Dear Friends,
Below is an email that I just sent to the apparent Lockdown Partisans of “Democracy for America” at: Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America <> (whose email is below). IMO, this is an example of the kinds of assertive but non-violent actions we can take at this time to begin to stem the tide of neo-fascism spreading over the planet now. — Peace, Bruce
Hello DFA,
Excuse me, but are you paying attentions here? There is powerful evidence that Fauci is a hireling of Bill Gates (who, BTW, is not our friend, far from it), and is involved in a concerted program both to curtail our inherent freedoms and natural rights, and to force toxic and possibly extremely dangerous vaccines, not only on the population of America, but on the people of the entire world.

Please consider looking at some of the rigorous research and great information coming from alternative journalists such as James Corbett, Del Bigtree, Amazing Polly (on youtube), and Spiro Skouras, among many others, that documents the progression of the Vaccine Agenda and its coincidence to the arising of the political philosophy of Technocracy worldwide.
This cleverly marketed Neo-Fascist agenda threatens not only you and your neighbors, but your children, your partners, your parents, your family, and your beloved community. Wake up and see what’s unfolding before your eyes – Before it’s too late.
In Lak’ech,
On 4/13/2020 4:17 PM, Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America wrote:
This is really concerning, Bruce.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is a respected infectious disease expert who has spent decades fighting viruses on the frontlines.
That’s why he’s been leading the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak and become an absolutely critical spokesperson getting actual factual information out to the public — even in press conferences often filled with other Trump administration lies.
Not surprisingly, the right-wing media has been working overtime to defend Trump’s inaction and discredit Dr. Fauci when he contradicts Trump’s lies.
It’s frightening. It’s dangerous. But it’s to be expected from Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of Fox News and the right-wing media.
The problem is Trump listens to them. All of them. And last night, Donald Trump started retweeting their calls for the President to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci himself.
Let’s be really clear: public health experts like Dr. Fauci are exactly who we need to be listening to right now. We have to raise our voices right now to reject any move Trump makes to silence the public health experts working to keep the American people safe.
Sadly, a petition to Trump from you and me isn’t going to stop him, because Trump doesn’t care what we think. But Trump does care what corporate leaders think. He cares what the media thinks. He even cares what some members of Congress think.
The good news is those leaders listen to the public. They care what Americans think even when Trump doesn’t.
It’s time to demand corporate leaders, Members of Congress, and the media make public statements of confidence and support for Dr. Fauci and his role in keeping all Americans safe. Add your name now >>
It’s clear Trump sees anyone who speaks the truth as a threat to his own political standing at a time when listening to experts could make the difference between life or death for so many people.
We can’t let Trump’s ego get in the way of protecting American lives.
Now, more than ever, we need our scientists to lead the way.
It’s up to us to demand corporate leaders, Congress, and the media protect America when the President won’t and demand Dr. Fauci not be silenced.
Thanks for stepping up today to defend facts and truth. With our voices united, we’ll get through this together.
— Charles
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America |