: It doesn’t appear that Columbia, who have just sent another 5,000 troops to the Venezuelan border for a total of at least 17 thousand so far, really needs to pressure Bolsonaro to “help international efforts to liberate Venezuelans from the Maduro dictatorship.” (emphasis added) – Of course the overwhelming majority of the Venezuelans who voted for, and support Maduro have no bearing on Maduro’s role as dictator (similarly to the situation with the “brutal regime” of the Dictator Assad.
Re: Trump & Pike – And Why the Tavistock Institute exists – Trump & Pike – And Why the Tavistock Institute exists – “According to this report, in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial collapse caused by the outright systemic corruption emanating from the US Federal Reserve System that infected the entire Western world’s banking system for the benefit of the American “shadow government”, a powerful American-British Freemason cabal arose, headed by Donald Trump, to restore “sanity” into this system in order to, in essence, “save the world from itself”… Having begun large land purchases in Scotland, this report continues, Donald Trump, in 2010, gathered around him the most powerful Freemasonic force ever seen in modern times in a bid to first save the United Kingdom’s banking system, and, as he envisioned Scotland would soon break away and become an independent nation, the entire world’s economy could then be saved from the Freemason’s new economically impenetrable Scottish stronghold.”
Questions: 1) Does the Federal Reserve actually benefit “the American ‘shadow government’?” 2) I think it’s pretty clear that all of the secret societies of the world were penetrated and controlled from the tops of their hierarchies by the Illuminati, after the Illuminatti were proscribed by Bavaria and forced to go underground. The nature of Masonic-type groups is ideal for such controls. So, how does “a powerful American-British Freemason cabal” suddenly break free of these controls to essentially go to war with systemic global “corruption?” There is powerful evidence that Donald Trump has had very deep state connections with the CIA/Maffia milieux since at least his acquisition of Resorts International Corp., a CIA front. He used Resorts Int’l. to bring gambling to Atlantic City, so that he could profit from the legal transfer of the wealth of the rubes to build his empire. 3) Where did Trump suddenly get religion and decide to build an America that works for the little people? 4) What is the original source of the “Trump & Pike article ?
Regarding the “Venezuelan Situation,” I think that many people, possibly including Donald Trump, are misinformed and confused as to actual information about what’s happening there. From Mr. Trump’s executive order: “…particularly in light of actions by the Maduro regime and associated persons to plunder Venezuela’s wealth for their own corrupt purposes, degrade Venezuela’s infrastructure and natural environment through economic mismanagement and confiscatory mining and industrial practices, and catalyze a regional migration crisis by neglecting the basic needs of the Venezuelan people…” This statement reflects the popular propaganda on the Chavista administration, but is a long way from the truth. I know that the current popular wisdom, at least on the “anon, alt-right” end of things, is that Socialism = Bad. However, another perspective would be that Kakistocracy = Worse. For more detailed information on the current Venezuelan moment I would commend you to the Florida Maquis youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDow765I-QrmVp9Kfz0HqGA where these issues have recently been covered in some detail. It is apparent, among other things, that another violent coup, possibly using foreign armies, may be in the offing. This would explain the timing of this order by Trump.
Maybe Trump is misinformed, but even he knows the difference between a sovereign nation and one that is not. If this administration helps overthrow the Maduro regime, it’s just more proof that Trump is not in control and is just another puppet. Catherine Fitt’s latest money report discusses that his administration is pushing for another Sauid prince to take over as fallout for Khashoggi’s killing in Turkey. The US cannot chance any leaks about the true culprits for 911.
An AI Lie Detector Is Going to Start Questioning Travelers in the EU – by Melanie Ehrenkranz – https://gizmodo.com/an-ai-lie-detector-is-going-to-start-questioning-travel-1830126881 – “In Hungary, Latvia, and Greece, travelers will be given an automated lie-detection test—by an animated AI border agent. The system, called iBorderCtrl, is part of a six-month pilot led by the Hungarian National Police at four different border crossing points… For travelers who pass the test, they will receive a QR code that lets them through the border. If they don’t, the virtual agent will reportedly get more serious, and the traveler will be handed off to a human agent who will asses their report.”
Arizona Attorney General Demands Health Impact News Take Down Story on Medical Kidnapping in Violation of 1st Amendment – by Brian Shilhavy – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/arizona-attorney-general-demands-health-impact-news-take-down-story-on-medical-kidnapping-in-violation-of-1st-amendment/ – “This story has drawn national attention, and Health Impact News recently received an email from the mother, Briana, explaining that the Arizona Attorney General office was demanding that we take down their story… We have been publishing stories about state-sponsored child kidnappings on our MedicalKidnap.com website for over 4 years now, and this is not the first time we have been told we must remove one of our articles… We have never complied with these demands and threats, and we are NOT going to start now… These demands are directed towards traumatized parents while keeping their children captive, and are usually accompanied by an unconstitutional gag order to try and silence the parents.”
From the It-Can’t-Happen-Here Desk: A Senior Russian Diplomat Confirms: “Russia Is Preparing for War” – Is Anybody Listening? – by The Saker – http://www.unz.com/tsaker/a-senior-russian-diplomat-confirms-russia-is-preparing-for-war-is-anybody-listening/ – ” ‘Recently at a meeting the United States stated that Russia is preparing for war. Yes, Russia is preparing for war, I can confirm it. Yes, we are preparing to defend our homeland, our territorial integrity, our principles, our values, our people. We are preparing for such a war. But there is a major difference between us and the United States. Linguistically, this difference is just in one word, in both Russian and English: Russia is preparing for war while the United States is preparing a war.’ (emphasis added)… But for all our efforts, we have been “voices crying in the wilderness” which is hardly surprising since even Putin’s blunt warning during his March 1st speech to the Russian Federal Assembly was quickly dismissed as “posturing” and quickly forgotten. This is why two weeks following that historical speech I compared Russia to a peaceful rattlesnake (yes, they are peaceful creatures!) desperately trying to warn a drunk idiot to back-off but to no avail: the drunk idiot just boastfully declares “hold my beer and watch this” and tries to grab the snake… May, Trump, Macron and Merkel, of course, but also their sycophantic presstitutes and the herds of zombified followers all believe in their invulnerability and superiority. The terrifying truth is that these folks have NO IDEA whom they are dealing with nor do they understand the consequences of pushing Russia too hard. Oh, in theory they do (yeah, yeah, Napoleon, Hitler, we know!). But in their guts, they feel safe, superior and just can’t conceive that they can die, and their entire society can just disappear.”
The New U.S. Strategy in Syria Is Bound to Fail. Trump Wants “Regime Change” and the Withdrawal of Iranian Forces – by Firas Samuri – https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-new-u-s-strategy-in-syria-is-bound-to-fail-trump-wants-regime-change-and-the-withdrawal-of-iranian-forces/5658575 – “According to the new strategy, Washington intends to preserve its influence in the area by resolving two missions simultaneously. First, it is planned to carry out total control over gas and oil deposits for the American corporations. Second, continue to destabilize the situation until power in the country is changed.”
By Way Of Deception – False Flag Terror Acts Press Europe To Sanction Iran – by Moon of Alabama – https://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/11/by-way-of-deception-false-flag-terror-acts-press-europe-to-sanction-iran.html – “The most interesting question about such plots is always “Cui bono?”. Who benefits from these incidents?.. Iran has no interest in causing any upheaval with Europe shortly before the second round of U.S. sanctions, which threaten its economic well being, come into place early this month. Iran already took revenge for the Ahvaz attack. It has no need to tackle some unrelated separatist who resides in Denmark. Iran needs Europe to work around the U.S. sanctions. That aim prohibits any such operations… Both, the MEK plot as well as the case in Denmark, smell of false flag incidents. In both case no one was hurt. In both cases some stooges with no current relation to Iran were caught. Both cases came to light after information was allegedly provided by Mossad… But is it really Israel who set up these incidents? Both serve U.S. interest just as much. It is no secret that the U.S. wants to prevent European subversion of U.S. sanctions on Iran.”
Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate – by Sophia Chen – https://www.wired.com/story/quantum-physicists-found-a-new-safer-way-to-navigate/ – “So far, DiMario and his team have tested the sensor’s navigation capability in a flight, an SUV in New Jersey, and a ship in the Chesapeake Bay. Eventually, DiMario wants to shrink the cylinder to the size of a hockey puck, where it could be used in any type of transportation as an independent check on GPS.”
Brain implants used to treat Parkinson’s can be hacked and used to control people, scientists warn – by Natasha Bernal – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2018/10/31/brain-implants-used-treat-parkinsons-can-hacked-experts-warns/ – “A report by the Oxford Functional Neurosurgery Group and cyber security company Kaspersky claims that people’s memories could be exploited by hackers and has called on cyber security companies, manufacturers and healthcare companies to develop new technology to stop them… Academics have previously warned that brain implants could prevent patients from “speaking or moving, cause irreversible damage to their brain, or even worse, be life-threatening”. They claimed that hackers could overload or disable the system, and could damage people’s brains.”
GOP Lawmaker Defends Insane Manifesto Calling For Holy War and the Killing of All Males Who Flout ‘Biblical Law’ – by Matthew Chapman – https://www.alternet.org/election-03918/matt-shea-washington-religious-manifesto-biblical-law
DARPA Seeks FAA Approval For Military Drones Over American Cities By 2030 – At The Latest – by Nicholas West – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/darpa-seeks-faa-approval-for-military-drones-over-american-cities-by-2030-at-the-latest.html – “By 2025, enormous military-style drones – close relatives of the sort made famous by counterterrorism strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq – will be visible 2,000 feet above U.S. cities, streaming high-resolution video to police departments below. That is the bet that multiple defense contractors are placing, anyway, as they race to build unmanned aircraft that can pass evolving airworthiness certifications and replace police helicopters. And if that bet pays off, it will radically transform the way cities, citizens, and law enforcement interact… Unlike many new industries, which grow unfettered until emerging problems prompt regulation, unmanned flight needs relief from existing restrictions in order to blossom, Scassero said. Once that happens, the market for large unmanned planes could be enormous.”
Professor Says Parents Have No Right to Refuse Vaccines for Their Children – by Marco Cáceres – https://thevaccinereaction.org/2018/10/professor-says-parents-have-no-right-to-refuse-vaccines-for-their-children/ – “Dr. Caplan thinks that what he defines as the “vaccination rights” of minor children supersede the legal right of their parents to exercise informed consent to vaccination on their children’s behalf if a parent elects to decline one or more government recommended vaccines for whatever reason. He claims that vaccinating children represents a higher moral imperative than respecting the informed consent rights of parents… ‘I want to point out a moral stance that I don’t think has gotten enough attention, which is that every child has the right to be vaccinated,’ said Caplan. ‘We keep talking about parents’ right to say yes or no, to avoid mandates or requirements, or to do what they choose to do. Someone has to speak up and say, “Well, what about the kids? Don’t they have any rights?” ‘ ”
Northern Syria heats up as next likely US-Turkey flashpoint – by Semih Idiz – https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2018/10/turkey-syria-usa-manbij-may-be-next-flashpoint-in-ties.html – “Ankara is determined to ensure that an autonomous Kurdish entity similar to Kurdish Northern Iraq does not emerge in the region, but the odds are against the effort… US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made it clear recently that the United States does not intend to drop the YPG and PYD as its partners in Syria, despite what Ankara wants… “We’ve worked closely with the Syrian Kurds now for my entire time in service in this administration. They have been great partners. We are now driving to make sure that they have a seat at the table,” Pompeo said during an Oct. 10 event organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America.”
From the Fox-Guarding-The-Henhouse Desk: John Bolton Warns National Debt Is An “Economic Threat” To The US Security – by Tyler Durden – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-01/john-bolton-national-debt-economic-threat-us-security – “Bolton made his comments while speaking Wednesday at an event hosted by the Alexander Hamilton Society in Washington. He also said he expects the United States’ defense spending “to flatten out” in the near term (Comment: Oh really, this after Bolton has been instrumental in triggering what may be the biggest arms race in history?) and that even though entitlement spending is the bigger chunk of government expenditures, he didn’t anticipate major cuts to entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security… ‘In the near term, the budget deficit problem is in the discretionary spending,’ Bolton said… ‘The entitlements come in a few years and that problem’s going to have to be addressed. But right now, you can have significant impact on both the deficit and the national debt by cutting government spending on the discretionary programs.’.. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office forecasts the budget gap will reach $973 billion in fiscal 2019 and exceed $1 trillion the next year. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. predicts the deficit will reach $1 trillion and $1.125 trillion respectively.” (emphasis added) – Comment: And that’s the “budget gap” that they admit to…
Must see conclusion to Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money series – Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 9):
American Bread & Circus (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 10):
From the Rust-Never-Sleeps Desk: Startling new research finds large buildup of heat in the oceans, suggesting a faster rate of global warming – by Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis – https://www.washingtonpost.com/energy-environment/2018/10/31/startling-new-research-finds-large-buildup-heat-oceans-suggesting-faster-rate-global-warming/ – “Over the past quarter-century, Earth’s oceans have retained 60 percent more heat each year than scientists previously had thought, said Laure Resplandy, a geoscientist at Princeton University who led the startling study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. The difference represents an enormous amount of additional energy, originating from the sun and trapped by Earth’s atmosphere — the yearly amount representing more than eight times the world’s annual energy consumption… In the scientific realm, the new findings help resolve long-running doubts about the rate of the warming of the oceans before 2007, when reliable measurements from devices called “Argo floats” (correction: actually they are called Argo buoys) were put to use worldwide. Before that, differing types of temperature records — and an overall lack of them — contributed to murkiness about how quickly the oceans were heating up… The new research does not measure the ocean’s temperature directly. Rather, it measures the volume of gases, specifically oxygen and carbon dioxide, that have escaped the ocean in recent decades and headed into the atmosphere as it heats up. The method offered scientists a reliable indicator of ocean temperature change because it reflects a fundamental behavior of a liquid when heated.” (emphasis added) Comment: The article mentions the Argo “float” system where these automated devices in the oceans everywhere constantly descend 2000 ft. and return to the surface to broadcast their direct temperature measurements. The article doesn’t mention Argo measurements again, as these measurements directly contradict the assertions the article is selling. The last highlighted section shows the BS sleight-of-hand where “scientistic” flim-flam tries to make a big lie seem plausible. Real measurements by satellites and the Argo buoys now show the Earth is cooling, as are the oceans. But, GLOBAL WARMING!!!
MD “Blows Lid Off” Microwave Industries Not Measuring Cumulative EMFs/RFs Before Initiating 5G At Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing – by Catherine J. Frompovich – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/md-blows-lid-off-microwave-industries-not-measuring-cumulative-emfs-rfs-before-initiating-5g-at-michigans-5g-small-cell-tower-legislation-hearing.html – “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now: there is no question. We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, neuropsychiatric effects…5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful; we know it from the science. In academics, this is called human subjects research.” -Dr. Sharon Goldberg
The EU’s Link Tax Will Kill Open Access and Creative Commons News – by Cory Doctorow – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/the-eus-link-tax-will-kill-open-access-and-creative-commons-news.html – “One of these proposals is Article 11, the “link tax,” which requires a negotiated, paid license for links that contain “excerpts” of news stories. The Directive is extremely vague on what defines a “link” or a “news story” and implies that an “excerpt” consists of more than one single word from a news-story (many URLs contain more than a single word from the headline)… Article 11 is so badly drafted that it’s hard to figure out what it bans and what it permits (that’s why we’ve written to the trilogue negotiators to ask them to clarify key points). What can be discerned is deeply troubling.”
Merkel To Step Down As CDU Leader In Dramatic Move – by Tyler Durden – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-29/merkel-step-down-cdu-leader-after-disastrous-election-results – “Angela Merkel will not seek re-election as chair of Germany’s ruling CDU party, effectively standing down as leader of the Christian Democratic Union, a post she has held for 18 years, after a disastrous performance by her party in regional elections in the German state of Hesse on Sunday badly dented her authority, and followed an ultimatum by her junior coalition partner, the SPD which also suffered a devastating loss in latest elections.”
US intel budget soars under Trump – from Agence France Presse – https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-intel-budget-soars-under-trump-171530902.html – “Spending on civilian and military intelligence jumped by 11.6 percent to $81.5 billion in fiscal 2018, which ended on September 30, according to the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence… Spending for the National Intelligence Program, which spans some 16 agencies including the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, some defense operations and reconnaissance from space, rose to $59.4 billion from $54.6 billion in fiscal 2017… The Military Intelligence Budget came in at $22.1 billion, up from $18.4 billion in fiscal 2017.”
Russia Is Ready To Shoot Down Any US Plane Coordinating UAV Attacks On Hmeimim Air Base – Russian Lawmaker – https://southfront.org/russia-is-ready-to-shoot-down-any-us-plane-coordinating-uav-attacks-on-hmeimim-air-base-russian-lawmaker/ – “…according Vladimir Shamanov, head of the lower parliamentary house’s defense committee, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Airborne Troops… ‘In case of another U.S. drone attack on Russian Military Base in Syria, Russia is ready to shoot-down that plane,’ Shamanov said… Shamanov’s remarks followed an announcement by the Russian Defense Ministry that a US Posiedon-8 reconnaissance plan coordinated a drone strike attack on the airbase… As soon as the reports regarding the drone attacks were made in January 2018, the Pentagon rejected any accusations that US forces were involved in them. Spokesman Marine Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway said on January 9 that ‘any suggestion that U.S. or coalition forces played a role in an attack on a Russian base is without any basis in fact and is utterly irresponsible.’ ”
Swedish Central Bank Makes U-Turn on Cash as NIRP is Ending -by Don Quijones – https://wolfstreet.com/2018/10/26/nirp-fades-swedens-central-bank-makes-u-turn-on-cashless-society/ – “It is a dramatic u-turn for a country that not so long ago was further along the path toward eliminating cash than just about any other advanced economy. Sweden was the first European country to enlist its citizens as largely willing guinea pigs in a brave new economic experiment — negative interest rates. But a negative interest rate policy (NIRP) has its limits with consumers as long as cash remains an alternative; hence the efforts to eliminate cash.” (emphasis added)
Backlash Against War on Cash Reaches the Bank of Canada – by Don Quijones – https://wolfstreet.com/2018/10/20/backlash-war-on-cash-cashless-society-bank-of-canada/ – Comment: Well written, with good brief analysis of the dilemmas around the push for a “cashless society.”
From the Blast-From-The-Past Desk: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans – For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs … – by John Hudson – https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/
For the Week of 10/22/18:
MI5 to take over in fight against rise of UK rightwing extremism – by Vikram Dodd – https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/oct/28/mi5-lead-battle-against-uk-rightwing-extremists-police-action – Comment: This is upping the strategy of tension. If this were the U.S., the MI5 remit would include the Q “anons.”
Azov Sea Resolution Adopted: European Parliament Takes Another Swipe at Russia – by Alex Gorka – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/10/26/azov-sea-resolution-adopted-european-parliament-takes-another-swipe-russia.html – “The European Parliament (EP) has adopted a resolution calling for tougher sanctions from the European Union (EU) against Russia, should the situation in the Azov Sea continue to deteriorate. The document states that the Kerch bridge was built illegally, therefore the EP welcomes the council’s decision to impose restrictive measures against the companies involved in its construction. It suggests the creation of the position of special envoy on Crimea and the Donbass region in order to monitor the development of events there. And it warns about wider security implications that directly affect the EU. It demands that Russia ‘immediately end the intensive and discriminatory inspections of vessels and to consider, if necessary, appropriate countermeasures.’ ”
Crows Can Build Compound Tools Out of Multiple Parts, And Are You Even Surprised – by Michelle Starr – https://www.sciencealert.com/crows-are-so-smart-they-can-make-compound-tools-out-of-multiple-parts – “We already knew that corvids – crows and ravens – are capable of reasoning cause and effect, solving multi-step puzzles, planning for the future and even fashioning simple tools out of sticks and paper… But making compound tools is something that has only ever been observed before in primates – specifically, humans and and great apes… Even young humans take several years to be able to learn this skill, because cognitively speaking, it’s actually quite complex. It requires the ability to anticipate the properties of objects, and to be able to mentally map the consequences of putting them together prior to doing so.”
Why Some Scientists Say Global Warming Is Out and Global Cooling Is In – by Justin Haskins and H. Sterling Burnett – https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/10/why_some_scientists_say_global_warming_is_out_and_global_cooling_is_in.html – ” The prestigious academic journal The Lancet published a paper in 2015 that considered health data provided by 13 countries. The examination of 74 million deaths in the study revealed cold weather indirectly or directly kills 1,700 percent more people than warm weather. This strongly suggests that even if humans are responsible for making global climate warmer, they will end up being much better off over the next 30–40 years than they would otherwise be in a colder climate, assuming Zharkova’s theory is correct.”
JoyCamp Presents ‘Conspiracy Guy: QAnon!’ (8 min)
Bolton Says Russia Should “Stop Interfering” In US Elections And “Get Out” Of Crimea And Donbass – https://southfront.org/bolton-says-russia-should-stop-interfering-in-us-elections-and-get-out-of-crimea-and-donbass/ – “In an interview with Reuters in Georgia’s Tbilisi, Bolton once again accused Russia of interfering in US elections, and claimed that it should get out of Crimea and Donbass… ‘It will be helpful if they [the Russians] stop interfering in our election … get out of Crimea and the Donbass in Ukraine … stop using illegal chemical weapons to conduct assassination attempts against Russian exiles in the West, and if they would be less intrusive in the Middle East,’ Bolton said…Bolton’s remarks, which include both unfoncrirmed speculations (like assasinations and interfering in US elections) and demands to Russia to abandon its national foreign polciy in key regions, show that the US does not understand or does not want to understand the key motivations behind Moscow’s actions. In the current complicated international situation, this hostile behaviour is openly leading for a further escalation between the US and Russia.”
The Farewell Words of Alexander Hug: The People Living in Donbass Are the Most Resilient I Have Ever Seen – http://www.stalkerzone.org/the-farewell-words-of-alexander-hug-the-people-living-in-donbass-are-the-most-resilient-i-have-ever-seen/ – “What I have seen – I haven’t seen this elsewhere really – is that the people in the Eastern part of Ukraine are very resilient. And most importantly – and amazingly, in fact – they haven’t developed hate, as I have seen developing in other countries. I can’t predict the date of the end of this conflict, I know that the military aspect of the conflict can be ended rather quickly. And I certainly know that it is not a conflict between the people, and that the decision is a political decision, and nothing else.”
Northeastern Syria. Kurdish Anarchy and Sultan Erdogan Dreams – by Firas Samuri – https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/10/24/northeastern-syria-kurdish-anarchy-and-sultan-erdogan-dreams/ – “It (is)worth noting that the illegal practices of Kurds are also underway in other cities in northeastern Syria both in Raqqa and Hasakah provinces. Under the pretext of fighting sleeping cells of ISIS, Asayish security service personnel burned down some glossary stores in Suwaidan Jazira village, whose owners had refused to pay taxes in favour of the Kurds. The meetings of locals, which broke out in response to this outrage, were dispersed with the use of weapons. During the action, several people were killed, including women and children.” – Comment: The Kurds have again drunk the American Kool Aid (ignoring such actions as the U.S. aerial attack on SDF forces a couple of weeks ago that allowed ISIS to raid a village/refugee camp in the Eurphrates Valley and kidnap 700 civilians including Western aid workers) and now seem to believe that they can ethnically cleanse and take a huge chunk of Northeastern Syria to realize their dreams of a Greater Kurdistan. This cannot end well.
Privacy Expert Resigns From Alphabet-Backed Smart City Project Over Surveillance Concerns – by Jennings Brown – https://gizmodo.com/privacy-expert-resigns-from-alphabet-backed-smart-city-1829934748 – ” ‘I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance,’ Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, wrote in her resignation letter from Google sister company Sidewalk Labs, reports Global News… A year ago, Waterfront Toronto enlisted Alphabet-backed Sidewalk Labs to create a plan for a smart city neighborhood in the city’s Quayside development. As a consultant for the endeavor, Cavoukian developed a plan called Privacy by Design that was meant to ensure that citizens’ personal data would be protected… But the project has faced skepticism and criticism from the start. In an op-ed published earlier this month, former BlackBerry CEO Jim Balsillie referred to the development as ‘a colonizing experiment in surveillance capitalism attempting to bulldoze important urban, civic and political issues.’ ”
“Polio-like” illness continues to spread across the U.S. and is now far more widespread than previously reported – by JD Heyes – https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-10-23-polio-like-illness-continues-to-spread-across-the-u-s.html – “The NY Daily News reported that children in 22 states have been affected by the condition as health authorities continue to assess its spread and effects… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, not known as a bastion of truth, says that so far this year there have been 62 confirmed cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis. The first known outbreak of the virus occurred in 2014 but has since reemerged as authorities identified and confirmed 50 cases of the condition between August and October in even-numbered years, the paper reported online… The condition very often begins as what appears to be a respiratory infection but progresses from there very quickly. Over the course of just a few hours, patients have increased difficulty breathing as one or more limbs become paralyzed and they develop a “flaccid weakness,” according to medical definitions of AFM.”
US Central Command Says It Has No Problems With Killing Civilians In Syria If They Are In ISIS-Held Area – https://southfront.org/us-central-command-says-it-has-no-problems-with-killing-civilians-in-syria-if-they-are-in-isis-held-area/ – ” ‘The determination that was made by the leadership on the ground that this was this mosque was not being used as a mosque,” Votel told reporters traveling with him in Qatar, according to AP. ‘These aren’t hastily made decisions.’.. Additionally, the US-led coalition said that the targeted building was not used as a mosque. The coalition even claimed monitoring of the building “made us aware” of when only ISIS members were present. But this version does not explain dozens of killed civilians there, which are confirmed by both pro-Damascus and pro-opposition sources: the Syrian state news agency SANA and the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).”
Suppressed News of the Ongoing Trial of Monika Shaefer: News of the trial of Monika Shaefer is almost impossible to find. Monika, a Canadian who was arrested at the 3rd trial against courageous German Lawyer Sylvia Stoltz. Sylvia had already served 2 prison sentences – Her first conviction was for insisting on presenting actual evidence at the trial of her client Ernst Zundel, who had published evidence and questions about the history around the events known as “The Holocaust” in Canada, from which he was extradited to Germany under German laws. Stolz’s second conviction was for an amazing speech she gave at a conference in Switzerland in 2012 (for which she received AN 8 MINUTE standing ovation). Monika Shaefer was arrested outside the courtroom in February during a special recess held for her arrest on the first day of Sylvia’s trial in February this year.
Monika was arrested for making a 6 minute video in Canada as an apology to her dead mother for blaming her mother for the failure of the German people to stop the crimes of the Nazis, including the supposed extermination camps, against the Jews. According to this article: https://dailyarchives.org/index.php/reports/1896-imprisoned-in-germany-canadian-woman-on-trial-in-munich-for-questioning-the-holocaust , at least 2 complaints had been made against her video to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. From the article: “B’nai Brith, a Canadian Jewish supremacist group, alerted an intermediary in Germany who then went to police about the video, said Aidan Fishman, a director with the organization. He said that when Schaefer visited the country, she would have been on their radar.”
Monika’s brother Alfred was similarly arrested at the first day of his sister’s trial, and was also indicted for “incitement to hatred,” and they are both in the middle of a trial which has gone on since July. Here is another link from the same source posted by jollydee, from later the same day of the trial in the 2nd week of September – This second video was published Sept. 21, and is the last information I’ve been able to find using the main search engines on the trials: News from the Schäfer-Trial – Day 14a | ACTIVISM –
There seems to be a massive blackout of information on Monika and Alfred’s arrests and prosecutions. I can find no published media information on them since August this year. How can such suppression of these very significant cases be maintained and enforced? The “truth” about the persecution of the Jews during WWII can only be official state history. Anything else is a crime under German statutes that have been enforced against people anywhere in the world. As covered in the video posted above, Jewish organizations in Europe and even in Israel are active in enabling these prosecutions, slander and libel trials, government enforced taking down of websites in Canada, and of course vilification of anyone trying to ask unfortunate and proscribed questions.
Again, if anyone wants to start to dig into this huge phenomenon of mass human behavior, Gerard Menuhin (son of the great violinist Yehudi – meaning Jewish – his mother wanted to make his tribal affiliation overt – Menuhin) wrote a phenomenal major work Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, that starts off covering the destruction of German society following WWII, and then ranges far afield, into past deep history, current events and much more. For me it was a gripping read even at 420 pages.
Breaking News! I just discovered that Menuhin’s book has apparently been banned at Amazon.com, where I bought it a few months ago, and also at used book site ABE Books.. It’s still available at Alibris (for now). AND you can (for a brief time, I suspect) download it for free(!) from google at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-US2sVY7OfzVHZhRFBlMmZQeDQ/view – If you’re at all interested, I would recommend doing it now. Talk about book burnings…
OMG! Just when you thought Elizabeth Warren’s spin on her backfired DNA test couldn’t get more hilarious… – https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2018/10/22/omg-just-when-you-thought-elizabeth-warrens-spin-on-her-backfired-dna-test-couldnt-get-more-hilarious/?bt_alias=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiAiMWRkMTFmNTgtN2I1ZS00NmRjLTk4OWEtZjRhZTA0ZDlkY2MyIn0%3D – “Elizabeth Warren says she took DNA test to help rebuild “trust in government” https://cbsn.ws/2NXH7uH… Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Sunday that she changed her mind recently and took a DNA test proving her heritage because Americans’ trust in government is “at an all-time low” and she wanted to help rebuild it by being transparent. The incumbent Massachusetts senator spoke at her second debate against Republican state Rep. Geoff Diehl in the U.S. Senate race… In that case, mission UNaccomplished!”
U.S. Withdrawal From Cold War-Era Missile Treaty Would Be A ‘Dangerous’ Step, Russia Says – https://www.rferl.org/a/trump-pullout-inf-russia-reagan-gorobachev-nuclear-treaty/29554782.html – “The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) prohibits the United States and Russia from possessing, producing, or deploying medium-range, ground-launched cruise missiles, with a range of between 500 kilometers and 5,500 kilometers… ‘We’re going to terminate the agreement and we’re going to pull out,’ Trump told reporters on October 20 during a campaign stop in Nevada, adding that Washington will not let Russia ‘go out and do weapons [while] we’re not allowed to.’.. ‘We’ll have to develop those weapons, unless Russia comes to us and China comes to us and they all come to us and say let’s really get smart and let’s none of us develop those weapons,’ the U.S. president added.” – Comment: Interestingly, the original title of this article was Trump Declares U.S. Will Withdraw From Cold War-Era Missile Treaty, ignoring the Russian reactions to dropping the treaty. Using the headline phrase “Cold War-Era” is implying that it’s somekind of quaint relic of a bygone era. It has been widely reported that John Bolton has been pushing Trump to withdraw from the treaty. It’s speculated, based on belicose statements made by him, that Bolton is interested in clearing the way for a potential nuclear first strike against both Russian and China, who are being ginned up as both critical threats to U.S. security and as general enemies of human progress toward a uni-polar world. Which, of course, begs the question of just how decisions would be made, and by whom, in such a “World of Peace.”
For the Week of 10/15/18:
“Putin’s Puppet” Advances Nuclear Missile Escalations Against Putin – by Caitlin Johnstone – https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/10/21/putins-puppet-advances-nuclear-missile-escalations-against-putin/ – ” ‘This is why John Bolton shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near US foreign policy,’ tweeted Senator Rand Paul in response to early forecasts of the official announcement. ‘This would undo decades of bipartisan arms control dating from Reagan. We shouldn’t do it. We should seek to fix any problems with this treaty and move forward.’.. …They didn’t shut the fuck up when this administration helped expand NATO with the addition of Montenegro, at the assigning of Russia hawk Kurt Volker as special representative to Ukraine, at the shutting down of a Russian consulate in San Francisco and throwing out more Russian diplomats in August of last year, when Trump threw out dozens of diplomats in response to shaky claims about the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, or when he implemented aggressive sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Why would they shut the fuck up now?”
From the Wake-Up-And-Smell-The-Apocalypse Desk: Trump ‘Confirms’ He’s Pulling US Out Of Nuclear Deal With Russia – by RT – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50479.htm – ” ‘We are going to terminate the agreement and then we are going to develop the weapons’ unless Russia and China agree to a new deal, Trump said on Saturday… Russia has repeatedly said it will keep strictly observing the INF treaty as long as the US does. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in October 2017 that any withdrawal from Washington would see an “immediate and mirror-like” response from Moscow.”
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RT France, Paris Match and Le Figaro – http://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/3377331?p_p_id=101_INSTANCE_cKNonkJE02Bw&_101_INSTANCE_cKNonkJE02Bw_languageId=en_GB – This looks like the transcript of this whole very good interview. Cynthia and I watched the entire interview on YouTube up to the point where the closed caption translation ended a little over 1/3 of the way through. I guess the staff at Google got tired, or maybe Lavrov was saying too much that contradicts the Atlanticist narrative.
Syria: One Year Since the Battle for Raqqa and the US and UK Refuse to Accept Responsibility for Civilian Deaths – by Dr. Leon Tressell – https://www.globalresearch.ca/syria-one-year-since-the-battle-for-raqqa-and-the-us-and-uk-refuse-to-accept-responsibility-for-civilian-deaths/5657258 – “On 10 September the US Department of Defence sent its ‘final response’ to Amnesty International stating that the US refuses to accept any liability for civilian deaths caused by its air/artillery strikes and that it would not compensate families of the ceased or survivors. Nor would the US be prepared to investigate the massive loss of civilian life that was caused by its massive and indiscriminate bombing of the city… The UK whose air force claims that it struck 216 ISIS targets in Raqqa has also issued the same blithe statements denying any culpability for the deaths of civilians. On 15 October Amnesty International noted that the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD)* is still, “repeating ‘incredible’ claim its own Raqqa air strikes killed zero civilians.”
Russian Specialists Are Converting S-300PM Systems Delivered To Syria Into S-300PMU-2 Favorit Version – https://southfront.org/russian-specialists-are-converting-s-300pm-systems-delivered-to-syria-into-s-300pmu-2-favorit/ – “The S-300PM version uses domestic Russian codes and letter frequencies, which can’t be shared with any other country. However, the S-300PMU-2 Favorit is the export version, which will allow Syria to use its own codes and letter frequencies and integrate the systems into its air defense network.” – Comment: I wonder if this has anything to do with the U.S./Israeli mission to the Ukraine to study the older S-300 systems Russian gave to them before the Maidan coup?
Trump Reverses Ban on GMOs and Bee-Killing Pesticides in Refuges – by Jessica Corbett – https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/08/trump-reverses-ban-gmos-bee-killing-pesticides-refuges.html – Comment: I guess Draining the Swamp® requires neonicotinoids on hand.
The Paradoxical Spring Of Hope – Now, in October 2018, I see hope rising. It is legitimate hope, backed by the power of transformation in us all – by Josh del Sol Beaulieu – https://takebackyourpower.net/the-paradoxical-spring-of-hope/ – “While on the surface the world has gone crazy, I am so encouraged to see so many brothers and sisters not shirk back from the faceless forces of intimidation, but instead to stand in their power, in grace, in truth, and in allegiance to life.”
Militants Once Again Violate Deconflication Agreement Shelling Aleppo City – https://southfront.org/militants-once-again-violate-deconflication-agreement-shelling-aleppo-city/ – “On October 18, militants violated shelled the city of Aleppo killing at least one civilian and causing material damage, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far… A local source told SouthFront that over 40 rockets and mortar rounds hit the districts of al-Shahba, al-Zahra, al-Nile, Mugambo, al-Sabil and Halab al-Jadidah in the northern and western parts of Aleppo. According to the source, the shelling lasted for longer than usual.”
US To Impose New Sanctions On Russia Every 1-2 Months: Kurt Volker – https://southfront.org/us-to-impose-new-sanctions-on-russia-every-1-2-months-kurt-volker/ – “Volker stated that Washington has ‘tried to increase the pressure we are putting on Russia in order to get them [Russian leadership] to negotiate toward a solution.’.. The appraoch of the Trump administration includes keeping sanctions in place and increasing those sanctions periodically over time…. ‘The European Union has shown great resilience in terms of their [sanctions against Russia] of preservation,’ Volker said… Separatelty, he emphasized that the weapons supplies to Ukraine are also a part of this strategy because Ukraine has the “right of self defense”.”
Putin Highlights Need For Collective Restoration Of Syria’s Economy – https://southfront.org/putin-highlights-need-for-collective-restoration-of-syrias-economy/ – “ ‘An arrangement was made to continue cooperation for the purpose of making the Syrian political process more active,’ the Russian leader said. ‘The task now is that the constitutional committee in Geneva should be formed and start working,’ Putin said. ‘At the same time, it is important to undertake collective efforts for recovery of the Syrian economy in order to create comfortable conditions for the purpose of refugees’ return,’ he added.”
U.S. Planning To Impose Sanctions On Iranian, Russian Companies Involved In Reconstruction Of Syria – https://southfront.org/u-s-planning-to-impose-sanctions-on-iranian-russian-companies-involved-in-reconstruction-of-syria/ – “The Trump administration is developing a new strategy to deal with the growing Iranian and Russian influence in Syria, NBC News reportd on October 16 citing defense officials. According to the report, the new plan will include a further increase of political, economic and diplomatic efforts to force Iran out of Syria and to punish Russia for its support to the Assad government… ‘It would withhold reconstruction aid from areas where Iranian and Russian forces are present, according to three people familiar with the plan. The U.S. would also impose sanctions on Russian and Iranian companies working on reconstruction in Syria,’ NBC News said.” (emphasis added)
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Was Mentored Every Two Months By Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger – by Patrick Wood – https://www.technocracy.news/un-ambassador-nikki-haley-mentored-every-two-months-by-trilateral-commissioner-henry-kissinger/ – “According to Harper’s Magazine, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley recently delivered a speech to the elite and secretive Council for National Policy (CNP). On October 4, Haley had previously resigned her UN assignment as of the end of 2018… ‘While learning on the job at the UN, Haley said, she sought out Henry Kissinger as her personal foreign policy mentor, meeting with him every two months to absorb his lessons. During a tense diplomatic standoff with North Korea, she appeared to have embraced a version of Kissinger and Nixon’s notorious “madman theory.” ‘ [from Harper’s – emphasis added]
Moscow ‘ready for larger-scale provocations’ by the West, says Lavrov (video excerpts from Sergey Lavrov interview with RT France, Paris Match & Le Figaro – 2 1/2 min) – https://www.rt.com/news/441577-lavrov-rt-france-interview/ – Full interview (turn on closed captions for translation – 1hr 15min): https://youtu.be/co8s0egftsc
Putin Handles Corruption like a Boss (8 min) – I’ve now seen a dozen or so videos of sessions like these between Putin and various project managers.
Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! – James Corbett responds to the recent super-dire IPCC report about accellerated warming (as the Earth cools) (23 min)
Mueller assembles team of cooperators in Russian probe – by Morgan Chalfant – https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/411938-mueller-assembles-team-of-cooperators-in-russian-probe – “Special counsel Robert Mueller has assembled a list of figures cooperating with his Russia investigation that could provide him with substantial insight into the workings of the Trump campaign… Mueller’s ability to turn associates of President Trump into cooperators has been a key facet of his investigation, lending strength to a probe that has pressed on for nearly a year and a half amid withering public scrutiny… ‘If they have struck a deal where they’re going to cooperate, then that’s a pretty good indication that special counsel’s office believes they have something worth cooperating over,’ said Jack Sharman, a former special counsel to Congress for the Whitewater investigation… Bloomberg, citing anonymous officials, reported Wednesday that Mueller is expected to issue findings on his inquiries into collusion and obstruction of justice after the elections, under pressure from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to complete the probe as quickly as possible.” (emphases added) – Comment: It seems that “cooperators” are people facing extortion from a powerful corrupt organization. Saying that Mueller’s “findings” will be released after the midterm electons strikes me as a kind of silent dog-whistle to steel the determination of the Trump Opposers to produce election results to undermine the administration.
American Mercenaries Were Hired To Assassinate Politicians In The Middle East – “There was a targeted assassination program in Yemen. I was running it. We did it.” – by Aram Roston – https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan
David Duke Meets Jared Taylor and Michael Hart – by Jonas E. Alexis – https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/10/12/david-duke-meets-jared-taylor-and-michael-hart/ – “Taylor’s worldview here obviously puts him in direct conflict with people like David Duke and Kevin MacDonald, who write prolifically that Jewish ideological and subversive movements have weakened much of the political infrastructure in America and elsewhere. In Fact, MacDonald has an entire section in his widely read book The Culture of Critique entitled, “The Fall of the Anglo-Saxons.” That particular section indicates that whenever “the new avant-garde ‘ethnic” community” perpetuates its agenda, then the WASP ruling class suffers greatly. MacDonald writes: ‘This was not an imaginary or quasi-ethnic community but an actual community that had as its background a cohesive group of intellectuals dominated by people who were not only Jewish ethnically but also identified as Jews and were motivated at the psychological level by typically Jewish fear and loathing of Anglo-America as the culture of an outgroup. And, at the end of the day, this assault on Anglo-America furthered Jewish goals in displacing Anglo-Saxons as a dominant elite.’ ” – Comment: This is a long, courageous, and extremely well-composed article by Alexis. He is delving into complex and important subject matter. Highly recommended.
Did Saudis, CIA Fear Khashoggi 9/11 Bombshell? – by Finian Cunningham – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50435.htm – “Jamal Khashoggi had long served as a trusted media advisor to Prince Turki, before the latter resigned from public office in 2007. Following 9/11, Turki was the Saudi ambassador to both the US and Britain… A tentative idea here is that Khashoggi, in his close dealings with Prince Turki over the years, may have gleaned highly sensitive inside information on what actually happened on 9/11. Were the Arab hijackers mere patsies used by the American CIA to facilitate an event which has since been used by American military planners to launch a global “war on terror” as a cover for illegal wars overseas? There is a huge body of evidence that the 9/11 attacks were indeed a “false flag” event orchestrated by the US deep state as a pretext for its imperialist rampages. – Comment: Cunningham speaks specifically about the involvement of “Deepstate” power involvement in 9/11, but doesn’t mention a peep about the Israelis.
From the Wake-Up-And-Smell-The-Apocalypse Desk: Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: Transhumanism Agenda Just Went Mainstream – by Truthstream Media (31 min)
Comment: Very important video from Aaron and Melissa
Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline Ideology? – by Anthony Mueller – https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-11/cultural-marxism-americas-new-mainline-ideology – “This theory says that the driving force behind the socialist revolution is not the proletariat – but the intellectuals. While Marxism has largely disappeared from the workers’ movement, Marxist theory flourishes today in cultural institutions, in the academic world, and in the mass media. This “cultural Marxism” goes back to Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) and theFrankfurt School. The theorists of Marxism recognized that the proletariat would not play the expected historical role as a “revolutionary subject.” Therefore, for the revolution to happen, the movement must depend on the cultural leaders to destroy the existing, mainly Christian, culture and morality and then drive the disoriented masses to Communism as their new creed. The goal of this movement is to establish a world government in which the Marxist intellectuals have the final say. In this sense, the cultural Marxists are the continuation of what started with the Russian revolution.” – Comment: Very interesting to see this popping up on the fringe of lamestream discourse.
You’re Telling Me Technology Like This Exists But We’re Still Using Oil, Gas & Coal? – by Arjun Walia – https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/05/07/youre-telling-me-technology-like-this-exists-but-were-still-using-oil-gas-coal/ – “A paper published in the Journal Foundations of Physics Letters, in August 2001, Volume 14, Issue 4 shows that the principles of general relativity can be used to explain the principles of the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG) (source). This device takes electromagnetic energy from curved space-time and outputs about twenty times more energy than inputted. The fact that these machines exist is astonishing, it’s even more astonishing that these machines are not implemented worldwide right now. It would completely wipe out the entire energy industry, nobody would have to pay bills and it would eradicate poverty at an exponential rate. This paper demonstrates that electromagnetic energy can be extracted from the vacuum and used to power working devices such as the MEG used in the experiment. The paper goes on to emphasize how these devices are reproducible and repeatable.”
For the Week of 10/8/18:
From the Be-Afraid-Be-Very-Afraid Desk: Gore: Jet Stream ‘Getting Loopier and Wavier,’ So ‘We Have a Global Emergency’ – by Bridget Johnson – https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/gore-jet-stream-getting-loopier-and-wavier-so-we-have-a-global-emergency/ – “Gore was reacting to this week’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in which 91 authors and editors from 40 countries concluded there’s currently a 12-year window to make “far-reaching and unprecedented changes” to avert dramatic effects of global warming… UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the report should be an “ear-splitting wake-up call to the world” as ‘it confirms that climate change is running faster than we are – and we are running out of time.’.. Gore told PBS in an interview aired today that ‘the earmarks of this latest storm… are worth paying attention to.’ ” – Comment: Now why would the jetstream be getting “loopier?” Also, is it loopier than Al Gore?
Doctors are refusing patients unless they sign up for a full vaccine schedule – all to lock-in profits! – by Vicki Batts – https://www.newstarget.com/2016-08-05-doctors-are-refusing-patients-unless-they-signup-for-a-full-vaccine-schedule-all-to-lock-in-profits.html – “So, despite a lack of any evidence that this vaccine is of any use to young children, doctors are not only promoting that it be given to little girls, but are trying to force it on them! Really? The Gardasil vaccine was intended to protect sexually active adult women – not 9- or 10-year-old girls!.. What could be the motivation behind this sick practice of forcing a needless vaccine on young children? Money. In some networks, providers may receive more money if they vaccinate more people. For example, The Liberty Beacon reports that Blue Care Network pays doctors $225 per vaccination. The doctors receive $125 bonus if the service is billed as a “Well-Child Visit,” a CDC-sponsored vaccine tracking service.” (emphasis added)
FDA Approves Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for Adults in the U.S. – by Brian Shilhavy – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/fda-approves-dangerous-gardasil-vaccine-for-adults-in-the-u-s/ – “Granting approval to a vaccine after a “Priority Review” by the FDA in only 3 months is a “fast nod” according to FiercePharma, the market trade publication of the pharmaceutical industry… Merck did not even have to supply any new trials or data to get the vaccine approved for adults, in spite of the fact that the FDA denied their request for 10 years on the older Gardasil vaccine. According to FiercePharma: ‘Because Gardasil 9 and sister shot Gardasil are manufactured similarly, the FDA based the Gardasil 9 decision on results from a study of its predecessor.’.. The study the FDA relied upon to approve Gardasil 9 for adults was considered insufficient for 10 years as the FDA denied Merck approval to market the vaccine to adults…”
Did US and Allies Commit War Crime by Bombing Syria on April 14th? – by Eric Zuesse – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/10/13/did-us-allies-commit-war-crime-bombing-syria-april-14.html – “For the international ‘court’ of public opinion to be applicable, a certain modicum of honesty on the press’s part will therefore be essential. The present article is consequently being submitted to all US-and-allied news-media for publication, broadcast, and public discussion, so as to enable the international ‘court’ of public opinion to function, on this matter (since the US Government blocks the ICC from having jurisdiction over it). The international ‘court’ of public opinion will be able to function only if these news-media publish the case that’s presented here. Otherwise, the public just won’t even have a chance. So, here is that case:…”
Pollution Caused by Wireless Wi-Fi Radiation is Topic of “Wireless Silent Spring” – by B.N. Frank – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/pollution-caused-by-wireless-wi-fi-radiation-is-topic-of-wireless-silent-spring.html – ” Dr. Cindy Russell’s 14-page article, “Wireless Silent Spring” is about environmental harm being caused by sources of wireless Wi-Fi radiation with an emphasis on cell towers. Wi-Fi is microwave radiation – like what cooks food in ovens. It isn’t magical or harmless even though it’s often portrayed that way in marketing as well as TV and film. Insurance companies are aware of this and aren’t interested in covering wireless exposure related illnesses anymore.”
Study: Glyphosate Weed-killer Spreading to Bee Larvae and Threatening World’s Bee Supplies – by Brian Shilhavy – http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/study-glyphosate-weed-killer-spreading-to-bee-larvae-and-threatening-worlds-bee-supplies/ – “Our results show that brood fed with food containing GLY traces (1.25–5.0 mg per litre of food) had a higher proportion of larvae with delayed moulting and reduced weight… Differences in genetic diversity could explain the variation in susceptibility to GLY. Accordingly, the transcription of immune/detoxifying genes in the guts of larvae exposed to GLY was variably regulated among the colonies studied… Consequently, under laboratory conditions, the response of honey bees to GLY indicates that it is a stressor that affects larval development depending on individual and colony susceptibility.”
S-300 vs F-35: Stealth and Invincible Are Not Synonymous – It would take an actual shootout to determine the winner, but the general impression is the F-35s isn’t yet ready for combat, much less to take on capable anti-air missiles – by Andrei Akulov – https://russia-insider.com/en/s-300-vs-f-35-stealth-and-invincible-are-not-synonymous/ri25027
Going Underground: Cell Sites and Other WiFi Radiation Emitting Equipment In Residential Neighborhoods and Everywhere Else – by B.N. Frank – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/underground-cell-sites-wifi-radiation-emitting-equipment-residential-neighborhoods-everywhere.html – Must Watch: Introducing Kathrein Street Connect (90 seconds) – https://youtu.be/xqlAFHHyYME
Re: The relentless drumbeat: UN report on global warming carries life-or-death warning – by Seth Borenstein – http://my.earthlink.net/channel/news/article/top?guid=20181007/4b25527f-cfeb-430e-a844-441a5ba097fc
One might want to take the above in the context of: September the Coldest Month in a Decade – https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/climate/september-the-coldest-month-in-a-decade-must-be-global-warming/ – According to satellite measurements from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Also: https://realclimatescience.com/2018/04/coldest-spring-on-record-in-the-midwest/ and: http://notrickszone.com/2018/09/10/10-new-reconstructions-show-todays-temperatures-still-among-the-coldest-of-the-last-10000-years/comment-page-1/ and: http://www.drroyspencer.com/2018/10/uah-global-temperature-update-for-september-2018-0-14-deg-c/ – and: http://www2.philly.com/philly/news/weather/coldest-april-20-years-philadelphia-weather-global-warming-20180508.html
As always, scientists arguing for the human effects on Earth’s climate do not talk about the effect of Solar activity, magnetic field, etc.
5G tech fast-tracked to get pushed into our homes by next year – by Vicki Batts – https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-09-27-5g-tech-fast-tracked-into-our-homes-by-next-year.html – “For many, the promise of faster internet sounds great, but the real-life implications of 5G extend far beyond internet speeds and data transfer rates. As the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) explains, 5G will feature a host of brand-new technologies, designed to make the internet function at a nearly-seamless speed. As IEEE notes, users of 4G currently experience about a 70 millisecond delay when receiving data. 5G promises to reduce that delay down to just one millisecond… This sounds great, but the cost of such speed will be great: The new technology needed for 5G will rely on millimeter waves, small cells, massive MIMO, or other types of potentially damaging technology, like beamforming. These are some of the “industry favorites” so far, and it seems like all of these “parts” may end up being used in the next generation of the internet. But what does that mean for you?”
From The-US-Military-IS-The-Swamp Desk: (Videos from Florida Maquis channel): *~URGENT NEWS!~* PROOF UNCOVERED(!)CLOAKED WARSHIPS HIDDEN FROM GPS OFF COAST OF VENEZUELA(!) (11 min) – https://youtu.be/ASny4QZG_l0
*ALERT!*BOLIVARIAN GROUND FORCES DEPLOYED (16 min) – https://youtu.be/uANHlzhQn-I – Supporting article: Colombia’s military emerges as a global player in US-led alliance – by Jack Norman – https://colombiareports.com/colombias-military-emerges-as-a-global-player-in-us-led-alliance/
For the Week of 10/1/18:
Worst Job Growth In A Year – Way Below Expectations – by Michael Snyder – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/worst-job-growth-in-a-year-way-below-expectations.html – “In particular, it is absolutely stunning what is happening to homebuilder stocks. They have now fallen for 13 days in a row, and that could be another very clear indication that a housing crash is coming… None of the problems that caused the crash of 2008 have been fixed. It absolutely amazes me that some people think that you can “fix” our economy by tinkering with the tax code a little bit and getting rid of a few regulations. A handful of marginal changes is not going to alter our long-term outlook one bit… The truth is that our economic system requires extensive emergency surgery. We need to abolish the Federal Reserve, abolish the IRS, abolish the income tax and start using currency that is not created by debt. And that would just be for starters. Our current economic system is fundamentally flawed, and in the long-term it is inevitably going to fail. The best that anyone can do in the short-term is to keep inflating the bubbles so that things will hold together long enough until they can become somebody else’s problem… Right now, the only way that we can achieve economic growth is by growing debt at a far faster pace than the overall economy is expanding. That is a recipe for a long-term disaster, and everyone knows that we are in the process of committing national suicide, but nobody is really doing anything to stop it.”
SWEIDA: A Bloody Massacre Barely Registered by Western Media as ISIS Slaughter Innocent Civilians in their Sleep – by Vanessa Beeley – https://21stcenturywire.com/2018/10/06/sweida-a-bloody-massacre-barely-registered-by-western-media-as-isis-slaughter-innocent-civilians-in-their-sleep/ – ” ‘We defended our land and our homes because this land is mixed with the blood of generations of our people. We will not accept that people without morals or humanity can touch this land. We stay, we will stand and defend this land until we die. Our youth killed these terrorists even though they had very old weapons, very simple weapons. The ISIS fighters had modern, expensive equipment but we still killed them.’ said Khaled… Khaled told us that the clashes continued from 4 am until 1pm. Between 4 and 5 am the ISIS fighters took advantage of the sleeping civilians and murdered many of them in their sleep before they had time to warn their neighbours.” – Comment: Other than the kidnapping of more that 20 of the villagers in the Sweida area (and the murder of one of them, a woman, on camera 2 days ago) none of this has been covered by the Deep State Press.
How The U.S. Runs Public Relations Campaigns – Trump Style – Against Russia And China – by Moon of Alabama – http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/10/how-the-us-runs-public-relations-campaigns-trump-style-against-russia-and-china.html#more – “If the European NATO allies, under pressure of the propaganda onslaught, agree to that, the obvious results will be more U.S. control over its allies’ networks and citizens as well as more threats against Russia: ‘NATO’s chief vowed on Thursday to strengthen the alliance’s defenses against attacks on computer networks that Britain said are directed by Russian military intelligence, also calling on Russia to stop its “reckless” behavior… The allegations against Russia over nefarious spying operations and sockpuppet campaigns are highly hypocritical. The immense scale of U.S. and British spying revealed by Edward Snowden and through the Wikileaks Vault 7 leak of CIA hacking tools is well known. The Pentagon runs large social media manipulation campaigns. The British GHCQ hacked Belgium’s largest telco network to spy on the data of the many international organizations in Brussels… International organizations like the OPCW have long been the target of U.S. spies and operations. The U.S. National Security Service (NSA) regularly hacked the OPCW since at least September 2000: ‘According to last week’s Shadow Brokers leak, the NSA compromised a DNS server of the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in September 2000, two years after the Iraq Liberation Act and Operation Desert Fox, but before the Bush election.’ ”
Why ISIS Propaganda Is Still Successful Despite Group’s Defeat In Syria And Iraq – by J.Hawk – https://southfront.org/why-isis-propaganda-is-still-successful-despite-groups-defeat-in-syria-and-iraq/ – “The phenomenon of the ISIS also is a challenge for most of the scholars of “post-materialism” and “post-modernism” who sprang up like mushrooms after the end of the Cold War. The general belief in the West in the 1990s was that, now that the “end of history” was upon us, it meant the end to nationalism, tribalism, identity politics of any kind. Because if identity is constructed, now that world peace was upon us, all of the group identities constructed in the course of earlier centuries and even millennia could be deconstructed and the global society built on the basis of 7 billion atomized specimens of “homo economicus”, rational actors pursuing self-interest framed solely in the terms personal material gain. What the constructivist crowd missed is that the human psyche has a hard-wired need to construct group identities. In the absence of state-sponsored nation-building, non-state actors will naturally rise to fill that void. While this has been a perennial problem for weak and failing states, in the post-Cold War era even the First World countries encountered the problem of identity which they thought they had well in hand.”
S-300s and Other Military Hardware for Syria – by The Saker – http://www.unz.com/tsaker/s-300s-and-other-military-hardware-for-syria/ – Comment: Good analysis of the potential real impacts of recent Russian additions to Syria’s air defenses.
EPA Aims to Weaken Radiation Regulations As FCC Gives Telecoms $2B To Install 5G Everywhere – by B.N. Frank – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/epa-weakens-radiation-regulations-fcc-gives-2b-telecoms-5g.html – ” ‘I salute Commissioner Carr for his leadership in developing this order,’ Pai said today of his fellow commissioner Brendan Carr while discussing a plan to set a federal limit on what local and state governments are allowed to charge telecoms companies to add new 5G mobile cell sites on their property… ‘He worked very closely with many state and local officials to understand their needs and to study the policies that have worked at the state and local level. It should therefore come as no surprise that this order has won significant support from mayor, local officials and state legislatures.’.. There’s only one problem with this statement: it is wholly, provabl(y) incorrect… The Trump administration is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, turning to scientific outliers who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good for you — like a little bit of sunlight.” (emphasis added) – Comment: You can’t make this stuff up…
Court Rules Innocent Pregnant Mother’s Rights NOT Violated When Police Dog Mauled Her – by Rachel Blevins – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/court-rules-innocent-pregnant-mothers-rights-not-violated-when-police-dog-mauled-her.html – “Mancini had to have multiple surgeries, and she said she was left with extensive scar tissue, and she now battles fiery aches and pains on a regular basis. The attack caused her to go into premature labor, and while doctors were able to prevent her baby from being born then, she went into labor again after she had to undergo emergency surgery to remove a golf ball-sized infection in her leg… She said that because of the pharmaceutical painkillers she was prescribed, her son was born with a narcotics addiction, and he spent several weeks in neonatal intensive care as a result… Given the fact that Mancini was an innocent bystander when she was viciously attacked by the police dog, she said the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department promised it would cover all of her medical expenses. However, she filed a lawsuit against the department in August 2016, claiming she had received nothing and her medical expenses had surpassed $100,000.”
Report: Christine Blasey Ford Ally Monica McLean Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Denial of Brett Kavanaugh Assault – by Joel B. Pollack – https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/10/05/christine-blasey-ford-ally-monica-mclean-pressured-leland-keyser-to-change-denial-of-brett-kavanaugh-assault/
“PC Magazine” Fires Author and Relocates Article Citing Health Effects of 5G – by B.N. Frank – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/pc-magazine-fires-author-relocates-article-citing-health-effects-5g.html
How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses – by Brandon Smith – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/how-globalists-plan-to-use-technology-and-poverty-to-enslave-the-masses.html – “The rise of a tyrannical system takes extensive time, planning and staging. Human beings do not simply jump right into the arms of a dystopian nightmare regime impulsively at a moment’s notice. We have been told by popular media that this is how it works; that during hard economic or social conditions men with charismatic personalities and evil intentions suddenly rise to the surface and take power by promising a better world in exchange for public fealty. But where did those economic and social crises come from to begin with? Were they a natural consequence of the era, or were they deliberately engineered?.. The reality is that people must be psychologically conditioned to trade freedom for the illusion of safety. Sometimes this takes generations. Every attempt at a totalitarian framework inevitably elicits a rebellion. Therefore, the most successful tyranny would be one that the public DEMANDS. They have to think it is their idea, otherwise they will eventually fight it.”
Europe’s Forgotten War In Ukraine Rumbles On – by Dr.Leon Tressell – https://southfront.org/europes-forgotten-war-in-ukraine-rumbles-on/ – “…the civil war in Ukraine that is being facilitated by Western imperialism ties in with the massive expansion of NATO up to Russia’s borders and the never ending rounds of sanctions imposed by Washington and the EU upon Putin’s supporters and the Russian economy. There is clearly a more long term objective at play here which is regime change in Russia… This policy of keeping Russia weak has been clearly outlined in the work of Zbigniew Brezezinski who has been the geo-political brain of several presidents including Obama. In his seminal work The Grand Chess Board: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives Brezezinski states that the overriding objective of American foreign policy should be to prevent the emergence of a rival to its dominance over the Eurasian landmass.”
Israel To Use Its F-35I Jets To Counter Syrian S-300 Systems: Media – https://southfront.org/israel-to-use-its-f-35i-jets-to-counter-syrian-s-300-systems-media/ – ” ‘This is the most expensive weapon in the world, and it’s the most advanced airplane in the world. Israel paid 125 million for each plane, and the Defense Ministry purchased 50 of the Model A planes… Our planes are called the F-35I. Eight of the planes have already landed in Israel and 33 are expected to arrive by 2021.’.. Whether or not the F-35’s ‘stealth’ capabilities will be effective in real battle conditions is yet to be seen as, in the past, the aircraft, on top of hundreds of bugs and glitches in its systems, was experiencing radar problems, as reported by RT… In May 2018, Israel claimed that it had become the first country to carry out airstrikes with F-35 fighter jets… ‘We are flying the F-35 over the entire Middle East and that has become part of our operational capability,’ Israeli Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin said then. ‘We were the first in the world to attack with the F-35. The Israeli Air Force has twice carried out strikes with the F-35, on two different fronts.’ ”
From Jim Stone – – “CORRECTION TO THE BELOW: Sessions will not be appearing before a grand jury, he will be appearing before the Committee on the judiciary, AND BLOCKBUSTER!! HE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE UNTIL EVERYTHING ASKED FOR IS PRESENTED. THAT MEANS DETAINMENT IF HE SCREWS THIS UP!!! MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. BLOCKBUSTER: NOT A HOAX: TRUMP SUBPOENAED SESSIONS TO APPEAR BEFORE A GRAND JURY TOMORROW, WHERE HE WILL BE FORCED TO SHOW UP WITH THE TOTALLY UNREDACTED DOCUMENTS – THIS IS LEGIT FOLKS, IT IS RIGHT HERE ON THE HOUSE JUDICIARY WEB SITE. – Here is the relevant text: This could not be copied so I had to transcribe it. Above this text, it tells Sessions he has to show up at NOON TOMORROW, OCTOBER 4th!.. “In accordance with the attached instructions for responding to Judiciary Committee document requests, you are required to produce the following documents in un-redacted form: 1. All documents and communications (commonly referred to as the “McCabe Memos”) written by former Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Andrew McCabe to memorialize discussions, meetings, or correspondence he had with senior government officials, including the President of the United States… 2. The “Woods file” related to the application for (and subsequent renewals of) a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) order authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The term “Woods file” includes, but is not limited to, any document concerning or relating to any attempt to verify the accuracy of any alleged facts stated in the FISA applications for Mr. Page… 3. All documents and communications shared with the Gang of Eight in May 2018 related to the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Below: Must Watch – Understanding our EMF Crisis – The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal (33 min) – This comes from the researchers Aaron and Melissa Dykes of TruthStream Media – This video vastly transcends the relatively sidelined issue of the mysterious Eugene Signal, which briefly flared up in the U.S. public awareness back in the late 1970’s. It covers in some detail the institutional suppression of the potentially devastating harms, and emotional and behavioral manipulations caused by EMF radiation below the Western militaries’ fabled 10 microwatts per square centimeter maximum threshold for human exposure to these frequencies. I think it’s a truly masterful public documentation of these phenomena and the mindsets driving the current moment in the “advancement” of society through technology. –bruce.reid
“Digital Strip Searches” Increasing at Borders; Refusal Could Lead to $5K Fine – by Nicholas West – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/digital-strip-searches-increasing-at-borders-refusal-could-lead-to-5k-fine.html – “Aside from the invasion of personal privacy, access to banking is an interesting point to introduce. In fact, this could greatly impact the ability to travel with cryptocurrency between borders. The rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies stored on digital devices as “wallets” as a safe means of traveling with large funds across borders makes this ruling particularly “Draconian,” according to Bitcoin.com: ‘While preventing terrorists and other dangerous criminals from gaining entry is a justifiable reason for profiling and potentially searching new arrivals, it’s also used as a dragnet exercise. From cypherpunks to activists, anyone deemed vaguely anti-government – despite presenting no physical threat to the state – are prone to being hauled up for interrogation. Laptop inspected. Cell phone scrutinized. And now, password demanded.’ ”
My sinister battle with Brett Kavanaugh over the truth – by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (saved from behind the UK Telegraph’s paywall at:) https://www.yahoo.com/news/sinister-battle-brett-kavanaugh-over-202425923.html – “Mr Kavanaugh went on to write the Starr Report on the Foster death. But Mr Knowlton got the last word, literally. He filed a 511-page report at the US Federal Court with evidence alleging a pattern of skullduggery, and asked that it be attached to the Starr Report… The three top judges did not agree but they ordered that a shorter 20-page version be attached at the end, despite vehement protest from the Starr office. This had never happened before in the history of the office of the independent council… This summary asserts that the FBI had “concealed the true facts”, that there had been witness tampering, and that the report had wilfully ignored facts that refuted its own conclusions. There it sits in perpetuity, a strange rebuke for Mr Kavanaugh by his own fellow judges on the federal bench.” Comment: Of course, the Forces of Light will make this all clear to the American public shortly.
US Military in Syria Ready for Long-Endurance Mission – by Arkady Savitsky – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/10/02/us-military-in-syria-ready-for-long-endurance-mission.html – “Evidently, Washington has made a decision to stay in Syria for a long time. It needs an alliance to support it militarily and diplomatically. Using the Iran threat” bogey to lead the MESA will restore the US image as an indispensable nation in the Middle East after unimpressive operations in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan as well as other countries America has intervened into on a much smaller scale in recent years. The Astana process led by Russia, Turkey and Iran opens promising prospects for a peaceful solution of Syria’s conflict. Another scenario is Syria turning into a battlefield between US-led and Israel-supported MESA and Iran. It will certainly spill over to encompass Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. The bigger is the fire of war the more “indispensable” will the US become, reaping all the benefits of being the leader of the anti-Iran coalition.” – Caveat: Unless, of course, the Forces of Light root out worldwide corruption in the foreseeable future.
Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Reorganizes Its Forces Into Three Armies – https://southfront.org/hayat-tahrir-al-sham-reorganizes-its-forces-into-three-armies/ – “Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the formation of these armies is one of several steps HTS is taking before announcing its stand on the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement on the government of Idlib… Syrian opposition sources revealed that an internal disagreement has emerged between the “moderate” and “radical” wings within HTS leadership over accepting or rejecting the deconfliction agreement… The fact that the radical wing within the HTS is against the agreement and these new military measures suggest that the radicals are preparing for war, not for peace.” – Comment: This means that the “Moderate Terrorists” are positioning themselves to reject the joint Turkish-Russian “deconfliction zone” initiative designed to prevent the Syrian Arab Army’s invasion of Idlib, with Russian air support.
That sign telling you how fast you’re driving may be spying on you – by Justin Rohrlich – https://qz.com/1400791/that-road-sign-telling-you-how-fast-youre-driving-may-be-part-of-a-us-government-surveillance-network/ – “According to recently released US federal contracting data, the Drug Enforcement Administration will be expanding the footprint of its nationwide surveillance network with the purchase of “multiple” trailer-mounted speed displays “to be retrofitted as mobile LPR [License Plate Reader] platforms.” The DEA is buying them from RU2 Systems Inc., a private Mesa, Arizona company. How much it’s spending on the signs has been redacted… Two other, apparently related contracts, show that the DEA has hired a small machine shop in California, and another in Virginia, to conceal the readers within the signs.” – Comment: Hopefully the Forces of Light will be reversing the Surveillance State programs toute suite. Otherwise, I have some black spray paint…
Muslim country, Catholic country, Jewish country celebrate Talmud at UN. No joke – by Ben Sales – https://www.timesofisrael.com/muslim-country-catholic-country-jewish-country-celebrate-talmud-at-un-no-joke/ – “Five centuries ago, the Talmud was burned in a public square in Rome. Eighty years ago, the Italian government allied itself with the Nazis. Today, that government is spending millions of dollars to make sure Italians can read the Talmud in their native language… In another sign of how times have changed, the three diplomatic representatives at the event, as well as the project’s chief executive, were all women. Nearly all of the people quoted in the Talmud are men… Albania, where Italian is widely spoken, enjoys good ties with Israel and takes pride in its record in rescuing Jews during the Holocaust… ‘Projects like the Babylonian Talmud Translation open a new lane in intercultural and interfaith dialogue, bringing hope and understanding among people, the right tools to counter prejudice, stereotypical thinking and discrimination,’ said Albania’s United Nations ambassador, Besiana Kadare, at the event. ‘By doing so, we think that we strengthen our social traditions, peace, stability — and we also counter violent extremist tendencies.’ – Comment: I wonder how accurate this translation of the “Babylonian Talmud” will be if it is to “counter prejudice, stereotypical thinking and discrimination” and “strengthen…social traditions (of) peace (and) stability” ? Somebody ponied up many millions of dollars to bring this project to fruition…
From the I’m-Sure-This-Horse-MUST-Be-Dead Desk: Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford ran mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research funded by foundation linked to “computational psychosomatics” neuro-hijacking (UPDATE 1) – by Mike Adams – https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-10-01-kavanaugh-accuser-christine-blasey-ford-ran-mass-hypnotic-inductions-of-psychiatric-subjects.html – “Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, which some claim are run by the CIA. We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a “CIA undergraduate internship program” which is described in full at this Stanford.edu recruitment page for the CIA. The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, ‘You will be given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US officials who make our country’s foreign policy.’..We can also now confirm that Ford is listed as a co-author of a study that carried out mass hypnosis and mind control on psychiatric subjects under the banner of “psychoeducation,” covered in more detail below.”
Iran Looks on as Israeli Arrogance Forces Putin’s Hand – by Elijah J. Magnier – https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/syria-crisis/2499-iran-israeli-arrogance-putin.html – “Israel’s politico-military leadership was not embarrassed to inform Russia only one minute before its attack on the Latakia warehouse manufacturing spare parts of the Syrian M-600, the equivalent of the solid fuel precision missile Fateh-110. Moreover, Tel Aviv misinformed Russia’s Hmaymeem coordination centre, claiming that the Israeli attack would come from the east. The Russian command instructed the IL-20 to move west and land at the airport to avoid being caught in a cross fire. But the Israeli F-16 jets arrived from the west and not the east, leading to the downing of the IL-20 and the death of the 15 Russian servicemen… Russia’s efforts at a balanced position have met with Israeli abuse. President Assad told his Russian homologue – during their last conversation – that Israel, under the pretext of hitting Hezbollah arms convoys, is destroying the Syrian army’s infrastructure, preventing it from recovering. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been undermining Putin in punishment for the neutral stand the Russian president has been trying to adopt.”
For the Week of 9/24/18:
Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment – by Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt – https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/21/us/politics/rod-rosenstein-wear-wire-25th-amendment.html – “Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes in interviews over the past several months, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments… None of Mr. Rosenstein’s proposals apparently came to fruition. It is not clear how determined he was about seeing them through, though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment.” – Comment: I hope everyone interested in “Russiagate” and the Q material has had a chance to read this important article from the NYT. Contains many pertinent links.
The Stock Market Just Crashed In Italy, And Argentina Has Panic-Raised Interest Rates To 65 Percent – by Michael Snyder – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/09/the-stock-market-just-crashed-in-italy-and-argentina-has-panic-raised-interest-rates-to-65-percent.html – “While the mainstream media in the United States continues to be obsessed with all things Kavanaugh, an international financial crisis threatens to spiral out of control. Stock prices are falling and currencies are collapsing all over the planet, but because the U.S. has been largely unaffected so far the mainstream media is mostly choosing to ignore what is happening. But the truth is that this is serious… The financial crisis in Italy threatens to literally tear the EU apart, and South America has become an economic horror show. The situation in Brazil continues to get worse, the central bank of Argentina has just raised interest rates to 65 percent, and in Venezuela starving people are literally eating cats and dogs in order to survive. How bad do things have to get before people will start paying attention?.. On Friday, Italian stocks had their worst day in more than two years, and it was the big financial stocks that were on the cutting edge of the carnage…”
Reddit Now “Quarantining” Users Who Question 9/11—Direct Users to Gov’t Site Instead – by Matt Agorist – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/09/reddit-now-quarantining-users-who-question-9-11-direct-users-to-govt-site-instead.html – “It is an indisputable fact that the United States government lies repeatedly to the citizens of the United States. They have been caught countless times deceiving the American people and Reddit wants you to get your information solely from them in regards to one of the most controversial and deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil. What’s more, the government themselves has admitted that their path to investigate 9/11 was tainted with corruption and cover-ups and the government was already exposed lying about it.”
Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk – by Ellen Brown – https://www.shiftfrequency.com/central-banks-have-gone-rogue-putting-us-all-at-risk/ – “[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.” – Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
Weaponizing Space Time – by Joseph P Farrell – https://www.shiftfrequency.com/weaponizing-space-time/ – “The Suter ELINT systems we have today, created by the Air Force’s “Big Safari” program, have advanced much further since 2007. They can secretly invade and control an enemy’s air defense radar systems, move their sensors and create a blind spot, and show normal air traffic screens while our fighters, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or bombers are approaching their targets undetected. We can show them recordings of normal air traffic patterns from last week. We can also show them screens with unidentified aircraft coming at them when none exist in their airspace. That gives our intelligence people the opportunity to track and record their response to a perceived (but false) attack, discover their command and control structure, DF (direction find) their SAM (surface-to-air missile) locations when they come up, intercept their communications traffic, and RFP (radio fingerprint) their transmitters (each one identified with a specific military unit). Once we have that information, we can further manipulate space and time, from our enemy’s perspective, and shroud them in a debilitating “fog of war.” (Emphasis added by Farrell)”
Congressman Exposes Gov’t Using “Human Trafficking” Act to Warrantlessly Spy on Innocent Citizens – by Rachel Blevins – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/09/congressman-exposes-govt-using-human-trafficking-act-to-warrantlessly-spy-on-innocent-citizens.html – “Amash said he believes H.R. 6729 is ‘a disguised effort to expand the Patriot Act. GOP leaders put ‘Fight Human Trafficking’ in the title to conceal the bill’s true purpose: to give the government more power to unconstitutionally spy on law-abiding Americans without a warrant.‘.. In the past, Rep. Amash has been a vocal opponent of legislation that threatens the Fourth Amendment by letting the FBI spy on innocent Americans without a warrant and letting government agencies raid private property without a warrant… While there are already cases where law enforcement agencies have access to the financial records of suspects who are facing certain charges, the idea that police officers—especially those who have gotten away with robbery, extortion, lying, and even murder—would have access to the financial records of innocent citizens before they have ever been charged with a crime is a dangerous concept.”
Turkey Now Controls Syria’s Jihadists – by Eric Zuesse – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/09/25/turkey-now-controls-syria-jihadists.html – “However, after the success of the US-Saudi war against Russia in 1979 by means of spreading Wahhabist and other fundamentalist-Sunni mosques and especially funding and creating mujahideen, Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ultimately ISIS fighters, all against Russia and against Russia’s ally Iran — that is, against the two countries which the Sauds and America’s aristocracy are the most determined to conquer — the Islamist Tayyip Erdogan in 2003 rose finally to power in Turkey, so as to support that US-Saudi cause, against Russia, and against Iran.”
Leave no dark corner – Dandan Fan’s every move will soon be watched and judged by her government, and she’s happy about that. “Social credit” will unite Big Brother and big data to coerce more than a billion people – https://home.nzcity.co.nz/news/article.aspx?id=276358&fm=newsmain%2cnarts – “But social credit will be affected by more than just internet browsing and shopping decisions… Who your friends and family are will affect your score. If your best friend or your dad says something negative about the government, you’ll lose points too… Who you date and ultimately partner with will also affect social credit.”
Sovereignty and securitisation (11 min)
“Ben shares more wisdom on what the heck is going on behind the scenes. How the banks, governments as well as ourselves, without the right knowledge, set traps for our humanity and planet.”
UCC: How to Own Your Strawman – New Earth University invitation to a 3-hour online seminar with Bibi Bacchus this coming Sunday – With a 40 minute video interview with Bibi by Sacha Stone. – https://newearth.university/courses/ucc-how-to-own-your-strawman/
‘Major mistake’: Israel, US warn Russia against giving S-300 missiles to Syria – https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-warns-russia-deploying-s-300-in-syria-would-be-major-mistake/ – “Channel 10 News quoted a senior American official who noted that the system could endanger US Air Force jets operating against Islamic State in Syria… ‘Bringing more anti-aircraft missiles into Syria won’t solve the Syrian army’s unprofessional and indiscriminate firing of missiles and won’t mitigate the danger to aircraft flying in the area,’ the unnamed official said… In ‘his call with Netanyahu, Putin said he disagreed with the Israeli version of events concerning the downing of the Russian plane… ‘The information provided by the Israeli military… runs counter to conclusions of the Russian defense ministry,’ the Kremlin said of (Putin’s) call, adding that the actions of the Israeli pilots had led to the plane being targeted by Syrian air defense systems… ‘This is absurd,’ said Israeli Middle East analyst Ehud Ya’ari on Monday night. ‘The Syrians down a Russian plane and get the prize of an advanced weapons system.’ ” – Note:The Israelis are making repeated accusations that the Syrians used indiscriminate anti-aircraft fire, despite Russian assertions that the Syrian anti-aircraft defenses are integrated with those of the Russian airforce.
Trump War Whore Celebrates Starvation Of Iranian Civilians At MEK Rally – by Caitlin Johnstone – https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/09/24/trump-war-whore-celebrates-starvation-of-iranian-civilians-at-mek-rally/ – “Just when you thought this administration couldn’t get more cartoonishly villainous, Trump lawyer and Simon Bar Sinister stunt double Rudy Giuliani takes to the stage and enthuses about how US sanctions are making Iranian citizens so desperate they are offering to sell their internal organs for $500 in order to stay alive… ‘Probably a fortune in Iran today. This is truly pitiful!’ he crowed triumphantly to the crowd at the Iran Uprising Summit in New York on Saturday, pleased as punch by the US government’s success in torturing everyday Iranians with starvation.”
Dave Janda – Deep State Unhinged – EMP Attack Possible (1hr 6min) – Comment: Another interview with Dr. Dave Janda by Greg Hunter on Sept. 8
North Carolina Woman ARRESTED for Saving 27 Cats & Dogs Without Permission (And How You Can Help) – by Daisy Luther – https://www.theorganicprepper.com/north-carolina-woman-arrested-for-saving-27-cats-dogs-without-permission-and-how-you-can-help/ – “A woman from Wayne County, North Carolina did the right thing during the chaos of Hurricane Florence and she got arrested for it because she didn’t ask the government’s permission… When Tammy Hedges saw that her neighbors had left behind 27 cats and dogs when they fled Hurricane Florence, she jumped into action to save their lives… Hedges, a resident of Wayne County, North Carolina, was taken into custody Friday after providing care to more than two dozen animals – 17 cats and 10 dogs – for owners who had to evacuate before the storm hit… ‘The owners got to evacuate. They got to save themselves. But who’s going to save those animals? That’s what we did,’ Hedges said. ‘We saved them.’ ”
We are already living under many forms of Obama’s “martial law” deep state control: It’s time for Trump to restore America – by Mike Adams – https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-09-24-we-are-already-living-under-many-forms-of-obamas-martial-law-deep-state-control.html – “What most people fail to realize is that we’ve been living under many forms of “martial law” put in place by Obama that are still damaging America and its citizens to this very day. For example: ● The tech giants’ deplatforming of InfoWars, Natural News and other pro-Trump channels is an extremely dangerous form of digital martial law, where citizens who say certain things are not allowed to exist in the online ecosystem. ● The left-wing media, now fully complicit in deep state treason against America, is handed daily marching orders by Obama’s CIA factions that determine what “news” is allowed to be broadcast across America. ● The “media” is not the media. It is the anti-America propaganda arm of Obama’s CIA, which is still in power and still working to destroy this nation. ● Deranged left-wing activists have placed all prominent conservatives under a form of de facto martial law where no prominent conservative can venture out in public without being harassed, threatened or violently attacked by hysterical anti-Trump lunatics. ● The economic sabotage now being committed against InfoWars and other pro-Trump platforms (by PayPal, Citibank and others) is a form of financial martial law, where deep state-driven financial institutions commit selective economic sabotage against targets identified to them by Obama’s CIA. ● Close associates of Trump now routinely find themselves indicted and prosecuted by Robert Mueller under a kind of prosecutorial martial law where only selected political targets are subjected to legal scrutiny while pro-Clinton operatives are granted universal immunity from all crimes (including those crimes committed by Hillary Clinton herself). ● The Obama administration weaponized government agencies against targeted citizens’ groups, deploying the IRS to enforce a selective “taxation martial law” policy of denying tax exempt status against conservative non-profits.”
Yamal LNG’s carriers pass Northern Sea Route in 9 days on way to China – by Nadia Rodova – https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/natural-gas/070618-yamal-lngs-carriers-pass-northern-sea-route-in-9-days-on-way-to-china – “Both tankers were dispatched from the port of Sabetta on the Kara Sea — from the first 5.5 million mt/year train of the Yamal LNG project launched late 2017 — and are now heading towards the Chinese port of Jiangsu Rudong, it said in a statement… ‘The ice-covered part of the route was passed in only nine days with no icebreaking support, thus confirming the outstanding icebreaking capabilities of the Arc7 ice-class vessels,’ it said… Since the start of the year, the project has been loading cargoes every four to eight days aboard its fleet of specialized icebreaker vessels for delivery into Northwest Europe… A total of 33 cargoes have been shipped aboard the fleet of five specialized Arc7 LNG tankers since the start of operations… Some cargoes have remained in Europe, while others were loaded via transshipment onto traditional LNG vessels for onward sailing to more premium markets, particularly in the Middle East and Asia.”
US Imposes Sanctions on China for Buying Russian Weapons: Waging War on All Fronts – by Alex Gorka – https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/09/24/us-imposes-sanctions-china-buying-russian-weapons-waging-war-all-fronts.html – “The sanctions war is pouring even more fuel on the fire. It raises the prospect of the US sanctioning its friends and allies who purchase Russian military equipment. The penalties imposed on Sept. 20 are a warning shot intended for other states on the list of clients, including India, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and the Philippines, among other nations that are willing to sign contracts. India, the largest buyer of Russian-made weapons, and Turkey, a US NATO ally, have already been admonished against doing business with Russian arms exporters. Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to visit Saudi Arabia soon. The planned signing of an S-400 deal would deal a major blow to the United States. Washington hopes that now that sanctions have been imposed on Beijing, Riyadh will change its mind.”
Syrian War Report – September 24, 2018: Rift Grows Among Militant Groups In Idlib (Video 5 min & Transcript) – https://southfront.org/syrian-war-report-september-24-2018-rift-grows-among-militant-groups-in-idlib/
Israel Claims Russian Version Of Il-20 Incident Is Fake – https://southfront.org/israel-claims-russian-version-of-il-20-incident-is-fake/ – “Furthermore, the Israeli military repeated its claims that the Israeli Air Force (IAF) warplanes were in Israeli airspace at the time of the downing of the Russian plane. The Israeli military went on to blame Syria for the incident once again and vowed to continue its operations against Iranian forces in the war-torn country… ‘The IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] will continue to operate in accordance with the directives of the Israeli Government against Iran’s incessant attempts to establish itself in Syria and to arm the terrorist organization Hezbollah with lethal and accurate weapons,’ the Israeli military statement reads.”
Russian EW Systems To Suppress Communications, Radars And Satellite Navigation Of Combat Aviation Attacking Targets In Syria – https://southfront.org/russian-ew-systems-to-suppress-communications-radars-and-satellite-navigation-of-combat-aviation-attacking-targets-in-syria/ – “A few minutes ago Russian defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that a S-300 air defense system will be supplied to Syria within two weeks... Furthermore, the Russian military will employ the following measures: Russian EW systems will supress communications, radars and satellite navigation of combat aviation involved in any attacks; Syrian Air Defense HQs will be equipped with better automated process-control systems, ‘which are only supplied to the Russian Armed Forces.’ This will lead to a better integration of Syrian and Russian military assets operating in Syria and Syrian Air Defense Forces will have better targeting information.”
For the Week of 9/17/18:
EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – by Mike Adams – https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-09-23-emergency-report-signed-executive-orders-reveal-trump-is-planning-mass-arrests-military-tribunals-for-deep-state-traitors-like-comey-clinton-and-obama.html – “As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America and arrest the traitors.).. The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him.” – Comment: TRUST TRUMP!
Turkish Strategy In Syria: Military Operations, Proxies And Idlib Issue (w/Video 35 minutes) – https://southfront.org/turkish-strategy-in-syria-military-operations-proxies-and-idlib-issue/ – “The text below is an extended version of the analyis presented in the video – GENERAL ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION: In order to understand Turkey’s approach toward the conflict in Syria, one first needs to explain the military situation there as of September 2018… There are localized clashes between militant groups led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Latakia and southern Idlib. The Syrian Arab Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces have recently carried out a series of strikes on weapons depots, equipment and UAV workshops and key facilities belonging to militants in southern and southwestern Idlib… These as well as deployment of additional SAA units at the contact line between the militant-held and government-held areas are described by pro-militant sources as clear sings of the upcoming SAA operation to defeat Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda-like factions there.”
Alleged Video Of Staged Chemical Attack In Idlib Is Circulating Online (video 5 min) – https://southfront.org/alleged-video-of-staged-chemical-attack-in-idlib-circulating-online/ – “An alleged video of the staged chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idib is circulating online. According to some pro-government sources, this video is a leaked footage, wihch was filmed by the White Helmets and other pro-militant media organizations in order to accuse the Assad government of carrying a chemical weapons attack in Idlib.”
The United States of America – The Real Reason Why They Are Never Winning Their Wars – by Peter Koenig – https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-united-states-of-america-the-real-reason-why-they-are-never-winning-their-wars/5654433 – “None of these wars, hot wars or cold wars, has ever been won. Nor were they intended to be won. And there are no signs that future US-led wars will ever be won; irrespective of the trillions of dollars spent on them, and irrespective of the trillions to come in the future to maintain these wars and to start new ones. If we, the 191 UN member nations allow these wars to continue, that is. – Again, why is that?”
Honesty in Government!! – My Police State! (2 min) –
WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity – http://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html
Russian response options to the latest Israeli provocation – by The Saker – http://thesaker.is/russian-response-options-to-the-latest-israeli-provocation/ – “Over the past 24 hours the Internet, including this blog, have been flooded with opinion on what everybody and anybody would do if they were in Putin’s boots. Proposals range from declaring an no-fly zone over Syria to, I kid you not, send a couple of Russian SSBNs (subs which carry intercontinental ballistic missiles) off the coast of Israel. Furthermore, since Putin has failed, at least so far, to implement any retaliatory measures, the usual chorus of “Putin is a traitor” has been swamping my poor mods with sanguine expressions of disgust about Putin, Russia and yours truly … I do realize that nothing I say would change the minds of this latter group, but for the rest of us in the real world, a short reality check might be helpful. So, here it is a a short bullet-point format:… Finally, and on a lighter note, did you know that the Russians have, apparently, run out of Novichok gas and that they are now using rat poison to kill daughters of military band leading generals? No?”
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Other Groups Reject Turkish-Russian Agreement To Establish Demilitarized Zone In Idlib – https://southfront.org/hayat-tahrir-al-sham-other-groups-reject-turkish-russian-agreement-to-establish-demilitarized-zone-in-idlib/ – “So, Turkey and the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance have to force the militants to obey the agreement if they seek to enforce the demilitarized zone in time… Pro-militant media outlets have already started spreading speculations that Damascus will not act up to its part of the agreement thus creating a media environment to justify actions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies.”
Child abuse algorithms: from science fiction to cost-cutting reality – Councils trying to harness the power of big data also grapple with its ethical implications – by David Pegg and Niamh McIntyre – https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/sep/16/child-abuse-algorithms-from-science-fiction-to-cost-cutting-reality – “Could a computer program flag a problem family, identify a potential victim and prevent another Baby P or Victoria Climbié?.. Years ago, such questions would have been the stuff of science fiction; now they are the stuff of science fact… Bristol is one place experimenting with these new capabilities, and grappling with the moral and ethical questions that come with them… Gary Davies, who oversees the council’s predictive system, can see the advantages… He argues that it does not mean taking humans out of the decision-making process; rather it means using data to stop humans making mistakes… ‘It’s not saying you will be sexually exploited, or you will go missing,’ says Davies. ‘It’s demonstrating the behavioural characteristics of being exploited or going missing. It’s flagging up that risk and vulnerability.’ ” – Comment: When people are saying things that appear to explain something, but are unclear or ambiguous, it may be a sign that something else is being covered up. “cost-cutting reality”: mind bending.
James O’Keefe Launches ‘Deep State’ Series with State Department Exposé – by Joel B. Pollak – https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/18/james-okeefe-launches-deep-state-series-with-state-department-expose/ – “He also identified with the so-called political “resistance” to President Donald Trump: “Resist everything. … Every level. F*ck sh*t up,” he is shown saying… In a statement at the Project Veritas website, O’Keefe promised more exposés in the coming days: ‘We’ve heard a lot about the Deep State; holdovers from the previous administration resisting change or nameless and faceless bureaucrats slowing things down or leaking secrets in an effort to undermine this administration,” he said. “What is truly striking is their boldness, they are not afraid. They are even boastful about a warped reality, where they won’t get caught and can’t get fired even if they did.’ ”
Russia reveals the MH17 ‘smoking gun’ – Defense Ministry provides missile engine evidence, shifting blame to the Ukrainian military – by Pepe Escobar – http://www.atimes.com/article/russia-reveals-the-mh17-smoking-gun/
Selfish Ledger Video Reveals Google’s Scheme to Direct Human Evolution – by Makia Freeman – http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/selfish-ledger-google-social-engineering/ – ” Google wants a complete ledger of your life – a complete account using extensive data of all your actions, decisions, preferences, movements and relationships. It then wants to use pattern recognition and other tools with this data to direct your life. At first, this so-called Selfish Ledger will be user-driven, but the implication is that soon thereafter it will be driven by the ledger itself (i.e. AI) programmed with “Google’s values” (whatever they are). The deeper meaning of the Selfish Ledger is shocking: Google freely admits that it is aiming for complete species-wide understanding with the Selfish Ledger, and thus to be able to direct human evolution.”
Russian Military: IL-20 Was Shot Down By Syrian S-200 Because Of Israeli F-16s Used It As Cover – https://southfront.org/russian-military-il-20-was-shot-down-by-syrian-s-200-because-of-israeli-f-16s-used-it-as-cover/ – “Konashenkov said: ‘The bombing raid was not far from France’s frigate The Auvergne and in close proximity to the UIyushin-20 plane of Russia’s Aerospace Force that was about to land.’.. ‘We see these provocative actions of Israel as hostile,’ Konashenkov said. ‘Israel did not warn the command of the Russian troops in Syria about the planned operation. We received a notification via a hotline less than a minute before the strike, which did not allow the Russian aircraft to be directed to a safe zone.’.. Israel’s Embassy in Moscow has refused to comment on the Russian statement on the IL-20 incident… Meanwhile, Rusisan forces found the crash site of the downed IL-20. It’s located in the sea 27km west of the settlement of Banias, the province of Latakia. 8 vessels are participating in the search and rescue operation.” (emphasis added) – Note: This article includes a map of the incident.
Russian Defense Minister: Israel Bears Full Responsibility For Downing Of IL-20 Off Syrian Coast – https://southfront.org/russian-defense-minister-israel-bears-full-responsibility-for-downing-of-il-20-off-syrian-coast/ – ” ‘The blame for the downing of the Russian plane and the deaths of its crew members lies squarely on the Israeli side,’ Shoigu said during a convesation with Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on the phone. ‘The actions of the Israeli military were not in keeping with the spirit of the Russian-Israeli partnership, so we reserve the right to respond.’.. On September 4, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) stated that over the last 1.5 years Israel has carried out around 200 airstrikes on Syria using 800 munitions. The scale of the strikes shows Israel’s long-standing intention to remain a powerbroker in the ongoing Syrian conflict. It’s interesting to note that in most of the cases, the IDF strikes led to a further escalation of the war thus making situation more complicated.” (emphasis added)