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Peter Hotez Sends Ominous Message Ahead of RFK Jr.’s Takeover of HHS – What a load of Crap – by The Vigilant Fox – https://vigilantfox.news/p/peter-hotez-sends-ominous-message –
Dr. Peter Hotez is back, this time cranking up the fearmongering. Last week, Hotez declared that a wave of potential pandemics is “coming down the pike,” predicting it will all “come crashing down” on Trump “on January 21st.” – On Friday, Hotez, who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr. on vaccine science, told CNN’s John Berman that polio, mumps, rubella, and other diseases could “come back” if vaccination rates fall… “It doesn’t take much for these diseases to come back. You’ve got to maintain constant vigilance,” Hotez said… “And so all of these [diseases] could look like they’re on their way up and coming back fairly quickly.”
After scaring the daylights out of CNN’s audience, Hotez claimed there is a “coordinated” anti-vaccine “disinformation campaign” and insisted, “there is no relationship with any of these vaccines in autism.” – “And that’s why I get so frustrated with people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,” he added, accusing Kennedy of continually shifting his arguments to undermine confidence in vaccine safety.”