(orig. published) January 31st, 2007
“I’ve been having a hard time lately, and it’s largely because of the times. I don’t think I’ve ever regarded this world, or even any other, with less hope than I do now, and frankly it’s costing me. Though bearing the cost feels like an indulgence, because it seems so superfluous to the everyday business of just getting on with things.
Know what I mean? Life goes on regardless of what states we worry ourselves into, and all our effort to understand the forces at play does nothing to keep them in check. However much we know – and who can know how much that is? – knowledge does not change our condition, but adapts us to its accommodation. Charles Fort said “I think we are property.” If so, what becomes of property when it knows it’s property? More pointedly, would it be better if it never knew?”
I’m going to try to express the big news, to whit, the war is over and peace has already done won. Hard to swallow, perhaps, anyway it is for the ME (or imaginary self, as Adyashanti terms it). Adya’s name is way better name than ego, IMO, as it (correctly) has the connotation of some kind of small dream rather than as the ultimate worthy adversary. All we have to do is get over ourselves. Easy.