I wrote the exercise below in response to a friend in a group I belong to, who is convinced that I am stuck in what he characterizes as “the Enemy Construct.” He is sure that by pointing out the damages caused by the actions of people that are now commonly identified as Psychopaths, one must be aligning oneself against them, which he says is “going to war” with them. He thinks that I’m trapped in this opposition and therefore unable to see reality as it is, like he does.
I am responding using one paragraph of things he’s written about what I’ve said in group discussions:
“But you are still stuck in that construct, thinking that is what is going on from the evidence of what you write and comment. Yes it is the same scenario of powers against each other for PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, but public consumption only. Behind that is another team that is equally embedded in each of the same powers, but they are a different team. You all don’t see that because quite frankly you are still stuck in the enemy construct, that they’re all collectively the enemy of the people and the world. They are not the same team. It is a team that has been operating for at least sixty years, that formulated itself in the 1950s, and in reality probably go back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The current events have been planned and strategized for at least those sixty years, a long, slow, patient plan in which many, many, many of the individual players died in many different ways, whether just by expiring their life span or by more violent events. Most knew they would not see the finality in their lifetimes, yet they did it because they knew it had to be done.”
1) re: “But you are still stuck in that construct, thinking that is what is going on from the evidence of what you write and comment.” – I have frequently said that what I’m posting is for peoples’ consideration. Frankly, I don’t think that you do know what my mindset or “construct” is. One can observe that what people acting from either “volition” (action base on their own possibly demented mentation) or from orders from up the chain-of-obedience are doing, is violating the lives of others, regardless of whether the apparent source of the action is from a formal institution or from shadowy overlords. I have been studying deep politics specifically since the early 1970’s, and I’m sure that my view of what’s going on in human relations and beyond is sufficiently nuanced as to encompass anything that you write about – This is why I was attracted to getting involved with [this group] in the first place.
2) re: “Yes it is the same scenario of powers against each other for PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, but public consumption only.” – Don’t you think that basically everything coming from the PTWB (Powers That Wanna Be) is part of a mind-control initiative of one sort or another? It seems to me that none of it is what it appears to be on the surface, everything is calculated to have various different meanings and effects depending on who is hearing or reading it (including, I think, even exalted members of control hierarchies). One of the questions that I think is important now is a version of something being asked almost everywhere in the “alternative media” now: Who (or what) is at the top of the chain-of-obedience? From my viewpoint, it seems that this “Anti-Source” is outside of ANY of the organizations, cults or institutions that can be “constated” (Gurdjieff-talk for hypothesizing an idea to oneself) at a mental level. If you have worked with non-dual philosophy, you may know of the saying: “Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form.” Do you give credence to the idea that the world-of-form arises out of the void, and yet at the same time is not separate from it? I suspect that one of the hallmarks of our so-called evolution that will drive the shift – from the current Cartesian mind-set to the “new paradigm” that you often seem to be hinting at – is the skillful acceptance and use of paradox(es). Personally, I’m quite sure that the material I post, and my pocket-analyses of it, come from varying levels of reality-framing. This doesn’t mean that I’m (seriously) identified with any of these frames (I would also point that our frames are constantly shifting as different aspects of our personalities are emphasized through identification).
3) re: “Behind that is another team that is equally embedded in each of the same powers, but they are a different team. You all don’t see that because quite frankly you are still stuck in the enemy construct, that they’re all collectively the enemy of the people and the world.” – IMO, the teams struggling for control in the world-of-form we apparently inhabit are nested in each other like a set of matryoshka dolls “to infinity,” or to where the edges of the Cartesian reality-set dissolve into formlessness. This does not mean that there are not quite-apparent individuals, acting at every level of the nested systems, who are invested in egoic spells under which they misperceive the other beings sharing their dream-worlds, to the extent that they see them as “The Other.” I would argue that it is only under such a spell that anyone, externalizing The Other in their thinking, can begin to strategize invasive actions against others which, if the aggressor’s wholeness and intuition were intact, they would never contemplate, as their still inner-voice would be screaming at them “Nooooooo!” If this is true, then a major part of our missions in healing ourselves and building the world we will relish living in will be to recognize when we ourselves are projecting out onto our fellow beings as if they are outside of us, and consequently potential threats. It’s axiomatic that for the ego, the only significance of a being projected out in this way is due to the advantages they offer the egoist’s acquisitive dreams, egoically identified with. Again, this does not mean that we cannot see that people in OUR DREAM hold these identifications and are pursuing strategies which have no restraints of ethics or compassion, and that are thus producing harmful effects on our sisters and brothers and on Life itself within the world-of-form. I would argue that a compassionate response to stop the perpetration of these harms doesn’t embody an enemy-construct, as it is ultimately for the good of the aggressors as well as for their apparent victims.
4) re: “It is a team that has been operating for at least sixty years, that formulated itself in the 1950s, and in reality probably go back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The current events have been planned and strategized for at least those sixty years, a long, slow, patient plan in which many, many, many of the individual players died in many different ways, whether just by expiring their life span or by more violent events. Most knew they would not see the finality in their lifetimes, yet they did it because they knew it had to be done.” – I think the team you may be referring to here goes back at least to the Congress of Vienna in 1815, and may have been symbolically book-ended by the collapsing of the British markets in 1815 by Nathan Rothschild, resulting in Rothschild control (begging, of course, the question of what doll-layer was pulling those strings) of British equities and of the Bank of England. However, again, how do we penetrate the nature of the unseen capstone of the Pyramid of Power? If the Paradigm Shift perhaps involves transcending our identification with our own formal natures, and moving more and more into unconditioned being in the present moment, then this hypothesized Anti-Source driver may be (mechanically) running a program of constraining humanity into an exclusively “objective” reality. This may have something to do with energies which are “split out” of The Now (and which become contaminated like stagnant water), which this Anti-Force is using for strictly illusory effects in the world-of-form, to continue to create “facts-on-the-ground” to, perhaps it believes it possible, take absolute control (the ultimate fever-dream of ego) of space time reality, at least within a certain Cartesian playing court. This would be a force that is, in truth, imaginary, based on the mechanical tendencies of ego-nature, remembering that ego itself is actually a phantasm. Yet, at the moment it seems to be the Ruler of the World, even though I would argue that it is not a “real” being, that is to say, emanating out of the Living Void, with a consequent direct connection to Source. So then, beings who have, in whatever ways, allowed themselves to fall into the chain-of obedience, are acting out of habitual behaviors driven by a need to comply with this mechanical system of control. They do not “know” anything had to be done to reach a conscious goal of their own. They know they have to comply, to go-along-to-get-along, regardless of consequences, which are unavoidably severe due to the consideration that their violations of others inevitably manifest as violations of themselves.
How this will all play out, even where we “actually” are in the process, cannot, IMO, be known. I think the greatest gift we can realize is the direct recognition that the Now moment is perfect as it is. And “always will be.”
I hope the above helps to clarify these sometimes thorny issues.
Yours truly, etc.