To the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors,
And the People of Santa Cruz County, California
This entire so-called Crisis is proven to have been planned by a corrupt network of influence. There are many excellent researchers who have found the evidence of long-term advance planning by foundations, NGO’s, government agencies, and corporations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Health Organization, the CDC, the Chinese CDC, the Pharma Industry, and elements in both the U.S. and UK governments. This evidence includes multiple staged exercises and detailed plans, including one called EVENT 201 which was held in New York just weeks before the pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China.
This corrupt network of influence is obviously responsible for the eerie coincidence between the measures of control of people that have been implemented not only in various states and localities in the U.S., but in nations all over the world simultaneously, down to the catch phrases such as “social distancing” and “rules” that are used and issued.
These so-called orders that have come from state and local executive and health officials are not only repugnant to our society’s principles of governance, and in direct violation of the people’s unalienable, god-given and natural rights, but are unlawful under our political ethos.
Such orders, even if passed by legislatures, are, under settled Supreme Court rulings, principally Marbury v. Madison, null and void on issuance, having the effect as if they had never been created.
Public officials who create, transmit, and enforce such orders are acting outside both their oaths of office and official capacities, and are acting under color of law. They are therefore personally liable both civilly and criminally.
When an entire social system destroys personal lives and its economy in the name of public health, without any consideration of the morality and collective effects of its actions, it has lost its mandate for existence. You need to end this draconian system of control now, not in stages, or you will face the consequences of your actions.
We are waking up rapidly to what is nothing less than the ongoing creation of an oligarchic tyranny.
We do not consent to any such system of illegitimate control.